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Certified Memelord
Ratchet, im telling u the facts that are in front of our face, yet u choose to ignore it. Unless u can explain certain things to me so i can follow ur thought process here on the whole adam lynch.

My word is above everyone, in fact it is law

since when is adam protecting worst a fact?
who confirmed that?


The End and the Beginning
Ratchet, im telling u the facts that are in front of our face, yet u choose to ignore it. Unless u can explain certain things to me so i can follow ur thought process here on the whole adam lynch.

My word is above everyone, in fact it is law

You could read my posts. Every post you make around Adam, to borrow Ekko's prose, reeks of scum. From first establishing what you see as scummy behaviour, and then jumping through logical hoops to justify Adam displaying exactly that. To following after him like some lost lamb. To pointing to "b-b-b-but he claimed to protect worst!!!" when we have absolutely no evidence of this actually having occurred. I mean where does it stop?

I'm not going to spoondfeed you. I've been repeating this stuff all day long. At this point, if Adamdoes indeed flip just hope it's town because you've got nowhere to run if he isn't.
i see got it
if there is a way u can tell me what item u need i can let u know if i ever found it
i already joined the league. do i submit RPS now? this whole thing is confusing
i dont understand the delving equivalent mechanic either
The items I need are called Legendary . I need to collect 10 of those. So if you find a Legendary item I would appreciate a trade.

You submit RPS during the night.


Custom title
You send RPS for items. The better they are, the better the items. If you join my League you automatically get better items. If you get a monkey you automatically win RPS, but if you find one of the items I need it goes to me. Then I get the monkey back. So Ratchet has it until he finds an item I need.
them it might be super beneficial for both of us if i get the monkey i think


Certified Memelord
The items I need are called Legendary . I need to collect 10 of those. So if you find a Legendary item I would appreciate a trade.

You submit RPS during the night.
and how do i enter a zone
pls tell me if i need to submit anything now
i'll make sure yotan does as well


The End and the Beginning
idk man i'm pretty confident he protected me don't have nothing mechanical but i'm pretty sure
Wanna bet you will retract your vote on me in 5 minutes?
If you can prove yourself Adam then I suggest you do so. See I'm not actually going to double down and I don't have so much investment in being right that I'll ignore clear evidence to the contrary. Otherwise this is hot air. Less bloviating, more proving.


they're going berserk,they are too confident rn:kriwhat:
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