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Nah,it is almost certain it was only about BB.
Marco said his body was special after he ate the gura and even further, in Oden flashback we learned that he can't sleep.
There can be several interpretations that don't relate to multiple people living inside him to explain why his body is special, like how Yami creates some form of limitless space inside his body and how that's linked with him using a black cloth to cover Whitebeard before stealing Gura since he's the only tangible Logia. It was also said that people from snowy countries don't sleep so this is not something limited to him.

Gorosei Informer

I wonder when we will get to see Greenbull in action. I also have a bet going on with a friend of mine which face Oda will reveal first, greenbulls or dr. Vegapunks. :milaugh:

Also these 2 individuals that were Admiral position candidates, i mean they have to be strong especially this dudes style looks intentionally different from he common One Piece styles like from a complete different anime. i wonder what inspired Oda to draw him like that. Oda loves his details, that girl has a spider looking tatoo on her leg and the dude has some sort of neklace around his neck cant wait to find out more.

Hahaha, i've been wondering that exact same thing with GB and VP! It's so frustrating lmao.

Yeah, Chaton and Gion were fanmade suggestions that got included by Oda and thus made canon by him, which I extremely appreciate him for doing too! I wonder if he will actually do anything with the, Chaton reminds me of younger Kizaru and Garp's right hand Bogard with his fashion style and seems pretty cool, also kinda reminds of Fujitora and Hyogoro slightly lol.

Gion I actually wanted to be Luffy's mother tbh, I think she would work so well as his potential mother and I'd love his mother to be a former Admiral or at least Admiral-worthy like Gion is ofc. The spider tattoo is something Shakky has I think too? Oh wait its her shirt but I would love to know what it represents and thus what it's for!:

I know Shakky is blatantly inspired by Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction (also love Uma especially in Kill Bill!) but I'm not sure if the spider connects with that in anyway or its a symbol for a secret/underground movement in the OP world, maybe dedicated to helping and thus supporting women? Rescuing and empowering them? Or something more darker/less moral than that?

Post automatically merged:

If anyone hasn't played Okami btw, I STRONGLY recommend it! It will add so much to the experience of this arc and seeing it happen in One Piece FINALLY is such an indescribable, incomparable experience!

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Hahaha, i've been wondering that exact same thing with GB and VP! It's so frustrating lmao.

Yeah, Chaton and Gion were fanmade suggestions that got included by Oda and thus made canon by him, which I extremely appreciate him for doing too! I wonder if he will actually do anything with the, Chaton reminds me of younger Kizaru and Garp's right hand Bogard with his fashion style and seems pretty cool, also kinda reminds of Fujitora and Hyogoro slightly lol.

Gion I actually wanted to be Luffy's mother tbh, I think she would work so well as his potential mother and I'd love his mother to be a former Admiral or at least Admiral-worthy like Gion is ofc. The spider tattoo is something Shakky has I think too? Oh wait its her shirt but I would love to know what it represents and thus what it's for!:

I know Shakky is blatantly inspired by Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction (also love Uma especially in Kill Bill!) but I'm not sure if the spider connects with that in anyway or its a symbol for a secret/underground movement in the OP world, maybe dedicated to helping and thus supporting women? Rescuing and empowering them? Or something more darker/less moral than that?

Man remember when we thought we'd finally get a female Admiral with Greenbull? Then Oda trolled us again with Gion being the female VA who was considered for the position of Admiral... :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:

Gorosei Informer

Man remember when we thought we'd finally get a female Admiral with Greenbull? Then Oda trolled us again with Gion being the female VA who was considered for the position of Admiral... :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:
On god, so true! Oda is definitely fucking with us like he is doing with Smoothie, the ONLY female YC so far unless Devon counts ofc! Idk if Nami counts or even Robin as well? Lmao. Oda even made it worse by making Whitey Bae (I mean Bay lul) part of Whitebeard's main crew and thus a commander of his back in the Oden flashback and like with Vista, still completely irrelevant!

I thought Queen would be a female YC too, that Sanji's main fight would be with "her" but nah Oda's trolling and misogyny persists! Horikoshi may be "Hornikoshi of My Horny Academia" but at least he makes his female characters look badass and get feats a lot more now before he kills them off!

I'm also so ironically salty that he did make Gion and Chaton canon but refused to make them Admirals as they were intended to be by their creators especially because Gion is a woman too ofc!

I'm seriously dreading how he's gonna waste Devon at this rate too, sigh. The lack of female Admiral really pisses me off and Tsuru although Doflamingo does fear and she takes no nonsense from him and is well respected, should still be as impactful and blatantly strong as Garp and Sengoku in her own ways BUT instead she gets a fucking laundy fruit FFS lmao. Oda's misogyny is so fucking blatant instead.

I'm not even a hardcore feminist or so but I'm just tired of seeing authors shit on female characters in Shonen. I know it's normal and thus even typical of Japan to do so but man, I find it poetically and ironically hilarious how some of my favourite Shonen series are written by women and one of them (FMA) stands LEAGUES above most other series by far! I know its very different to other typical Shonen action/battle series, its a very different style but thats also WHY its so GREAT! It's so mature, unapologetic, challenging, heartfelt and such! One of my favourite series ever, not just limited to Shonen or even anime and manga!

I think its influenced by the fact I've seen my mum, grandmother, their female relatives and such work extremely hard and get almost no recognitions, just mistreated, used and abused, put down, made fun of and such and it infuriates me so much as despite being a guy (biologically/literally/physically speaking ofc), I'm tired of seeing people who work hard, both male and female get this shitty treatment including myself and get gaslit by the truly lazy, selfish, heartless, incomepetent, stupid and such but especially purposely lazy and selfish ofc.

There's a lot more I could say and go on about but I won't for a change, I'm too tired atm hahaha plus I don't want to essay dump all the time ofc! Done that plenty enough lately too!

In reality too, a LOT of hard working men and even women ofc are understated, underappreciated, taken for granted and such too ofc though. I always try to be friendly ,appreciative and kind to them too at least give them something good for a change! I really do appreciate anyone who does work hard regardless of who they are, what gender and such.

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On god, so true! Oda is definitely fucking with us like he is doing with Smoothie, the ONLY female YC so far unless Devon counts ofc! Idk if Nami counts or even Robin as well? Lmao. Oda even made it worse by making Whitey Bae (I mean Bay lul) part of Whitebeard's main crew and thus a commander of his back in the Oden flashback and like with Vista, still completely irrelevant!

I thought Queen would be a female YC too, that Sanji's main fight would be with "her" but nah Oda's trolling and misogyny persists! Horikoshi may be "Hornikoshi of My Horny Academia" but at least he makes his female characters look badass and get feats a lot more now before he kills them off !

I'm also so ironically salty that he did make Gion and Chaton canon but refused to make them Admirals as they were intended to be by their creators especially because Gion is a woman too ofc!

I'm seriously dreading how he's gonna waste Devon at this rate too, sigh. The lack of female Admiral really pisses me off and Tsuru although Doflamingo does fear and she takes no nonsense from him and is well respected, should still be as impactful and blatantly strong as Garp and Sengoku in her own ways BUT instead she gets a fucking laundy fruit FFS lmao. Oda's misogyny is so fucking blatant instead.

I'm not even a hardcore feminist or so but I'm just tired of seeing authors shit on female characters in Shonen. I know it's normal and thus even typical of Japan to do so but man, I find it poetically and ironically hilarious how some of my favourite Shonen series are written by women and one of them (FMA) stands LEAGUES above most other series by far! I know its very different to other typical Shonen action/battle series, its a very different style but thats also WHY its so GREAT! It's so mature, unapologetic, challenging, heartfelt and such! One of my favourite series ever, not just limited to Shonen or even anime and manga!

Lmao this is so sad but yet too true. I unironically wonder what the fuck happened to Oda after the TS that made him this way with (fictional) women? He didn't exactly have a positive record before TS too but it was never downright bad like the shit we saw in Punk Hazard with Trashigi or Dressrosa with Rebecca...
BM, Robin and Yamato are our only hopes left :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:

Gorosei Informer

Lmao this is so sad but yet too true. I unironically wonder what the fuck happened to Oda after the TS that made him this way with (fictional) women? He didn't exactly have a positive record before TS too but it was never downright bad like the shit we saw in Punk Hazard with Trashigi or Dressrosa with Rebecca...
BM, Robin and Yamato are our only hopes left :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:
An unhappy marriage and or heartbreak, sexual frustration from a "dead bedroom" or the fact he works way too hard and much to have "happy marriage" and even "happy endings" lmaooo.

Seriously though, I have talked about before how he has 2 teenage daughters that were born in 2006 and 2009 and he was extemely happy to be a father and of them but given he was working up to 21 hours a day and has spent literally over half his lifetime working on OP now, that must be fucking up his family life so much? Missing his daughters growing up, not being there for his wife romantically, to support her and just have a normal relationship/marriage too.

God the shit with Tashigi and Rebecca, I was losing my marbles over that as you can clearly see now hahaha. Also the Robin scene with the Tontattas. There's fanservice and then there's going to extremes, crossing lines and such. OP really feels like it became like Fairy Tail, Tenjo Tenge, High School DxD and other ecchi type series except like actual ecchi, we don't see nips but can still see plenty enough without them like Erza's "anti magic armour" or whatever in FT and just with all the ecchi in FT too lol.

OP is meant to be getting more mature and serious but it feels like it's regressed in that way and some other ways in writing and visual depiction, both in the manga and especially the anime too.

I am glad he made Yamato so strong and competent and BM is finally getting the shine she deserves, even though there are such huge plot holes including the literal one she fell into with her "defeat" ofc. I was vastly losing hope but Yamato appeared to save the day and yet idiots insist on claiming she is male and wants to be which is like another Kiku type situation where a woman has to be male to be strong then? We are already struggling for strong women and them to have screentime and feats and people want them to be male instead? SMH! I appreciate the trans respresentation with Kiku but I still honestly rather she was female to begin with, I don't feel Oda was doing this for particularly "noble" reasons given how he still writes women, how he BRUTALLY PICKED ON Kiku anyway and how he still writes and handles the Okamas, which Morley is further proof of too ofc and maybe even Queen tbh? I mean the guy calls himself Queen ffs lmao. Did Kaido suggest that or Queen himself? Kaido really wanted to call a guy and his next YC, "Queen"?! SMH.

I've suspected Oda has serious issues with women post TS and even Hori is showing signs of it lately, he's got some intense love hate relationship with his own female characters in MHA atm, whereas he was just doing the usual Oda and other Shonen authors type BS before.

Oda also trolled us by making Yamato agree to what Luffy's request to leave him and Kaido alone, one of the stupidest moments of this arc and the story imo. Kaido would have potentially lost or at least been much closer to losing if they had both fought him? Make it like a Law and Luffy vs Doffy situation but that did come down to Luffy soloing Doffy eventually too though because it is the Luffy show after all ofc! Despite how much Oda wanks Law and Zoro (swordsmen generally even ofc), Luffy still reigns supreme over them too because he is the future PK too ofc!

You are right too, Oda is "down bad" bigtime post TS. Maybe the overworking is making him hornier too, like it does to other authors and animators in anime studios who add in more horn to series. Or he's doing it purposely to just try to boost sales and get all the horny teenagers this series is aimed at specifically to take more interest into OP especially given how long running it is and has only gotten much worse since then ofc?

But despite that, I still dont get why BM hasn't de-aged herself or been de-aged and he isn't maximising the SHEER horn potential, the immense fanservice opportunity with her, he drew her to look absolutely amazing and then just barely shows that era of her? GTFO LOL! Even logically/narratively, BM making herself younger and to her physical prime would make so much sense too for combat ofc! But maybe she feels she doesnt need it? She doesnt seem to get heart attacks/problems like Whitebeard did and other older characters than her aren't having health issues either so idk lmao.

Oda frustrates me so much, it just feels like he's being purposely vindictive/trolling us, maybe out of his own personal various frustrations too.

Robin vs Maria was more hornier than I was expecting too although it was a very pleasant surprise too hahaha! At this point, it really feels like Oda wants to do hentai, never mind just an ecchi! Ecchi-ro Oda indeed!
An unhappy marriage and or heartbreak, sexual frustration from a "dead bedroom" or the fact he works way too hard and much to have "happy marriage" and even "happy endings" lmaooo.

Seriously though, I have talked about before how he has 2 teenage daughters that were born in 2006 and 2009 and he was extemely happy to be a father and of them but given he was working up to 21 hours a day and has spent literally over half his lifetime working on OP now, that must be fucking up his family life so much? Missing his daughters growing up, not being there for his wife romantically, to support her and just have a normal relationship/marriage too.

God the shit with Tashigi and Rebecca, I was losing my marbles over that as you can clearly see now hahaha. Also the Robin scene with the Tontattas. There's fanservice and then there's going to extremes, crossing lines and such. OP really feels like it became like Fairy Tail, Tenjo Tenge, High School DxD and other ecchi type series except like actual ecchi, we don't see nips but can still see plenty enough without them like Erza's "anti magic armour" or whatever in FT and just with all the ecchi in FT too lol.

OP is meant to be getting more mature and serious but it feels like it's regressed in that way and some other ways in writing and visual depiction, both in the manga and especially the anime too.

I am glad he made Yamato so strong and competent and BM is finally getting the shine she deserves, even though there are such huge plot holes including the literal one she fell into with her "defeat" ofc. I was vastly losing hope but Yamato appeared to save the day and yet idiots insist on claiming she is male and wants to be which is like another Kiku type situation where a woman has to be male to be strong then? We are already struggling for strong women and them to have screentime and feats and people want them to be male instead? SMH! I appreciate the trans respresentation with Kiku but I still honestly rather she was female to begin with, I don't feel Oda was doing this for particularly "noble" reasons given how he still writes women, how he BRUTALLY PICKED ON Kiku anyway and how he still writes and handles the Okamas, which Morley is further proof of too ofc and maybe even Queen tbh? I mean the guy calls himself Queen ffs lmao. Did Kaido suggest that or Queen himself? Kaido really wanted to call a guy and his next YC, "Queen"?! SMH.

I've suspected Oda has serious issues with women post TS and even Hori is showing signs of it lately, he's got some intense love hate relationship with his own female characters in MHA atm, whereas he was just doing the usual Oda and other Shonen authors type BS before.

Oda also trolled us by making Yamato agree to what Luffy's request to leave him and Kaido alone, one of the stupidest moments of this arc and the story imo. Kaido would have potentially lost or at least been much closer to losing if they had both fought him? Make it like a Law and Luffy vs Doffy situation but that did come down to Luffy soloing Doffy eventually too though because it is the Luffy show after all ofc! Despite how much Oda wanks Law and Zoro (swordsmen generally even ofc), Luffy still reigns supreme over them too because he is the future PK too ofc!

You are right too, Oda is "down bad" bigtime post TS. Maybe the overworking is making him hornier too, like it does to other authors and animators in anime studios who add in more horn to series. Or he's doing it purposely to just try to boost sales and get all the horny teenagers this series is aimed at specifically to take more interest into OP especially given how long running it is and has only gotten much worse since then ofc?

But despite that, I still dont get why BM hasn't de-aged herself or been de-aged and he isn't maximising the SHEER horn potential, the immense fanservice opportunity with her, he drew her to look absolutely amazing and then just barely shows that era of her? GTFO LOL! Even logically/narratively, BM making herself younger and to her physical prime would make so much sense too for combat ofc! But maybe she feels she doesnt need it? She doesnt seem to get heart attacks/problems like Whitebeard did and other older characters than her aren't having health issues either so idk lmao.

Oda frustrates me so much, it just feels like he's being purposely vindictive/trolling us, maybe out of his own personal various frustrations too.

Robin vs Maria was more hornier than I was expecting too although it was a very pleasant surprise too hahaha! At this point, it really feels like Oda wants to do hentai, never mind just an ecchi! Ecchi-ro Oda indeed!
Ngl just reminds me of what most weekly mangaka authors have done tbh. I’ll be more pissed about it if he fucks up the arcs of Nami and Robin in the end
Oh hell yes! You are speaking my mind loud and clear here! That's exactly how I feel about Zephyr, SO GOATED! Film Z is such a masterpiece due to him, Aokiji's relation with him and the music and final scene of that film...Such a powerful, tragic film.

I love Shiki but my god, I wholeheartedly agree there! I need Zephyr to be canon regardless and if it means not getting Shiki to be canon, that's completely fine! Ideally both would be canon along with Tesoro but not Bullet for me as I hate him lmao. Although I might kinda warm up to him if I watch Stampede properly finally lol. Mr Broly of One Piece or so, feels like Roger's equivalent of Kaido as well in a way.

I would love Zephyr or Kong to play that role, I was thinking when we were talking about Kong earlier, about how he could have influenced Sengoku, Garp and whoever else potentially too! Kong really seems like a badass and fascinating to me! I laugh so hard at the Bleach x One Piece crossover someone did where he plays the part of Isshin and saves Ichigo from "Sosuke PWNGOAT D Aizen" who is Sengokus goat as Aizen lmfaooooo! This was made many years ago but still goated, pun intended ofc!:

Wait a minute....EVIL SANJI?!!?!:


@YASER @Hedfi @Doggo @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Peroroncino @Thururu @Kagurashii @Bango🍅 @DKI @solis @Jaguark101

Not sure who else to tag but feel free to tag more people to show these too! Anyone who might enjoy them haha!
Le Comedie :ihaha:
An unhappy marriage and or heartbreak, sexual frustration from a "dead bedroom" or the fact he works way too hard and much to have "happy marriage" and even "happy endings" lmaooo.

Seriously though, I have talked about before how he has 2 teenage daughters that were born in 2006 and 2009 and he was extemely happy to be a father and of them but given he was working up to 21 hours a day and has spent literally over half his lifetime working on OP now, that must be fucking up his family life so much? Missing his daughters growing up, not being there for his wife romantically, to support her and just have a normal relationship/marriage too.

God the shit with Tashigi and Rebecca, I was losing my marbles over that as you can clearly see now hahaha. Also the Robin scene with the Tontattas. There's fanservice and then there's going to extremes, crossing lines and such. OP really feels like it became like Fairy Tail, Tenjo Tenge, High School DxD and other ecchi type series except like actual ecchi, we don't see nips but can still see plenty enough without them like Erza's "anti magic armour" or whatever in FT and just with all the ecchi in FT too lol.

OP is meant to be getting more mature and serious but it feels like it's regressed in that way and some other ways in writing and visual depiction, both in the manga and especially the anime too.

I am glad he made Yamato so strong and competent and BM is finally getting the shine she deserves, even though there are such huge plot holes including the literal one she fell into with her "defeat" ofc. I was vastly losing hope but Yamato appeared to save the day and yet idiots insist on claiming she is male and wants to be which is like another Kiku type situation where a woman has to be male to be strong then? We are already struggling for strong women and them to have screentime and feats and people want them to be male instead? SMH! I appreciate the trans respresentation with Kiku but I still honestly rather she was female to begin with, I don't feel Oda was doing this for particularly "noble" reasons given how he still writes women, how he BRUTALLY PICKED ON Kiku anyway and how he still writes and handles the Okamas, which Morley is further proof of too ofc and maybe even Queen tbh? I mean the guy calls himself Queen ffs lmao. Did Kaido suggest that or Queen himself? Kaido really wanted to call a guy and his next YC, "Queen"?! SMH.

I've suspected Oda has serious issues with women post TS and even Hori is showing signs of it lately, he's got some intense love hate relationship with his own female characters in MHA atm, whereas he was just doing the usual Oda and other Shonen authors type BS before.

Oda also trolled us by making Yamato agree to what Luffy's request to leave him and Kaido alone, one of the stupidest moments of this arc and the story imo. Kaido would have potentially lost or at least been much closer to losing if they had both fought him? Make it like a Law and Luffy vs Doffy situation but that did come down to Luffy soloing Doffy eventually too though because it is the Luffy show after all ofc! Despite how much Oda wanks Law and Zoro (swordsmen generally even ofc), Luffy still reigns supreme over them too because he is the future PK too ofc!

You are right too, Oda is "down bad" bigtime post TS. Maybe the overworking is making him hornier too, like it does to other authors and animators in anime studios who add in more horn to series. Or he's doing it purposely to just try to boost sales and get all the horny teenagers this series is aimed at specifically to take more interest into OP especially given how long running it is and has only gotten much worse since then ofc?

But despite that, I still dont get why BM hasn't de-aged herself or been de-aged and he isn't maximising the SHEER horn potential, the immense fanservice opportunity with her, he drew her to look absolutely amazing and then just barely shows that era of her? GTFO LOL! Even logically/narratively, BM making herself younger and to her physical prime would make so much sense too for combat ofc! But maybe she feels she doesnt need it? She doesnt seem to get heart attacks/problems like Whitebeard did and other older characters than her aren't having health issues either so idk lmao.

Oda frustrates me so much, it just feels like he's being purposely vindictive/trolling us, maybe out of his own personal various frustrations too.

Robin vs Maria was more hornier than I was expecting too although it was a very pleasant surprise too hahaha! At this point, it really feels like Oda wants to do hentai, never mind just an ecchi! Ecchi-ro Oda indeed!
Yeah I don't want to turn this in another Let's analyze Oda's personal life thread but I heavily suspect Oda's this vindicative towards female characters probably due to essentially being sexually frustrated. I'm not a marriage counselor but despite the awful work schedule Sheiusha gives him, I think he also partially has to blame himself for ignoring his marriage life to such extent (Oda himself said that his wife's legit angry at him for basically ignoring her requests and focusing only on his work)
Yeah I don't want to turn this in another Let's analyze Oda's personal life thread but I heavily suspect Oda's this vindicative towards female characters probably due to essentially being sexually frustrated. I'm not a marriage counselor but despite the awful work schedule Sheiusha gives him, I think he also partially has to blame himself for ignoring his marriage life to such extent (Oda himself said that his wife's legit angry at him for basically ignoring her requests and focusing only on his work)
Yeh. Still since Zou it’s improved a bit I’ll give him that. Still needs to fix up

Gorosei Informer

Ngl just reminds me of what most weekly mangaka authors have done tbh. I’ll be more pissed about it if he fucks up the arcs of Nami and Robin in the end
Yeah for real 100%. Given how much more interesting and controversial Sanji's further backstory with Germa and such, it makes me wonder why we don't know Usopp's full name (I think he's a Marshall or Montblanc or may be related to both potentially), Namis actual parents and full name, Robins father, Franky's parentage and why he was abandoned/thrown overboard and so on, it makes me want to know about them so much more too but also fearful Oda won't actually give them this much spotlight.

We don't even know Zoro's parents, where they are, what happened to them (presumably dead ofc or maybe "lost somewhere out there or in time"), why Zoro has such distinct green hair and the legacy of the Roronoas, who they are, why Zoro is the only one we know so far and such.

Like what happened with Ace and somewhat with Mihawk and Perona and is seemingly happening to Shanks to of all people with Film Red upcoming, a lot of stuff we're meant to see in the manga or should at least, is being saved for these novels, movies, one-shots/spin-offs and such for whatever reasons ofc.

I'm also really scared for Elbaf as Oda chose to show in Big Mom's flashback so it might have less chance to appear as an arc which I doubt and hope it does actually get an arc ofc but he only showed a small village too which is extremely underwhelming given how vast, creative, layered and such Norse/Scandinavian cultures and mythologies are ofc. Oda was inspired by Vicky the Viking anime for One Piece so there is hope though...But looking at how massively underwhelming Wano is in terms of worldbuilding/environmental design, lore to Wano and such too, then again...

I know I'm putting out some hot takes but I am worried for the future of OP and thus certain characters, arcs and places to see too. Even at this point, can Vegapunk can live up to well over a decade's worth of hype, like almost 2 decades even maybe? (14-15 years give or take, also its only 48 chapters? Wow...Still enjoy it vastly over Wano, Dressrosa and even WCI and any post TS arc/post TS generally honestly.)
Yeh. Still since Zou it’s improved a bit I’ll give him that. Still needs to fix up
Like I said the all time low point was definitely DR females with Rebecca being unironically one of the worst female characters in anime history (not exaggerating)
I thought Oda was getting back in his groove with fictional women during WCI thanks to BM and Nami's performance but Smoothie snapped me back to reality. And let's not even start talking about what the fuck happened to Nami in Wano...
Like I said the all time low point was definitely DR females with Rebecca being unironically one of the worst female characters in anime history (not exaggerating)
I thought Oda was getting back in his groove with fictional women during WCI thanks to BM and Nami's performance but Smoothie snapped me back to reality. And let's not even start talking about what the fuck happened to Nami in Wano...
I think he’s just turned Smoothie into full on fan service. Agree on Nami. He’s gonna turn the main fucking heroine into a no agency wifu whose soul purpose is to have a child at the end of the series. I know she’s going to be important to the end game but at this point I’m afraid I already know and can predict what that’s gonna be

Gorosei Informer

Yeah I don't want to turn this in another Let's analyze Oda's personal life thread but I heavily suspect Oda's this vindicative towards female characters probably due to essentially being sexually frustrated. I'm not a marriage counselor but despite the awful work schedule Sheiusha gives him, I think he also partially has to blame himself for ignoring his marriage life to such extent (Oda himself said that his wife's legit angry at him for basically ignoring her requests and focusing only on his work)
Hahaha yep, I was worried of going into that topic or direction again but I have seen this kind of behaviour from sexually frustrated people, my neighbour and the guy who also tried to kill me (actual incels) are prime examples of how bad it can get too.

Oda really seems to be a workaholic and maybe even trying to escape his family life, maybe the responsibilities or just feeling he's trapped in a bad marriage or married the wrong person? Maybe he has actual regrets? Unfortunately the only person who really knows is him ofc and we can only speculate and analyse from things he says and does and others closely linked to him say ofc.

From what you said though, he seems to adore his wife? I've not looked into what he's said and what is known about him and his wife but I feel his wife being a Nami cosplayer would get a LOT of attention and maybe still does or even more so after marrying Oda, especially due to who he is ofc? That could and does cause problems in relationships and marriages too naturally.

He seems to really bully Sanji massively since the timeskip though, he really turned it up to 11 since then and it made me even more resentful of Oda by far, it became very personal/vindictive in how he treated Sanji and if Sanji is meant to be his self insert as I've joked about, then it explains a lot as I joke that Oda hates himself post TS for being so horny especially or other reasons and Sanji is his personal outlier/scapegoat for it lol. But again this is all speculation ofc. I just really wish I knew what he was actually thinking and feeling, why he made these decisions, why he wrote OP and Sanji this way, whats going on his mind and heart, whats affecting him and such.

Oda feels so different post TS in many ways and the Sabaody to Marineford era makes me think of how Araki went through such a bleak streak with Part 5 of Jojo, when Part 4 before it was so mostly chill, laid back, fun especially before Kira appeared ofc. Then shit got real and a lot more serious, darker and emotional with Kira and thus like later parts of Jojo wtih him. But Parts 5 and 6 (I cannot elaborate why on Part 6 especially until the anime eventually is complete for it whenever the hell that will be at this point) feel especially bleak, cruel, bitter and such and I feel Oda went through something life changing or traumatic and something really changed him.

I know this bartender and friend he apparently based on Whitebeard on passed away a few years before Marineford but idk if that is really the reason for such a drastic, brutal change in the atmosphere and narrative style of OP from Sabaody. OP felt like a really different series to me then and now it does again but somewhat for different reasons post TS too.

I've been feeling extreme tonal dissonance post TS especially in Wano and maybe it does exist pre TS too ofc but I felt pre TS was more consistent up to Sabaody at least and then all hell kicked loose.

I'm constantly going around in circles, trying to understand what happened to Oda and OP but I don't know if I'll find out the actual answer anytime soon ofc or even ever at all. Trying too hard to be Sigmund Freud or something, although I'm more Sigmund Fraud probably lmfao:

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