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The End and the Beginning
What part of it was swingy?
Alignment changes, revives, writeups getting blasted, it's the nature of the beast. As a player I'm more of a purist, I like smaller roles with convoluted hidden mechanics etc as a host too. I'm not saying I'll be hitting minimum posts and that's it, just maybe I could do with playing a bit more passively.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
@Fujishiro you aren't quitting. I won't let you.

I know the drama was really annoying and I can understand how hard it was for you to manage things in such circumstances.

But let me tell you that you did wonderful work as a host and with setup.

Take a good sleep and have a break. You deserve it man .

And, come back to play again. You are a terrific player and I will love to see you play and host game again.


Cope Doctor
@Fujishiro you aren't quitting. I won't let you.

I know the drama was really annoying and I can understand how hard it was for you to manage things in such circumstances.

But let me tell you that you did wonderful work as a host and with setup.

Take a good sleep and have a break. You deserve it man .

And, come back to play again. You are a terrific player and I will love to see you play and host game again.
he is one of my favourite hosts tbh. sucks that some people will eat each other just for the win... its a game ... people should just have fun. I had many loughs , I couldnt care less I won or lost. I never really do


When were you under the impression this game is..
Town roles part 1

“Beware, beware the Daughter of the Sea. Beware, beware...of me.”

You are Jaina Proudmoore!

[Passive - Future Leader] As the future leader of the Kirin Tor, Jaina has been studying under Rhonin for years. In event that Rhonin dies, she will succeed him as Archmage.
---Old Friends--- Jaina and Thrall have been through thick and thin together and will always seek each others counsel. If Jaina ever targets Thrall with an ability, a permanent day chat will be created between them.

[Passive - Emergency Mass Teleport] Jaina’s profficiency with teleportation magic is widely renowned, to the extent that it’s her signature ability. She can even teleport entire armies. As such whenever the first mislynch takes place this passive will activate, teleporting everyone back for a night lynch. This will only activate once during the game.
---Porting touch--- It’s no trouble for Jaina to teleport away her problems. The first kill targetting her every cycle will fail as she teleports it out of her sight.

[Passive - Mirror Image] Jaina is a master artisan of the arcane, capable of creating multiple versions of herself. She starts the game with 3 mirror images, each worth one life. Does not count for lynches.
---Evocation--- If she successfully leads a guilty lynch with her Emergency Mass Teleport spell, her Mirror Image passive will be refilled but downgraded to 2 copies.

[Passive - Invisible Asset] Jaina knows how important she is to her allies. And with that reliance comes the need to stay low. She cannot be investigated and may not claim in the thread.

[Active- Cone of Cold] Jaina can target a player and put a freeze on their ability to trade items or start chats for a cycle.
---Frost Storm--- Anytime a player mentions Jaina, she may target an additional player with this ability. Maximum 3 players in a cycle.

[Active - Water Shield] Jaina can shield a player and make them immune to redirects for a cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active - Chilled to the Bone] Jaina can target a player and destroy one of their abilities for a phase. [3-Shot]
---Ice Lance---
If Jaina targets a player that is affected by Chilled to the Bone with a follow up action she can permanently destroy that ability. [1 shot]

[Active - Cryogenic Freeze] Target a player and soften their harmful abilities by a stage. I.e: a super-kill will become a regular kill. Lasts a cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active- Ice Barrier] Jaina encases herself in an nearly impenetrable barrier of ice, making immune to being targeted by abilities for a cycle. However this will cut her off from everyone else, thread silencing her, and leaving her unable to talk in side chats. Jaina may not use any other ability in conjunction with Ice Barrier. Emergency Mass Teleport will not trigger either. [1-Shot]

You are hunted!


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

You are Tirion Fordring!

“Put your faith in the light, and all is possible.”

[Passive - Light's Paragon] As the Paragon of light, Tirion is the bane of all manner of undead. As such he is immune to the actions of all undead characters except for Arthas.

[Passive -Paragon of Virtue] TIrion's very being oozes charisma and kindness, therefore votes on him from any town town aligned player count for 0.

[Passive - Argent Crusade] The Argent crusade is there for one thing and one thing only, purge the plague of undeath from Nothrend. As such Tirion will benefit from the full support of his troops, he will know the names of all undead players present in the game.
---Rallying the Troops--- Tirion may write a message to the thread through the host to ask for his fellow town members to bring him the heads of those undead whom he believes are evil, each time a town aligned player slays one he will receive a blessing in the form of a refill of one of their abilities.

[Passive - Argent Charger] Tirion possesses his own warhorse to help him move through the battlefield, as such he will be able to cover the distance of a zone in one night. Regardless of his rolls.

[Active- Divine Bubble] Tirion may target imself and protect himself from all actions except for super kills for a cycle.[1-Shot]

[Active- Turn Undead] Tirion may target a player and if they are undead disable their passives for a cycle.[3-Shot]

[Active- The Ashbringer] When all is lost, when the darkness is about to prevail upon the light.Day 3 or after Tirion may ask for one final favor from the light, he will target a player and if they are Arthas RPS them. If he wins he will superkill them through immunities with no hope of being brought back, however if he loses Tirion will loses all his abilities and become vanilla.[1-Shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“Honor, young heroes... no matter how dire the battle... never forsake it.”

You are Varok Saurfang!

[Passive - Old Soldier] Saurfang is an old battle hardened veteran, he may have the drive but his body just isn't as it used to be. He cannot be upgraded by other players.

[Passive - Father] Coming to Nothrend to help his son, Varok knows his son is in the game and will not let harm befall him. Therefore if Dranoc is targetted by a fatal kill Varok will intervene and die for him.

[Passive - Veteran Soldier] Varok is not so easily swayed by his enemies, he knows what must be done. Therefore he may destroy the first negative action targetting him each cycle.

[Active - Charge] Varok will charge headfirst into battle, calling for everyone to keep their eyes on him. As such he may activate this once during the game to become the targetted of all actions for a phase.[1 shot]

[Active - Mortal Strike] Saurfang will target a player and fatally strike him down, they will be unable to receive any kind of buffs for the remainder of the game.[2 shot]

[Active - Whirlwind] Saurfang begins to spin around with his massive war axe, creating slashing wind blades that shred anything they come in contact with. He will role crush the first non town player that visits him with a harmful action as well as super roleblock the next through immunities for a cycle.[1 shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

"Listen to me, lad, and I'll teach you everything you'll ever need to know."

You are Hemet Nesingwary!

[Passive - The Extinctionator] Hemet is considered the enemy of nature itself, snuffing out wildlife wherever he goes. He will get double action for one of his abilities any time he participates in the lynch of a guilty player for driving their kind one step towards extinction.

[Passive - Trophy Hunter] Helmet likes to surround himself with a variety of grizzly trophies collected from the native game of the area. He will always win the first round of R/P/S when trying to get an item.
---Old Man Death--- Provided he meets the R/P/S requirements, Hemet will always pick up an item that can kill over any other even if it means a downgrade in rarity.

[Active - Mentored in Marksmanship] Nesingwary and his cohorts often tutor adventurers on the hunting and trapping of wild creatures. He can take a player under his wing, upgrading their next action so that it will always find it’s target. [2-Shot]

[Active - Trapper] Hemet is an expert when it comes to making and setting traps for his prey. He can select three posts to trap each day phase, if an anti-town player lands on one of his traps they’ll be role-blocked for a cycle. If another player from the same faction lands on one of his traps before the end of the next cycle, they'll be role-crushed for the rest of the cycle.

[Active - Game Hunter] Considered the greatest hunter on Azeroth, he leads safaris to hunt the wildlife of Azeroth and beyond. He will receive a boost when traveling and can track a player through bus drives, redirects, and immunities once during the game.


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!

“Respect my people, or pay the price!”

You are Valeera Sanguinar!
[Passive -Trained Eye] Valeera grew up as a street urchin and learned the way of the underworld, information is key and she knows it. Valeera will learn of 50% of the roles that have made it into the game.

[Passive -Master Assassin] Valeera trained in the arts of assassination since she was a child, therefore she is immune to poison and lie detects, furthermore her abilities are upgraded against any target that is suffering from poisons of bleeds.

[Passive - Nimble Fighter] Valeera simply weaves through her enemies like a paper clip in the wind. She is immune to roleblocks and rolecrushes.

[Passive - Seal of Wrynn] Valeera always pays her debts, and she owes a big one to Varian Wrynn. As long as the later is alive she will have 1 vote power, however if he dies she will lose it and will gain one of his passives.

[Active- Stealth] Valeera may use this ability to hide herself from showing up in action writeups.
---In Plain sight--- If she does not use this ability however she will be immune to watching abilities.

[Active- Serrated blades] Valeera may use this to attack a target with a regular kill each cycle.
[Passive - Envenom] If the target is poisoned Serrated blades will super kill the target instead. [1- shot]

[Active- Ambush] Valeera lurks in the shawdows and wait for her unsuspecting victim to cross her path, she may choose a player and super kill.This ability will always find its mark. This cannot be used in conjunction with Serrated blades and requires Stealth. [1 - Shot]. Cannot be refilled.

[Active- Kidney shot] Target a player and disable their active abilities for 1 cycle. [2 -shot]


Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!


The End and the Beginning
Well, I'd like to put a pin in the GoM discussion here, if only because he isn't here to defend himself, and I'd rather not see a guy slammed when he can't say anything in defence of his person. I assume there were problems in the game, which is unfortunate, but hopefully that's the end of it.


There's no "Tina!"
On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.


Cope Doctor
On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.
we need more posts of appreaciation like this :cheers: @Fujishiro

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.
I'm signing you up for my game and I won't accept a no as a answer

On a more positive note @Grammaton @Adam 🍎 @Worst and @Underworld Broker you guys played very well for town!

You made us waste some on ya as well, for which we’ll get pay back someday!! But anyway GG.

@MUUGEN you too bro. Subbed in and played well.

I don’t know who else I’m forgetting tbh. But yeah, I guess Town played well overall.

Oh yeah, Ratchet too. GG Dragon.

My other scummies @Blue and @Ultra were funny and fun to open scum with Lmao.
Damn man, I subbed in and have over 500 posts and no kudos my way? I see how it is Lind xD

just messin gg wp mate ^^
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