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The End and the Beginning
@SoulKiller and @Underworld Broker we did it and we didn’t even have to stress about an end game MyLo haha

broki you did have me worried at the end there though and thought you would’ve targeted SK.
Technically Day 6 was MyLo. If I got Soul lynched Town would have four left, not including Ali. Then I'd just pop my nexus, lynch Broker and then whomever else until only Ali, Flower and myself remained. Then once Ali got his wish I'd kill Flower for GG.
Old God cult:

"Look upon the true face of death and know that your end comes soon!"

You are Yogg-Saron!

Your role and abilities will unlock once your minions achieve their goal! Until then you are immune to everything.

''Forgive me''

You are Freya!

[Passive - Touch of Eonar] Being the personification of Eonar, the titan of life, Freya possesses immense vitality. She will tank the first kill aimed at her each cycle.

[Passive - Attuned to Nature] Being attuned to the land itself allows Eonar to know the position of every player in the game, additionally with earth affinity comes resilience. She is immune to role-crushes.

[Active- Deonate] Freya may choose to cause a huge explosion at any given area, allowing her to hide a write up. The write up will show in the thread but darkened by the debris.
---Lifebinder--- Freya will intercept the next investigation action and forge its results.

[Active- Potent Pheromones] Freya may send two messages in the thread per cycle.
---Love sick--- Freya is immune to the actions of whoever quotes those messages for the duration of the cycle.

Wincon: Get yourself lynched, for the glory of Yogg Saron!

''Our death... heralds the end of this world.”

You are Loken!
[Passive - Keeper Prime] As the eldest titan keeper, Loken was one of the first to succumb to the corruption of Yogg Saron. As such he relishes the deaths of his masters' enemies. Thus once he mislynches his first target, he will gain +2 vote power.

[Passive - Titanic construct] Being made of pure metal and magic, Loken will survive the first kill on him every cycle.

[Active- Arc Lightning] Loken may target a player and hijack one of their upcoming actions to direct them somewhere of his choosing.

[Active- Pulsating Shockwave] Loken may target a player and render them guilty for a phase.
---Electric Current--- If the player he targets has suffered from Arc Lightning before, Loken will vote silence them for a phase.

Wincon: Cause two mislynches, for the glory of Yogg Saron!

''Self-destruct sequence initiated''

You are Mimiron!
[Passive - Magnetic Force] He just can't help himself! If Mimiron targets someone with an action and they are targeted with a kill that phase he will take it instead.

[Passive - Scrap Barrier] Whenever Mimiron protects his teammates, he's ready to lay down his life for them, and his shield! If Mimiron dies while protecting one of his jester friends he will leave them a 1 shot bulletproof gift.

[Active- Plasma Shield] Mimiron may target a player and protect them against actions for a phase.

[Active- Oil Field] Mimiron may target two players and bus drive them.

Wincon: Get yourself killed, for the glory of Yogg Saron!

Yogg Saron loses and leaves the game if his minions cant free him by the end of day 5.​
Scourge mafia :

"Come in all your power and glory! For in the final hour, all must serve the one true king."

You are Arthas!

[Passive - Lichborne] As an undead, Arthas is immune to role-crushes.
---Unending Cycle--- Since he is undead, losing a body part hardly affects Arthas. If he loses an ability, whether stolen or destroyed, he will always regenerate it one cycle later.
---Unholy Presence--- Arthas is an undead being. People avoid him due to his very nature. He is immune to conversions and will automatically reject any neighbor chats.
---On a Pale Horse--- As the personification of death Arthas isn’t bound by the morality of men and is immune to any investigation/tracking abilities.

[Passive - Phylactery] Before the beginning of D1, Arthas may select a player to store his phylactery within. For as long as that player is alive, Arthas is death immune. This cannot fail and this passive cannot be destroyed.

[Passive - Frostmourne] Having a runeblade that gorges itself on souls means that Arthas gets stronger for every life he takes.
---Obliterate--- After 1 successful kill, Arthas will janitor-kill his targets going forth.
---Death Strike--- After 2 successful kills, Arthas will gain one active ability from his target to use as a one shot.
---Scourge Strike--- After 3 successful kills, Arthas will be able to perform an extra kill once every other day phase.
---Death Pact--- After 4 successful kills, Arthas's kills, excluding his extra kill, will be upgraded to super-kills permanently.

[Passive - Death Doesn't Do Us Part] His best friend in life and in undeath, Invincible is always there to carry its master towards his destiny: to be king. Arthas will unlock his horse as a mount on D2.

[Active - Helm of Domination] Arthas uses his power over the undead to control a dead player to do his bidding, giving himself +1 voting power for that day phase. [3-Shot]

[Active - Breath of Sindragosa] Using his powerful ice dragon's attack, Arthas can target a player to destroy any defenses they have for a phase. [2-Shot] This cannot be used if Sindragosa is dead.

[Active - Call of Sindragosa] Arthas may call upon his dragon and ride on her for a cycle. His actions will always find their target. [2-Shot] This cannot be used if Sindragosa is dead.

[Active - Frostmourne Hungers] Arthas brings down his massive runeblade upon an enemy, shattering them and killing them. If the enemy survives the attack they get role-blocked instead.

[Active - Runes of Power] Arthas may activate this to gain a refill on one of his abilities. [1-Shot]

[Active - Army of the dead] After having successfully killed 3 players, Arthas has now gained enough corpses to create his undead army. Once during the game, he may revive every single player that he has killed. They will be listed as [Undead] instead of [Alive] in the write up and player list. They will be back for only one cycle and will be able to use all of their abilities without restriction, as well as vote. A chat will be created between the Undead Army and Arthas. Their wincon will be changed to: Help Arthas win. Arthas will be role-blocked through immunity for the duration of this ability and the cycle after. [1-Shot] Cannot be used until half of the Scourge Mafia are dead unless Arthas is still alone by D4.

Wincon: Find your team and eliminate all threats to the Scourge Mafia!
Secondary Wincon: Eliminate Jaina and Sylvanas.

“Can you feel the cold hand of death upon your heart?“

You are Sindragosa!

[Passive - Frost Aura] As an ice dragon Sindragosa's body temperature is like that of a cold winter night. Whenever she performs an action on someone she has a 30% chance to role-block the people next to them in the player list.
---Freezing Breath--- Dragons cause a lot of zone wide damage. Whenever Sindragosa performs the faction kill she will prevent anyone targeting her from going on quests.

[Passive - Necrotic Scales] Being a dragon already makes her tough, but the necromantic powers that brought her back to life reinforced her toughness even further, as such Sindragosa is super-bulletproof. This passive cannot be destroyed.
---Cult of the Damned--- In the event that she gets killed, her body will be janitored so as to allow a group of necromancers to get to work with the goal of resurrecting her. She will come back to life a cycle later.
---Loyalty to the Master--- Locked.

[Passive - Undead Vitality] You just can't keep her down! If targeted by a role-crush, Sindragosa will instead gain one vote power permanently.
---I'm Just a Dragon Bro--- An undead dragon can hardly pass as a voter amongst the good people of Nothrend, as such she starts with a vote power of 0.

[Passive - Dragon Cry] Sad at the loss of her team, Sindragosa mourns but is also full of hatred. If she is one of the last 2 remaining members of her team, Sindragosa will receive a one shot ability from each of them.
---Renewed Fervor--- A dragon backed against the wall is a fearsome foe, as such whe she will gain a second reuse of one of her abilities each time a team member dies.

[Active - Tail Smash] Targeting a player with her massive tail, Sindragosa knocks them back, role-crushing them for a cycle. If she targets the same player a second time she will destroy one of their abilities at random. If she targets the same player a third time, she will permanently role-crush them. Finally, targeting them for a fourth time will allow her to take an ability from them.
---Knockback--- The force of the knockback from her tail is so strong that any item they were carrying will be dropped.

[Active- Permeating Chill] No one can escape the relentless pursuit of winter. Sindragosa may target a player and thread silence them for 1 cycle. If she targets the same person again they will lose their vote power for a cycle and be prevented from questing (traveling/searching for items). A third use on the same target will eject a player from any party and ban them from trying to get and or receive items permanently.
---Absolute Zero--- Turned into an icicle with temperatures so cold that it burns the skin, any player who dies after enduring 3 uses of Permeating Chill will have their role janitored.

[Active - Unstable Magic] Being a former blue dragonflight broodling, Sindragosa knows how to manipulate the powers of the arcane to her will. At night, Sindragosa can target 3 players and mess with their abilities. Those players will fire at random for a phase toward players not on her team. [2-Shot]
If Sindragosa team targets a player with a beneficial action, the player will gain double actions on all of their abilities for a cycle. However, they will lose control of their role afterwards and relinquish it to The Scourge for a cycle. [2-Shot] This ability is non refillable.

[Active - Ice Tomb] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Scourge Mafia!

''You have made an... unwise... decision.''

You are Lana’thel!

[Passive - Queen of the San'layn] Royals stand above the common folk, such peasants cannot understand nor judge her actions. Therefore the queen investigates as innocent and is immune to lie detects.
---Diplomatic Immunity--- Being royalty has its perks, Lana'thel cannot be watched during the day and her actions do not appear in write ups.
---Work in the shadows---- At night the queen uses her vampiric powers to vanish without a trace. Lana'thel cannot be tracked at night and her actions cannot be blocked or redirected.

[Passive - Blood Mirror] The queen will learn the name of whoever targets her and will send the first 2 actions targeting her each cycle, except super-kills and above, back towards its user.
---Mirror Link--- If targeted by a positive action the queen will thank her new friend by creating a chat with them for a cycle. While in a chat with someone she will become immune to their vote. At the end of the cycle she may ask them if they want to join her chat again and if they accept the queen's devilish charm influences them so much that they permanently scan guilty afterwards.

[Passive - Council of the San'layn] Her loyal subjects adore her and would do anything to help her, Lana'thel starts the game with 3 vote power.
---Blood Pact--- Each time she is hit by a kill she will lose 1 vote power , if it's a super-kill she will lose 2 vote power.

[Passive - Court of the Fallen ] Members of the court live to serve their queen, and will tell her the identity of every person inside the zone she is currently exploring.
---Princes of Madness--- Loyal to their queen, her princes are ready to sacrifice themselves for her. As such Lana'thel may survive the first lynch on her but will lose the Court of the Fallen passive afterwards.

[Active - Swarming Shadows ] Enveloping shrouds that block out the view of any onlooker, Lana'thel can activate this ability to janitor an upcoming lynch and receive their full role. [1-Shot]
---Abyssal Dark---
If Lana'thel targets a write up with this ability she can choose to rewrite it to her will (under host supervision). [1-Shot]

[Active - Pact of the Dark Fallen ] Nothing says vampire like making a blood pact, Lana'thel may choose to link players together and allow them to create a permanent chat, however any actions and votes used by one get redirected back to the other. [2-Shot]
Lana'thel may choose to dissolve the chat if she so wishes and by doing so, she and her team will gain complete immunity against the chat denizens for 2 cycles. [1-Shot]

[Active - Aura of Sorrow] The queen relishes in the suffering of others, as such once a town aligned played is lynched she may target one of his voters and permanently steal their vote power. [2-Shot]

[Active - Incite Terror] The Queen enjoys watching the fear in mortal men before she sups on their blood, D5 or later she may target a player and give them a post restriction and if they fail it she will gorge herself upon their blood, super-killing them through any immunities. [1-Shot]

[Active- Uncontrollable Frenzy] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Scourge Mafia!

''Good news everyone!''

You are Professor Putricide!

[Passive - Plague Peddler] Putricide is one of the foremost users of the plague amongst the scourge and has managed to incorporate it into many of his experiments. Unfortunately the overuse of plague has made him quite smelly and thus prone to being avoided by others. As such, he can not receive any buffs throughout the game, including items.
---Good Samaritan--- Every time Putricide targets a player outside of his faction with an ability he will appear as Tyrande Whisperwind.
---Mad Scientist--- The professor always comes up with crazy theories since it's his duty to explore all possibilities, as such whenever he comes up with a theory in the thread and players start to believe it, that theory adds one more usable slot to his potion making.

[Passive - Unstable Experiments] Putricide loves sharing his crazy potions around. Most of these are helpful but some are not. If a player outside of the scourge gets a potion from him it will cause them to receive a random negative side effect a cycle later.
--- Pandora's Potion--- Negative effects include random redirections that last a phase, role-blocked for a cycle, losing a shot of one of their abilities, or even action restrictions for a cycle.

[Passive - Double Dealer] Putricide is big on morbid jokes and every time he tells one it makes him happy. Every time he heals a player from an effect he or his team caused he can reuse an ability of his choice and it will be upgraded.
---Addicted--- If someone has asked him for a gift three times and he’s given it to them each time, he can take control of their role.

[Passive - “Can I get a refill?”] Putricide loves helping people with his wacky experiments and will happily oblige whenever anyone in the thread asks for something he can provide. Whenever he does so the negative effects of Pandora's Potion are amplified.

[Active - Unstable Concoction] At night Putricide shuts himself inside his lab, busy at work! He can create up to 4 different potions for the next cycle. The stronger potions require more slots to create however.
---Potion Master--- Putricide comes equipped for all occasions when people come knocking at the door of his master's home, ready to greet everyone with a variety of exquisite elixirs each as devilishly intriguing as the next:
-Elixir of Iron: Grants its user a bulletproof vest.
-Elixir of Fortitude: Grants its user a one shot role-block.
-Potion of Healing: Heals the user from all ailments.
-Potion of Acceleration: Grants the user a one shot double action use. [2 potion slots]
-Elixir of Power: Grants the user a one shot amplification effect. [2 potion slots]
-Potion of Learning: Refills a random ability. [2 potion slots]
-Pungent Mixture: Poisons the recipient, delaying their ability usage for a cycle.
---Homemade solution---Allows the user to create their own potion, under host supervision. [2-Shot] May not be gifted to other players.

[Active - Choking Gas] Nobody likes big mouths and especially not Professor Putricide. The next 3 players to claim will lose their vote power for the day and become role-blocked for a phase. If any of the affected players continue claiming (be it actions, flavor, or results) then they will become role-crushed for a cycle. If they do so a third time, Putricide will gain immunity against them for the remainder of the game. [2-Shot]

[Active - Repulsive Researcher] Putricide is always looking for new test subjects to take part in his research, and will thoroughly interview a given player to learn their role. After learning their full role the professor will try to find a weakness. After learning someone’s role, his team can target them with 1 unstoppable negative action, kills excluded.

[Active - Ubound Plague] The professor is always ready to show his visitors a good time, and who doesn't love a little bit of plague? After D4 he may choose to release his plague upon 3 players, poisoning them and delaying their actions for a cycle. [1-Shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Scourge Mafia!

''This is the beginning AND the end, mortals. None may enter the master's sanctum!''

You are Marrowgar!

[Passive - The Bones of His Enemies] Pieced together by the Lich King himself from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers, Marrowgar has 2 lives to start the game and can be rebuilt from the bones of other players. Every time he kills a player he gains another life up to a limit of 3 (at once).
---Bone Construct--- Any time any player dies for any reason Marrowgar will be healed of any negative effects. [1 Cycle Cooldown]

[Passive - Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter] Marrowgar’s bone axe has cleaved through countless adventurers seeking to reach the Frozen Throne. When performing the faction kill it will be upgraded into a superkill, however no other kill can be used by his team when doing so.

[Passive- Frozen Guardian] As the guardian of the Frozen Throne, Marrowgar is bound to protect the one who sits on it.If his master’s phylactery has been destroyed, harmful actions meant for Arthas will always target Marrowgar instead. If Arthas’s phylactery has not been destroyed, Marrowgar will bodyguard a random teammate each cycle instead.

[Active - Bone Slice] Marrowagar heavily swings his axe downwards, cleaving any enemies in its vicinity and allowing him to add an additional kill alongside his team’s faction kill. Unfortunately the strength of the blow is so strong that it alerts all of the scourge's enemies, preventing the usage of investigative abilities and making Lana'thel trackable that night. [3-Shot]

[Active - Frozen Pathway] Creating a field of ice and blizzard, Marrowgar makes it almost impossible to distinguish friend or foe. He may target two players and bus drive them with one another. [3-Shot]

[Active - Coldflame] Marrowgar targets a player and freezes them to the bone, role-blocking them for a phase.

[Active - Spiked Graveyard] The very bones of Marrowgar’s victims become an obstacle for those seeking to reach the Frozen Throne. After his team has successfully killed someone in a cycle Marrowgar can protect himself and his teammates from all hostile actions excluding super-kills. At 2 successful kills they will be protected against super-kills. At three successful kills in a cycle his team will even be protected from ultra-kills. [2-Shot]

[Active - Bone Storm] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Scourge Mafia!
Azure Dragonflight Mafia:

''Watch helplessly as your hopes are swept away!''

You are Malygos!

[Passive - Aspect of Blue Dragonflight] Ordained by the titans themselves to safekeep magic in Azeroth, Malygos appears innocent to investigations and lie detects. He also has 2 vote power.
---Crystalline Scales--- His empowerment by titanic blessings gives Malygos extraordinary toughness, thus he is super-bulletproof.

[Passive - Endangered Kind] Nothing brings Malygos more suffering than seeing the death of his own kind. He will learn the name and full role of any player that has killed a blue dragonflight member and his actions will be permanently upgraded against them. This also counts for the last voter on their wagon if they were lynched.
---Sanity Drain--- Every time a blue dragonlight is killed Malygos will slip further into insanity. There will be a 5% increased chance that his first action is randomly redirected during each phase each time one of his kin dies.

[Passive - Magic Gatekeeper] Disgusted by the reckless misuse of magic by mortals, Malygos has decided to declare war on all magic users. When targeting one, he will bypass their immunities.
---Magic Bound--- Additionally, Malygos will gain 1 ability from each mage his team kills as long as Varos was not the one to perform the kill.

[Passive - Heart of Magic] The player that kills Malygos will receive this item. If he is killed via lynch then it will go to his last voter. The wielder may use it to create an action. Locked until D3.

[Active - Arcane Breath] A powerful energy blast that decimates all defenses, he may target a player and role-crush them for a cycle.

[Active - Ancient Wisdom] Living for thousands of years has its perks, Malygos can discern truth from lie quite well. Thus each phase he may lie-detect a player. If they fail he will learn their full role.
---Shapeshift--- To Dragons shapeshifting into a new form is as easy as changing clothes, Malygos can choose to disguise his next action and character once per phase.

[Active - Arcanomicon] Gifted to the blue dragonflight ages ago by the titan Norgannon, the Arcanomicon is a map of all of the magical ley line intersections in the world of Azeroth. When activated Malygos will be sent a list of all of the abilities set to be used in the next WU as well as their effects. He may redirect them as he chooses. [2-Shot]

[Active - Eye of Eternity] Malygos can take himself and another player to his personal realm, The Eye of Eternity, removing them both from the game for a cycle. At the end of the cycle he can choose to challenge them to a game of his choice (within reason). If Malygos loses he’ll be rolecrushed for 1 cycle. If he wins the opponent will be ultra killed and janitored. This ability cannot be stopped. [1-Shot]

[Active - Spell Weaver] The arcane does the bidding of the Aspect of Magic. As such, Malygos may craft an ability under the host’s supervision. [1-Shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

''We command the arcane! It shall not be used against us.''

You are Ley-Guardian Eregos!

[Passive - Dragon Scales] Impenetrable scales, though to break. Eeregos is bulletproof.

[Passive - Master of the Oculus] As the supreme leader of the Oculus and ley-line conduit operation, Eregos is immune to redirection or bus drives from outside his faction.

[Passive - Zealous Disciple] Full of the conviction of prophecy, Eregos has no time for those who stand in the way of the Spell Weaver’s domination of all things arcane. His actions bypass immunity against anyone that has been disrespectful to his master Malygos that cycle.

[Active - Arcane Barrage] Once a cycle, Eregos may fire a barrage of arcane power destroying an item from a target player.
---[Active - Arcane Volley]--- Eregos releases an entire wave of magical energy, destroying one ability from each of three target players. [2-Shot]

[Active - Planar Distortion] Eregos distorts a player's perception of time, delaying their actions for a phase.
---Active - Planar Anomaly--- Eregos distorts time around his entire team, giving his faction priority for actions for a phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - Greater Ley-Whelps] Eregos can summon a Greater Ley-Whelp to redirect a player’s vote onto someone of his choosing. Every cycle the number of Greater Ley-Whelps that Eregos can summon increases by 1 up until a maximum of 3. [2-Shot]
---[Passive - Lazy Summoner]---
Preferring to let his whelps do the work for him, he has zero vote power himself.

[Active - Planar Shift] Eregos causes a rift in spacetime, linking 3 players for a phase and causing those 3 to be bus driven with each other. Player A will be bus driven with player B, B with C and C with A. [1-Shot]

[Active - Through the Oculus Gate] Eregos may force all trades for a cycle to pass through the Oculus. Any items traded for the duration of this ability will be stolen by his team. [1-Shot] Locked until D5.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

''Unfortunate, but necessary."

You are Mage-Lord Urom!

[Passive - Mage Hunter] Due to his expertise at detecting the flow of the arcane, Urom has a list of all mages present in the game.
---Arcane Link--- Urom will learn of one player that was targeted by a mage each cycle.

[Passive - Kirin Tor Traitor] As a former Kirin Tor mage, Urom knows the strength and weaknesses of the organization. Therefore he will stop the first mage ability used on his team each cycle. He also cannot be refilled by outside forces.

[Passive - Arcane Affinity ] A deep understanding of the arcane gives Urom a 50% chance to reuse one of his abilities a second time during a cycle.
---Mana Refill--- If Urom successfully targets a mage with one of his abilities he will have one of his abilities refilled at random.

[Passive - Shimmer] With the ability to phase through reality, Urom is a hard man to get a hold off. He is immune to role blocks and role crushes.

[Active- Frostbomb] Urom may plant bombs in 3 selected post numbers. Any player who stumbles upon one will lose vote power for a phase, a second trigger will cause them to be role-blocked for phase, a third trigger will have them lose their active abilities for phase. (This doesn't have to be triggered during the same phase).
---Frost Nova--- Any player who reaches the third trigger will cause a zone wide freeze, causing players adjacent to him in the player list to lose half their active abilities for a phase.

[Active - Time Bomb] Urom uses his knowledge of space and time to target a write up and undo any action he chooses from it. [1-Shot]

[Active- Time Lapse] Urom can target a player and force them to join him for a time in a game of R/P/S. If he wins then only that player will be able to target him with actions for a cycle, if he loses Urom will learn who that player has visited during the phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - Empower] Urom may discharge this ability to refill all his abilities. [1-Shot] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

"The Oculus is ours!''

You are Varos Cloudstrider!

[Passive - Mana Absorption] Varos has found a way to tap into the power coursing through the Oculus. Each cycle he stands guard over it he will become more powerful, gaining access to new abilities.

[Passive - Arcane Siphoner] After absorbing much of the Oculus’s power, Varos has become an insatiable vacuum for arcane energy. He will retroactively gain an ability from every dead player he has killed.

[Passive - Ultimate Arcane Power] Locked.

[Passive - Azure-Lord] Varos is the captain of the forces stationed at the Oculus. He starts the game with two drake military units under his command.
---Drake Forces--- Varok will know if he is being targeted by a kill. He may sacrifice both of his units to organize a retreat, avoiding the kill. This cannot be used to escape a lynch and will prevent him from using any further actions for the cycle.

[Active - Summon Reinforcements] Can call in another drake unit but loses the ability to perform actions for the rest of the phase. He will receive his new unit at the end of the phase. —-Maximum is 2 units until D5, then it is upgraded to 3.

[Active - Brutal Attack] Varos, enhanced by the Oculus’s power, can roleblock a player for a phase.

[Active - Amplify Magic] Acting as a conduit for the Oculus’s power, Varos is able to channel the magical power of the Nexus into a member of his faction, upgrading their next action.​

[Active - Drakoid War Games] Can send one of his units to perform an extra killa alongside his faction kill. This will sacrifice the unit.​

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

''The prisoners shall not go free. The word of Malygos is law!''

You are Drakos the Interrogator!

[Passive - Malygos’s Laws] At the start of each day Drakos may post a WU listing three rules that all players in the thread are supposed to follow.
---Active - Jailed and Interrogated--- Any player that breaks all three rules can be jailed by Drakos that night, they are immune to any actions during that time and cannot use any actions themselves. He can ask them whether or not they’re a mage and they must give an answer. If they lie then they’ll be role-blocked the next day phase.
---Time to die--- Drakos may choose to execute his prisoner, killing them through immunities, however if they are not a mage he will lose Malygos's Laws and Jailed and Interrogated, and be unable to restore them back.

[Passive - Punishment] Once a cycle, Drakos may punish anyone who refused to claim information about themselves or their actions to him or one of his teammates. They will lose their vote power for the day.

[Passive - Draconic Empowerment] Drakos will know of every kill that targeted his team in any given phase, additionally he will regenerate any destroyed passive and or active ability a cycle later, with the exception of his jailing ones should they be lost for executing a non mage.

[Active - Stand Guard] Drakos can order his guards to watch over one of his teammates for a phase, protecting them from all actions for it’s duration. Anyone who targets them with a negative action will have it bounced back at them in retaliation.

[Active - Sweet Sweet Tears] Nothing tastes better than the salty tears of an enemy. Drakos can use them to refill himself or another player. [2-Shot]

[Active - Crack the Whip] Drakos is a frightening presence, especially with his whip in hand. He can use said whip to “encourage” another player to perform better, upgrading their next action.

[Active - Into the Arena] Minigame. [1-Shot] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Azure Dragonflight Mafia!

List of mages present in the game :

Aethas Sunreaver
Archmage Modera.​


Technically Day 6 was MyLo. If I got Soul lynched Town would have four left, not including Ali. Then I'd just pop my nexus, lynch Broker and then whomever else until only Ali, Flower and myself remained. Then once Ali got his wish I'd kill Flower for GG.
I was really hoping it was a 50/50 coin flip on the lynch max chaos would’ve been exciting to see haha


My wincon here literally couldn't be achieved because mafia got lynched everyday :dead
I wasnt here to see how it all transpired but it looked like mafia overall had a pretty weak performance saw Lind say Juliet just outed his entire team for no reason which is just ouch.

not sure what red did but game felt pretty easy to deduce even for my late entry.
Alignment changes, revives, writeups getting blasted, it's the nature of the beast. As a player I'm more of a purist, I like smaller roles with convoluted hidden mechanics etc as a host too. I'm not saying I'll be hitting minimum posts and that's it, just maybe I could do with playing a bit more passively.
Litteraly only 2 revives happened this game , I limited revives to 1 per character and the ways to revive were limited.

Only 1 alignment change happened and it was Flower.

WUs getting blasted is fair.
@Fujishiro you aren't quitting. I won't let you.

I know the drama was really annoying and I can understand how hard it was for you to manage things in such circumstances.

But let me tell you that you did wonderful work as a host and with setup.

Take a good sleep and have a break. You deserve it man .

And, come back to play again. You are a terrific player and I will love to see you play and host game again.
I am quitting, sorry.
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