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Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
@Blue you were very good player and partner, I was in your shadow all the time, watching and learning how to play better... I wanted to do things my way... thankfully in the end I managed to :cheers:
Thank you Zolo.

You played very well too and it was nice to partner with you.

That move at the end of the game was veey good :)
Town roles part 2

“The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn.”

You are Thrall!

[Passive - Warchief] As the Warchief of the Horde, Thrall has 2 vote power. He is also bullet proof and immune to conversion.

[Passive - Frostwolf Resilience] The Frostwolf Orcs, or Frostwolf clan, are renowned for their prowess as one-on-one combatants, as a member Thrall immune to role-crushes.

[Passive - Fire Forged Friendship] If Thrall targets Jania with an ability they will create a neighbor chat together that they can use to talk during the day.

[Passive - Empathetic Leader] Thrall will learn of three people that have been attacked the previous night.

[Active - Commune with the Elements] As a shaman, Thrall is a mediator for the elements. Once a day he can stop to listen to what they have to say in order to check a write up to see if it’s been tampered with.

[Active - Warchief’s Blessing] Shield a player and also heal them of any ailments afflicting them.

[Active - Liberator] Break the control of a player whose role is being controlled. Also makes them conversion immune for a cycle. [3-Shot]

[Active - Doomhammer] If someone’s causes dishonorable or unnecessary bloodshed, Thrall’s policy is clear: a death sentence carried out by his Doomhammer. He can superkill a player if they’ve killed three innocent players. [1-Shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“The son is the father... May the spirits have mercy on those that stand in his way.”

You are Dranosh Saurfang!

[Passive - Young Idealist] Dranosh was very much like his father and uncle, a fierce warrior to the end. He was a strong believer in the ideals of honor espoused by his father. His vote will count for zero if on an innocent wagon.

[Passive - Avenge Thy Father] Like most sons, Dranosh has always looked up to his father. If his father, Varok, dies then Dranosh will become enraged, allowing him to perform double actions for the cycle.

[Passive - Up and Coming Star] Considered the youngest and brightest star among young orcish warriors, if Dranosh dies the other orcs in the game will all have their actions made unstoppable for the rest of the phase.

[Active - Mighty Cleave] With enough strength to cut down three frost vrykul in a single blow, Dranosh can cleave into another player, wounding them and preventing them from traveling for a cycle. [3-Shot]

[Active - Orcish Uppercut] Dranosh can uppercut another player right in the jaw with a powerful punch, rendering them incapable of voting for the duration of the cycle.

[Active - Rampage] Dranosh is seen as a wise and charismatic orc, but he’s still an orc. He can go on a rampage, destroying an item belonging to his target.


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“Although our kind have no place in your world, we will fight to bring an end to the Lich King. This I vow.”

You are Darion Mograine!

[Passive - Death Knight] An aberration that goes against the natural order, that is what Mograine is. As an undead knight, he scans guilty to lie detects and investigations. His vote counts for 0, but he must always vote for the leading wagon to scratch his itch for inflicting pain, otherwise he will lose his Armored Knight passive.

[Passive - Armored Knight] Heavily armored, the commander of the Ebon Blade is a hard foe to fell and his undead spirit is not so easily broken. He is immune to role-crushes and bulletproof.

[Active - Dark Command] Mograine's charisma is a rare sight to behold, his cold voice echoes through the hearts of men. He may target a player and force them to target him with their next action. [1 Cycle Cooldown]

[Active - Anti Magic Zone] Target two players and make them immune to all harmful actions for a phase. Can self target.

[Active- Empowering] Mograine activates his rune blade and targets a player with it, making them unstoppable for the night.

[Active - Heart Strike] Target a player and pierce their heart, making them unable to receive any sort of buff or item for a cycle.


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

"We must overcome the mistakes of the past."

You are Aethas Sunreaver!

[Passive - Sunreaver Leader] Aethas will start the game as a member of the Council of Six, however, should Rhonin be replaced as Archmage, Aehtas will be stripped of his position. His vote power will become zero if that happens.

[Passive - Eternal Optimist] Aethas is full of optimism and enthusiasm, and as such he must always remain optimistic and positive in the thread.
---Radical Neutrality--- He is also a heavy proponent of neutrality. If he sees two players arguing he must try to get them to agree to a truce. If the players agree to a formal truce, Aethas’s next action will bypass immunities.

[Passive - Unwanted Exile] If the City of Dalaran changes possession, Aethas will be exiled by the new owner and he will no longer be welcome in Dalaran. To compensate he will become immune to roleblocks, since no one cares enough to stop him.

[Active - Spellbind] Aethas can imprison a target with magical by focusing arcane energy upon them, forcing them to target themselves.

[Active - Searing Beam] Aethas can overload his target with fiery energy causing them to explode, the blast will destroy a shot of 2 of their abilities.

[Active - Felo'melorn] Felo’melorn is Aethas’s burning sword, an ancient Highborne runeblade borne into battle by the Sunstrider dynasty. Wielding it, Aethas can destroy all shots of an ability of his target, rendering the ability empty. [1-Shot]

You are hunted!


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

''I'm mostly here to help''

You are Kalecgos!

[Passive -Heir of the blue Dragonflight] Kalecgos is the heir apparent to Malygos,Therefore is vote counts for 2.

[Passive - Dragon scales ] Kalec's toughness is akin to his brethren, he is bulletproof.

[Active- Wild Magic] Kalecgos is proficient at calling the powers of nature to help him as such he may use one of these abilities per cycle. Cannot used the same ability in a row.
-Green: Target a player and restores any destroyed abilities.
-Purple: Target a player and delay their action for a cycle.
-Blue: Target a player and make their next X shot ability free of charge.

[Active - Arcane Breath] A powerful energy blast that decimates all defenses, he may target a player and role-crush them for a phase.

[Active - Ancient Wisdom] Living for hundreds of years has its perks, Kalecgos can discern truth from lie quite well. Thus each cycle he may lie-detect a player.

[Active - Eye of Eternity] Kalecgos can take himself and another player to his personal realm, The Netherstorm, removing them both from the game for a cycle. At the end of the cycle he can choose to challenge them to a game of his choice (within reason). If Kalecgos loses he’ll be rolecrushed for 1 cycle. If he wins the opponent will be ultra killed. This ability cannot be stopped. [1-Shot]


You are hunted!

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“I have watched the other races... I have seen their squabbling, their ruthlessness. Their wars do nothing but scar the land, and drive the wild things to extinction. No, they cannot be trusted. Only beasts are above deceit.”

You are Rexxar!

[Passive -Wild Spirit]- Rexxar doesn't need the company of men, being raised in the wild made him averse to contact with people. Thus he will reject any chat attempts and is immune to conversion. He cannot accept trades nor join the City of Dalaran. However his actions always find their mark.

[Passive -Animal companion] - Rexxar is surrounded by his only true family, his animal friends that he tamed over the years. Each cycle one of them will be active to provide Rexxar with unique benefits.
-Misha The Bear: Render Rexxar Bulletproof for a cycle
-Spirit the Hawk: Learn the identity of players that visit Rexxar for a cycle.
-Haratha the wolf: Attack anyone who tries to harm Rexxar, roleblocking them for a cycle.

[Passive - Half Ogre] Rexxar's massive stature is an understatement, his half ogre genes make him hard to not notice. Thus Rexxar cannot be Janitored.

[Active- Perception] Rexxar can use Spirit to check a ??? in a write up, uncovering it. Cannot be done at night.

[Active- Follow the trail] Rexxar may target a player with Wolf and learn who they will visit that cycle.

[Active- Gourmet] Rexxar may activate this and post his boar in front of his house during the night, the boar will absorb any debuff attempt.

[Active- Hibernate] Rexxar may activate this and go into hibernation, he will roleblock himself for phase but allow all of his passive to activate at once, lasts a cycle.[1-shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!


Cope Doctor
Thanks to the players that put the yards in, regardless of their alignment, and to our hosts

the contest is the only thing that matters, winning or losing should be secondary at best
"We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh

that ending, Ill remember it forever... I never thought Id top my mvp, but that was bad ass
Town roles part 3

"Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It's up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving."

You are Rhonin!
[Passive - Archmage] As the Archmage and leader of the Kirin Tor, Rhonin has great sway over his fellow mages. Every phase he will receive a random ability from another mage in the game. At the end of each phase he will lose his current burrowed ability and receive a new one. He is also immune to conversion.
---Passing the Torch--- This passive, and his City of Dalaran passive will pass on to Jiana if Rhonin dies.

[Passive - Unfortunate Past] Rhonin was a promising young mage of the Kirin Tor until a disastrous mission involving the reckless use of magic nearly cost him everything. Many, including Rhonin himself, have not completely forgiven him for the incident, as such he scans guilty to alignment investigations.
---Reckless Practitioner--- Rhonin is reckless, hot-headed, and is known frequently not to look before he leaps, a character flaw that he is hard-pressed to keep under control. If he is the second leading wagon, all of his abilities will be upgraded. This passive cannot be claimed.

[Passive - City of Dalaran] Rhonin will have his own neighbor chat at night that people can join and leave willingly. A write up will be posted at the start of the game explaining how to join. It’ll also mention the city's neutrality laws. Limit of 10. Drops to 5 when the game is down to half its players.
---Broken Peace--- Rhonin has zero tolerance for anyone breaking Dalaran's neutrality laws. If someone in the city targets another person in the city with a harmful action the city will be evacuated, expulsing everyone from the chat. The person performing the harmful action will be branded evil, losing their vote power and scanning guilty for the next cycle. The persecutor will also be role-blocked while branded.
---Devoted Husband--- Rhonin and his wife Vereesa share an incredibly close bond. She will start the game already in the City of Dalaran and their actions cannot harm each other.

[Active - Parry] Despite being a mage, Rhonin is also a skilled swordsman. He can parry the next harmful action coming his way, reflecting it back. [2-Shot]

[Active - Open Portal] Rhonin prefers to use his sorcerer abilities for versatility in combat. Each phase he can open a portal to do one of four things.
-Redirect a person’s next action.
-Bus-drive two players.
-Commute himself and another player.
-Stop the next three incoming actions, learn their targets, and decide whether or not to let them pass. [2-Shot] Day only.

[Active - Containment] Rhonin will show no hesitancy to sacrifice himself for the good of others. Once during the game he can destroy an entire write up, undoing all of its effects. As a consequence his role will be killed and janitored. [1-Shot] He must activate this ability the same phase the write up was posted.

[Active - Armistice] If Yogg Saron’s summoning has been prevented or if he is lynched, Rhonin can call an armistice, preventing all kills the following night. [1-Shot]

You are hunted!


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

"One should not speak of taint who has taken to draining the foul magic of demons."

You are Vereesa Windrunner!

[Passive - Ranger General] Vereesa is the Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant, a position she did not reach without considerable skill. Like her sisters she is a remarkably talented ranger. Her actions will always find their target.

[Passive - Silver Covenant Network] With their main base of operations residing in Dalaran, its important for the Silver Covenant to keep close tabs on the goings-ons of the city. Vereesa will learn the names of five abilities used by the people of Dalaran each night.

[Passive - Devoted Wife] There's nothing Vereesa cares for more than her husband, and the two of them share an incredibly close bond. She will start the game already in a room inside the City of Dalaran neighbor chat with him and their actions can not harm each other.

[Active - Arcane Shot] Vereesa can channel arcane energy into her bow to dangerous effects, allowing her to target another player with a kill. [3-Shot]
---Stars' Fury---
Vereesa's legendary bow resonates with the power of the Sunwell, if one of her kills fail she will still role-block the target.
---Twin Arrows--- If Rhonin dies, Vereesa will become fueled by vengeance, allowing her to shoot twice as a double action.

[Active - High Elf Hunter] Vereesa may decide to watch a target during the night, she may learn of everyone who visited them.

[Active - Discerning Eye] Investigate a player to learn their alignment. [1-Shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!
You are Lady Liadrin!

“The sin'dorei bring righteous fury upon our enemies.”

You are Lady Liadrin!

[Passive - Blood Knight Matriarch] The first of the Blood Knights, Liadrin cannot be debuffed.
---Elf Isolationist--- Though not disparaging of other races, Liadrin prioritized her own people's well-being, and considered it a positive thing for the elves to have distanced themselves from the outside world. If she targets a fellow elf with a positive action it will be upgraded.

[Passive - Martial Priestess] Once a high priestess of the Light, Liadrin reinvented herself as a warrior, and dedicated her life to exterminating the Scourge. She cannot target undead players with helpful actions.
---Zealous Tendencies--- Liadrin, has been called zealous, arrogant, and short-tempered by some, but she has always led her order with strength and conviction. She must talk with fanatical conviction in the thread and must adamantly call anyone who disagrees with her scum.

[Active - Embrace the Light] With her faith in the Light restored, Liadrin continued to train and teach new paladins to embrace the Light, rather than twisting it to serve their own needs. She can target a player to do one of the following each cycle:
- Upgrade their next action.
- Refill a random X-Shot ability.

[Active - Blessed Consecration] Consecrates the area around a player, healing them of any harmful effects they are suffering from and protecting them from the next harmful action targeting them.

[Active - Pain Transfer] Though primarily a healer, Liadrin was also versed in more dangerous priest abilities, such as the ability to transfer pain from herself to another. If Liadrin is suffering from a negative effect, she can pass it on to another player through immunities. [1-Shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

"It's been years since I've been out in the field like this."

You are Archmage Modera!

[Passive - Council of Six] Archmage Modera is one of the longest standing members of The Six, the elite body that governs all operations within Dalaran. One of the votes against her each phase will count for zero.
---Council Woman--- Has 2 vote power during night lynches.

[Passive - Grand Magister's Staff of Torrents] Archmage Modera wields a legendary magical staff capable of granting herself protections. Items in her possession cannot be stolen, destroyed, or knocked away.

[Passive - Defender of Dalaran] Archmage Modera was one of the primary protectors of Dalaran from the blue dragon onslaught. She will destroy one random hostile action targeting a citizen of Dalaran at night.

[Active - Political Sway] Can grant another player +2 vote power for a phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - New Management] Archmage Modera can permanently steal the next ability her target uses. [1-Shot] Non refillable.

You are hunted!


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“I answer... to NO ONE!”​

You are Garrosh Hellscream!

[Passive - Orcish Pride] Garrosh's heart beats for the glory of his race, believing that orcs are superior to all other races. As long as there are at least 3 orc characters alive besides himself he will be super-bulletproof. This will downgrade after each death. 2 alive = bulletproof and 1 alive = loses all defenses.
---Blood Of Gronn--- Garrosh senses the death of his brothers, giving him an opportunity to avenge them. Each time he kills or participates in the lynch of one of his brothers’ killers he will reset his Orcish Pride passive back to its original value.

[Passive - Ma'ghar Blood] Ma'ghar orcs are the purest breed of orcs as they have not been tainted by any outside energies. They are a proud people and Garrosh especially so. He must always talk in a condescending tone to anyone in the thread. He must not claim this passive. Additionally, Garrosh is immune to role-blocks and redirects.

[Passive - Warsong Tribe] Garrosh belongs to the warsong tribe, of which his father Grommash Hellsing was once its leader. In the tribe loyalty to one's kin is everything. Thus Garrosh is immune to possession, conversion, role copy and will reject all neighbor chats unless they are made by an orc character.
---Hellscream's Warsong--- After having lost half of his allies, Garrosh can use this ability to renew their ardor. It will automatically refill 3 town characters as well as reset Orcish Pride passive. [1-Shot]

[Passive - Horde Leader] Garrosh's influence in the horde is only second to Thrall and so he has a vote power of 2. His vote will however not count if he is in the same wagon as Varian and Thrall. If only one of Varian or Thrall are on the wagon his vote will count for 1.

[Active - Shattering Throw] Garrosh throws his massive war axe forward with extreme force and speed. Anyone who gets hit by the axe will be role-crushed. If they are hit again it will role-crush them through immunities.

[Active - Arcing Smash] Garrosh ferociously grabs his axe with both hands and smashes it down on his target. Whoever is hit by this will be affected by a bleeding status effect and will die a cycle later if not treated. Bulletproof protection and higher will prevent bleeding.

[Active - Kor'kron Warhounds] Garrosh can summon a pack of trained hounds to follow any target bleeding due to Arcing Smash. If the target attempts a hostile action (including a kill) against an orc character, the hounds will jump in to take the attack instead. Garrosh will learn if his hounds have blocked an attack. [3-Shot]

[Active - Mag'kora] An ancestral custom of the orcish race, if you got a problem with someone challenge them to a Mag'kora! A duel to the death that everyone is forced to accept, no matter their power or social status. Garrosh may target a player in the player list and challenge them to a duel to the death. They will R/P/S each other 3 times. Whoever loses will be super-killed through immunities. [1-Shot] Non refillable. Can only be used after Day 4.


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

"A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers."

You are Varian Wrynn!

[Passive - High King] As the High King of the Alliance, Varian's vote counts for 2. He is also bulletproof and the first super-kill against him in the game will fail.
---Heart Full of Hatred--- For Varian, there is no making peace with the Horde. If Thrall and Varian are on the same wagon, Varian's vote will count for zero.

[Passive - Ghost Wolf] Varian was given the Taur-ahe moniker "Lo'Gosh" or "Ghost Wolf" for his skill at arms in the gladiatorial contest. He is immune to investigation abilities and conversions.
---Foggy Memories--- Many of Varian's memories were lost when he almost drowned along the shores of Durotar. He can't remember his own past, and as a side effect, cannot claim.

[Passive - Goldrinn’s Champion] With the blessing of Goldrinn’s spirit, Varian has shown to never tire in combat and has heightened senses. He is immune to role blocks and will learn the role name of the first player to target him with a harmful action each cycle.

[Passive- Heroic Sacrifice] Varian is a ruler with a fierce love for his people and would willingly give his life for them. If Varian dies at night, all other kills against alliance members will fail.

[Active - Strength for Two] Renowned for his brutal strength, speed, and lightning reflexes, fighting Varian is like fighting two men at once. He can role-block a player each phase.

[Active - Hunter’s Ambush] Varian can quickly take notice of an enemy's vulnerability and take advantage of it. He may lure a foe into an ambush, destroying any defensive passives they have for a cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active - Inspiring Speech] Varian is highly respected by those he leads, and when he calls them to action they listen. Varian can upgrade a player’s next action, but he has to encourage the player in the thread to do so. [2-Shot]

[Active - Gladiator] In his gladiator days, Varian had no match in the arena. He can challenge someone to a 1v1 in R/P/S, if he wins he will kill them, if he loses he’ll be role-blocked for the rest of the cycle. If three alliance members have died this will be upgraded into a super-kill. [3-Shot]
---Arena Champion---


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

Items won:
Beaked Dagger [Legendary] Target a player and if they are not from the same alignment as you kill them.

First Mate’s Pocket Watch [Legendary] Activate this to prevent any lynch manipulation for the phase

“Nothing lasts.”

You are Sylvanas Windrunner!

[Passive- Ranger General] Sylvanas is a born leader, and she knows to pick friend from foe. Whenever she is part of a lynch wagon she may learn of the number of guilty people that were in it.
---Undead Banshee--- Sylvanas's transformation into what she is now led to many people mistrusting her true motives. Thus she scans guilty to lie detects, she is however immune to Alignment and role cops.

[Passive - Banshee Queen] Benefit from the absolute loyalty of her forsaken, Sylvanas can always count on them to act as her shield. As such she will stop the first dodge the first harmful action targetting her each cycle, additionaly she will learn the role of whoever targetted her.

[Passive - Incorporeal Body] Sylvanas is an undead, as such her body doesnt observe the rules of normal men. She is immune to poison and bleeds. But cannot be targetted by healing spells.

[Passive- Keen eye] Sylvanas knows what separates treasure from trash, she will have a higher chance of finding higher rarity items in zones.

[Active - Black Arrow] Sylvanas may target a player and poison them, killing them a cycle later. If the same player gets hit by this ability it will turn the kill into a super kill.
---Vengeance Arrow--- If her sister dies Sylvanas may skip the waiting process and super a target of her choice.[1-Shot]

[Active - Multi shot] Sylvanas may use this ability to to destroy 3 incoming actions from a target.[3-Shot]

[Active - Summon Skeleton] Sylvanas may use this ability to add to heir power, she will gain +1 vote power while Skeleton is active. Lasts 2 cycles.[2-Shot]

[Active - Blinding Shot] Sylvanas may target a player and force them to fire their abilities at random for a phase.[1-Shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!
On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.
U just reminded me to ask how often yall tried to kill me and such lol, i was wondering cause at times i was super bulletproof, didnt notice if i got redirected/blocked/etc. since i was immune to a lot of stuff


The spite kill was a bit assholish I guess, but how is a mafia using tools like conversion to survive an asshole move lmao? In their shoes they wanna win, and blue mafia treated you like their own as soon as you joined but you didnt. Heck you used their ressources to turn into an Unjester, which would mean if you get shot you win regardless of their fate. You could've used that creation tool to do something else, something that might've helped your team win the game but you didn't.
& that just says it all tbh


There's no "Tina!"
I'm signing you up for my game and I won't accept a no as a answer

Haha no Blue. I’m done for a long time. Real life is getting pretty hectic with my new job and stuff.

I’ll let you know if time frees up, but after Arcane I’ll be gone for some time.

Thank you so much for the invite though! Have an awesome time hosting Ali!

Damn man, I subbed in and have over 500 posts and no kudos my way? I see how it is Lind xD

just messin gg wp mate ^^
I fucking knew I forgot you Soul!! Hahahahah yess! Bro when you subbed in some of your posts made me laugh a lot haha. Great game bb!!
Independant roles :

"Not as shiny as the the other one, but it's still a great find lads."

You are Brann Bronzebeard!

[Passive - Explorers’ League] Brann's Explorers League is always looking for able bodied adventurers to help them explore the unknown, and carry out treasures. A write up will be posted at the start of the game explaining that playes can choose join the Explorers’ League for a bonus to their item and travel rewards, in this case it increases the likely hood of getting two items per region instead of 1, however Brann gets one item per adventurer that joins at the end of the each night.

[Passive - Educated Explorer] Brann may enjoy exploring caves and sleeping in the dirt but he is a scholar and he values good manners, thus he has to correct the grammar of any person that quotes or tags him. If the same player continues to quote Brann with poor grammar after being corrected then Brann will learn the name of one of the items in their possession.

[Passive Journeyed Traveler] Brann gets another redo at RPS rolls when it comes to visiting a zone for its items. But he has to be among the top 5 posters to keep this passive activated.
---Passive Terrain Knowledge--- Brann will get a list of some of the items available in a zone when he enters it.

[Passive - Explorer’s Contacts] Gives Brann access to trade items with mysterious contacts outside the game, basically functioning as an item trade shop. Any items Brann acquires through the Explorers league passive or through other means ( like trading in the thread) can be put on display here for other players to trade with at night. It will function like a shop and Brann may assign prices on each item.

[Passive - Active Trader] Brann gets an additional boost to his rolls if he makes atleast 2 trades in a day.

[Passive - Journal of Brann] Locked

[Active - Praise Thy Beard] Post restriction to make someone praise his beard in every post. If they fail to do so then Brann will confiscate one of their items. If they succeed Brann will automatically win his next R/P/S hand. [2 Shot]

[Active - Pickaxe] Brann may activate this to smugle out a legendary item. He will receive an item through this. [1 Shot]

[Active - Mine cart ] Brann may use his knowledge of the hidden mines system of Nothrend to fasten his travels through Nothrend,he may activate this to travel an entire zone in one night.May not be used in conjunction with The Praise Thy Beard active. [1 Shot]

[Active - It's Not Graverobbing, It’s Archaeology] Brann may activate this to loot an item from a dead player. [3 Shot]

[Active - Glibb the Gor- er Monkey] Brann can assign his pet monkey (who is really a gorilla) to a babysitter. Glibb will win the first round of R/P/S when questing for his babysitter. However if his babysitter comes across a legendary item, Glibb will snatch it and return to Brann. [3-Shot]

Wincon: Travel to every location and collect 10 Legendary items.

''Time is a tangled web. Try not to dwell on all the loose ends.''

You are Nozdormu!
[Passive - Aspect of the Bronze Dragonflight] Chosen by the titans themselves as the guardian of time, Nozdormu holds incredible sway over the events of Azeroth, and has 2 vote power to show it.
---Metallic Scales--- His empowerment by titanic blessings gives Nozdormu extraordinary toughness, thus he is super-bulletproof.

[Passive - The Timeless One] Nozdormu is tasked with ensuring that the flow of time occurs normally, without interruption, and that events happen as they are fated. His actions will always have first priority and his actions cannot be delayed.

[Passive - Cavern of Time] Those who venture into the Cavern of Time rarely emerge unchanged. Some age, while others turn so youthful they are but infants. The first non hostile player that visits him in a cycle will have an X-Shot refilled. The first anti-town player that visits him will lose one shot of an X-Shot.

[Passive - Secluded] Nozdormu emerges only infrequently when events require his direct presence, as such he is a loner and can’t be aided by other players.

[Passive - The End of Time] Redacted.

[Active - Just in Time] It is not at all uncommon for Nozdormu to intervene just before disaster strikes. He can protect a player from harmful actions for a cycle.

[Active - Time Heals All Wounds] Even the greatest suffering can be alleviated by the passage of time. Nozdormu can bend time around a player each cycle to accelerate their healing, curing them of any negative effects afflicting them.

[Active - Back to the Future] Nozdormu can send a player forward in time, unlocking their full potential. He will unlock all of his targets locked abilities. [1-Shot]

[Active - Time Stops For Me] Nozdormu is never short on time. If he deems it necessary he can stop the flow of time itself, putting a hold on all actions until he decides to release them. [1-Shot] Maximum hold is 1 phase.

[Active - Turn Back the Pendulum] Once during the game, if Nozdormu is unsatisfied with how the day is shaping out, he may rewind it prior to the actions being locked, resetting the day phase and undoing all actions that took place. Must be used before D4. If Nozdormu dies before using it, then this ability will be given to a random town player as an item called the "Hourglass of Time".

[Active - Your Parents Never Met] When you're the master of time killing someone is entirely unnecessary. You can simply make it so that they never were. Nozdormu can game removes a player for as long as he is still alive. [1-Shot]

Wincon: Help town win the game. But don't break time doing it.
You are Murozond!

[Passive - Infinite Wyrm] Has 3 vote power.
---Obsidian Scales--- Super-bullet proof.

[Passive - Harbinger of the End] His actions will always have first priority and his actions cannot be delayed.

[Passive - Corrosion of Time] Any player that visits Murozond will lose an X-Shot.

[Passive - Incurable Madness] Can’t be aided by other players.

[Active - Stasis] Protects himself from all actions for a cycle. [1-Shot]

[Active - Time Acceleration] Kill a player.
---Aged to Dust--- Superkill a player [1-Shot]

[Active - Chronosphere] Become a nexus for a cycle. [1-Shot], cannot be used in conjunction with Time acceleration or Break the Pendulum.

[Active - Time Bows To Me] Puts a hold on all actions until Murozond decides to release them. [1-Shot]

[Active - Break the Pendulum] When activated, all of the abilities that happened that day will be RNG’d to new targets at the end of the cycle, changing the events of that day. [1-Shot]

[Active - Your Parents Never Were] Game removes a player for as long as Murozond is still alive. [1-Shot]

Wincon: Eliminate everyone.

"I am Mal'Ganis, I am eternal!''

You are Mal'Ganis!

[Passive - Unseen Guest] The Dreadlords are the greatest spies in all realities. They especially excell at hiding in plain sight, therefore Mal'Ganis cannot be tracked or watched.
---Chaotic Embrace--- Once a phase when performing an action, Mal'Ganis will appear as a random role.

[Passive - Immortal Soul] Demons do not actually die when slain, they simply go back to the Twisting Nether and reform their physical bodies. Since Dreadlords are no different, Mal'ganis cannot die. Each time Mal’Ganis is hit by a killshot his physical body will die but his spirit will remain, waiting a cycle to come back anew. The player will lose the role in the meantime and cannot be killed unless rolecrushed prior. They can be lynched however.
---Demonic Focus--- Mal'Ganis's will is bent on one thing and one thing only: revenge on those that wronged him, and nothing will deter him from his objective. As he is immune to conversion.

[Passive - Spy Network] Mal'Ganis knows the importance of information gathering. He will receive 3 leaked posts from different alignments each start of day.
---Scarlet Commander--- To help with his plans of revenge against Arthas, Mal'Ganis disguised himself as one of the leaders of the Scarlet Crusade Barean Westwind, thus he will appear as him and scan innocent to investigation attempts. Additionally, his loyal scarlet followers are ready for any attempt by the scourge to attack them. Therefore he will avoid the first action sent at him by the scourge.

[Passive - Eye of Kilrogg] At the end of each cycle, Mal'Ganis will learn the identity of any player that targeted him during that cycle. If a player visits him twice in a cycle, he will learn their role name. If they visit him thrice in a cycle, or visit him twice and vote against him, he will silence them and take control of their role for a cycle.

[Active - Sleep] Mal'Ganis's favorite thing in the world is to render his foes helpless as he proceeds to inflict untold horrors upon their souls. He may target a player and put them to sleep for a phase, silencing them and copying their role for that period. [2-Shot]
---Soul Transfer---
If a player is about to be lynched Mal'Ganis may target that player and R/P/S them. If he wins he will absorb their entire role into his. [1-Shot]

[Active - Carrion Swarm] Mal'Ganis sends a swarm of bats to a target location to intercept any upcoming item trades and take them for himself. Up to 3 items can be stolen. [2-Shot]
---Master of Deceit--- Mal'ganis knows truth from falsehood and is able to detect any sort of tampering in the thread, be it traps and or tampered write ups. Does not work on night write ups.

[Active - Mind Blast] At night, Mal'Ganis may target a player with a kill. If they are one his targets it will be upgraded into a super-kill. If the kill is successful he gains one soul. If the kill fails he will learn their role name.
---Machine of Souls--- Mal'Ganis may store souls whenever he kills a player, up to five at a time. This passive allows him to bypass the waiting period of Immortal Soul and recover immediately. [Consumes 3 souls]

[Active - Dark Flight] Mal'Ganis takes up on high, far from the reach of anyone in the thread. He becomes immune to role-blocks and redirects for a phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - Vampiric touch] Mal'Ganis may target a dead role and gain one of their abilities at random. [1-Shot]

[Active - Chaos Gate] Mal'ganis is able to travel between dimensions by using the souls of mortal men as fuel for his gateways. Once a game Mal'ganis may choose to redirect a lynch toward a player of his choice, but he must first vote them prior. [Consumes 5 souls]

[Active - Siphon Soul] Day 3 or later Mal'Ganis can use this ability to remove a player from the game for as long as he is alive. Only works on Arthas. [1-Shot] Going through the Immortal Soul process counts as dying. Cannot be refilled.

Wincon: Eliminate Jaina, Arthas and Malygos.
You know if everyone joins me in the retirement lounge, I will have no games to watch :milaugh:

But in all seriousness, I hope at the very least mafia doesn't ruin any friendships. Drama, competitiveness, and stuff can get tiring and people want to take a break or want to retire but you also should think of fun moments in mafia too. Like when Mango decides to claim he's Arthas on day 1. That shit had me cracking up tbh.

I'm also like not in a position to tell people they shouldn't retire cause well, I'm gone after Arcane and I enjoy spectating a lot so. I just don't want people to well ruin friendships over a game.


There's no "Tina!"
I won’t forget this betrayal ;—; I’m going to go cry now Worst!!

Tbh we tried to redirect the super kill to Ekko which failed Lmao.

U just reminded me to ask how often yall tried to kill me and such lol, i was wondering cause at times i was super bulletproof, didnt notice if i got redirected/blocked/etc. since i was immune to a lot of stuff
Broki, when I’m red mafia and you’re Town in the game, know that I’ll either convert you or kill you lmao.

We tried so much. Kill, role crush, redirect. Hell to kill Gram we deactivated his passives and abilities protecting him, role crushed through immunities and still sent a super kill his way Lool.

I was like “Red mafia again and again going after Broki” Lmaoo.


I called that guy a tool and he went on 30 message rant about me how I am insecure
I’m quite familiar with his antics he sent me multiple irl videos of himself “flaming” me then came over here when I was MIA for like a year and immediately began shi
On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.
Aye lind thanks for that I appreciate it. I’d say I give credit for me being able to play well coming into game like that due to worst and ratchet I went off of their reads and the. Conjured my own thoughts with cross referencing gameplay. Sallucion was just unfortunate I caught him in a lie haha
also @MUUGEN i made an account on NF :saden:
Friend me if you know my un there


There's no "Tina!"
You know if everyone joins me in the retirement lounge, I will have no games to watch :milaugh:

But in all seriousness, I hope at the very least mafia doesn't ruin any friendships. Drama, competitiveness, and stuff can get tiring and people want to take a break or want to retire but you also should think of fun moments in mafia too. Like when Mango decides to claim he's Arthas on day 1. That shit had me cracking up tbh.

I'm also like not in a position to tell people they shouldn't retire cause well, I'm gone after Arcane and I enjoy spectating a lot so. I just don't want people to well ruin friendships over a game.

I think I’m the last person who should be agreeing with Kvo’s statements lol. ‘Cause post weeb was horrible for me, but trust Kvothe and move on.

It’s only a game at the end of the day. A social experiment to meet some cool people online haha.
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