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πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³
That was the point of Usopp saying it.
It was an outsiders perspective on how Wano/Japanese people are. (Hyperbolized ofc)
Westerners dont understand humbleness, we value narcissism more than humbleness which is why a humble character like Oden who is willing to humiliate himself to save the innocent is seen in a bad light.
Westerners dont understand humbleness, we value narcissism more than humbleness which is why a humble character like Oden who is willing to humiliate himself to save the innocent is seen in a bad light.
I get what you're saying, but as an American, my perspective is that its a dog eat dog / cut throat world.
Especially since I worked at wall street. It's survival of ourselves first. Which is probably why I vehemently despised Oden.

Gorosei Informer

"hitting the woman" was never necessary.
Remember that there was a panel that when she showed up crying and asking Sanji to not hurt her, we saw Sanji's expression changing to a more serious note? That was more than enough. A woman crying due to a desperate situation in the middle of a battle and Sanji says "fuck off" to her? More than enough. ZERO need for a "slap".
His decisions were based on a misunderstanding. I don't feel like his decisions have any real weight on them once we learn that he wasn't even losing himself in the first place. Could this be some double bait by Oda? Making us think he changed, then no change, to eventually make a change? Shitty ass baiting if that's the case.
At least make that "serious Sanji" panel actually mean something. It's a "Chekhov's gun for dummies" if I ever seen one.
There was a sequence of chapters with no Sanji update at all. Remember that? When he left Black Maria after Robin and Brook rescued him. He went to save the Scabbards. What happened? Nothing. He went for Momo instead. More chapters with no update. Turns out he going to Momo was useless as well because someone else was going there already. Now he had to go to the Live Floor and finally, FINALLY engage in battle against a Calamity, while Jinbe and Franky were fighting Whoswho and Sasaki for who knows how long already and the ENTIRE roofpiece had happened already.

Oda's maneuvering abilities this arc are abysmal, and that's me being "nice". I don't want "gates of justice 2.0". I want new and interesting things.
If Oda decided that this arc is all about recycling other events with slightly different developments, fuck him.
I'm gonna enjoy some pretty fighting panels and that's it. Because, if we really, REALLY go the "Luffy's fruit is not actually the Rubber Fruit" so push some BS mystical prophecy stacking, I'm not looking forward to it at all.
Fuck Kaido's flashback. Gonna waste months following another sad backstory to try create empathy for a shitty ass villain. Just keep drawing pretty fight panels with Gear5 or Awakening and that's it.

Well said man, I can definitely relate to and understand your frustrations here. I genuinely appreciate how unapologetically honest you are and criticisms like these are a godsend for me to not feel so alone in them and "crazy".
I remember we got no Sanji for absolutely ages, several months or so? That was absolutely ridiculous of Oda.
Honestly if I didn't enjoy Queen so much as a character in general and Sanji didn't destroy but embraced the raid suit, I would be even more furious than I have been lately with this arc.

I completely agree with what you've said, it's so cathartic to see it honestly and I'm very grateful for it.

Depending on how next chapter goes, it will be the breaking point for me with OP. Never mind Shanks and Mihawk who I've waited well over a decade to see in their own arcs by now, OP is breaking me bad lately like I'm Walter White/Heisenberg or when Joker broke Batman finally. Not becoming homicidal ofc but more like the Broken Bird trope and just completely fucking fed up with Odas childish decisions and writing.

OP was much better imo when it was far less extreme, grander, convoluted, dragged out, bigger, oversaturated etc. It used to have the most wonderful spirit, charm, atmosphere, adventurousness (is that a word? Lol) or sense of adventure and such.

There is stuff I love post TS but it's far and few between even and I feel like Oda is punishing us instead most of the time.

It's ironic in a series all about ambition and success, that OP is getting crippled by its own over ambitions and success.

It probably makes me a hipster or whatever, but I still appreciate how much simpler and more grounded OP was early on/pre TS.

I've seen other series fall to over ambition and its hard to watch it happen to OP especially, my own personal favourite series growing up and becoming something I cannot recognise anymore.

OP feels so shallow ironically now, so soulless like it's trying too hard, trying too hard to be dramatic, shocking emotional, clever, complex etc.

It feels like a completely different series to me now, like how someone you know and especially love dearly changes and you don't know who they are anymore, there's just this uncomfortable emptiness and unfamiliarity and whatever you had with them is dwindling for dear life/by a string, feather or so or long gone.

Sorry to be so bleak, pessimistic, mood killing and such but Drizzt himself has said some certain Youtubers aren't happy with or less happier with OP for a long time now or at least lately. Outbursts and complaints by certain Youtubers here but especially on Twitter verify this too.
One certain big Youtuber admitted they exaggerate their reactions as expected and feel frustrated with OP.

I'll always feel like I'm trying to push a boulder up a hill to say and argue these points in the OP community, especially outside of here but posts and comments like yours help me massively.

I really wish OP wasn't being milked to absolute high hell and wasn't burdened by giving Dragonball, Bleach, Naruto, Fairy Tail etc fans something to help make up for their series ending and thus focusing their attention on OP now.

I was a fan of Bleach, Naruto and FT and I watched all of them fall apart for their own reasons and it was painful, upsetting and difficult.

Now I feel OP and especially Oda ofc are far too burdened in many ways and affecting for it too. Between that and far too uncontrolled ambition/greed.

OP was always in a league of its own but its gotten to the point where the long hyped Yonkos and their arcs are extremely divisive and widely hated still. Wano, the most hyped arc of OP which was also gassed by the editors and such has turned out to be another Dressrosa for all the wrong reasons and dragging out far more than it did already.
I wanted to see Wano desperately since Thriller Bark was airing. Now I want it long gone and to never see/read/visit again. More so than any other arc before. How the hell did that happen?!

I look at Okami and I see the wasted potential of Wano and OP and it infuriates me. No way in hell I could ever claim to write or do better than Oda, not even remotely close probably but it's tearing me apart to see the current state of OP.

People can call me a hater if they like and as they've done before but ironically they're ignoring my arguments and judging me at a surface level, just like they claim i do to OP.

They have no godamn idea how much I lived, breathed, worshipped this series for many years and I feel somehow I'm also responsible for wanting so much more out of it and from Oda too. After all, isn't Oda also trying to fulfil the overwhelming expectations of his fanbase and try to recapture lightning in a bottle as he did before, to repeat the meteoric rose and success he accomplished before and or maintain it at least?

Champions stagnate, get cocky and vulnerable to newer, hungrier, more youthful/full of life underdogs and that's that's I feel has happened to OP for years now.

These are all just my opinions ofc and I don't expect anyone to read this mega essay too but I really needed to vent so much.

Some certain people convinced me to stay and give the next chapter and Luffy a chance, to still have faith in Oda but we'll see.

If we get a raid failing or a confirmed loss for Luffy at least, I'll genuinely quit this series, not even take that long break I was saying I would lately, I will just absolutely quit and never look back again.

I can't tolerate Odas BS anymore. He's won over me at least and anyone else who has already given up on and abandoned OP. I'm also dangling by a thread and depending on next chapter, I'll either cut that thread myself and fall and move on with my life or I'll climb back up regretfully and continue this rollercoaster of abuse by Oda.

Pre TS may have had similar flaws to post TS ofc but it was far more enjoyable, charming, entertaining, easier to follow and digest and so on.

It's like how I prefer simpler games and movies to more complex, layered and time investment needed games, movies, series etc.

I really miss the spirit pre TS OP had. I could do a massive post or and video on why the timeskip and FMI arc caused me so much despair, anguish, frustration and such and maybe I will soon.

I know if do a video like this though, the OP youtube community will cause at least a figurative blood hunt on me though.

Can't wait for the posters who also spend considerable time on here ironically to say, "just drop the series/stop reading bro", "its not that serious", "touch grass", "muh Shonen manga/teenage boys demographic, muh Japanese cartoons, muh children's story, you're just a hater etc".
All actual insults I've seen on here and elsewhere plentifullly.

OP has some extremely tonal dissonance issues lately and it's driving me crazy too.
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That's why I like Usopp telling Kin and Kiku that their death wishes are extremely dumb.
Depends on the situation.
I believe Kin and Kiku suffer from something called ''survivors' guilt''.
Oden died, with holding all the scabbards above him.
Not only did he want to do it all by himself, he also did not allow the scabbards to do anything in this situation.
I can't find the panel now but didn't one of the scabbards say that they actually 'died' back then?
They even have symbolic graves, they are being referred to as 'ghosts'. Through which Oda wants to show us that emotionally, the scabbards really died back then.
They continued to live for the sole purpose of fulfilling Oden's wish and avenging him.
What an awful take lol, do you read with your eyes open and your brain turned on or not?

This is the kind of trash that has people outside of this forum making fun of Worstgen lol
What an awful take lol, do you read with your eyes open and your brain turned on or not?

This is the kind of trash that has people outside of this forum making fun of Worstgen lol
Yamato pfp = opinion disregarded
That was the point of Usopp saying it.
It was an outsiders perspective on how Wano/Japanese people are. (Hyperbolized ofc)
Wano had been.isolated for so long that they've been boiling on their own juice (Idk if it's understandable what I'm trying to say).
They have no way to re-evaluate themselves anymore.

At the same time, they have grown incredibly superstitious and narrow-minded.
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