Who will defeat Kaido?

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I'm so confused.

Why didn't the WG get Luffy all these years he has been using the DF in public? if they know Gomu Gomu no Mi = Nika DF.

Also, did Shanks knew about that DF? Did he give it to Luffy on purpose?

Oda could try and say they didn't know, Shanks just told them a few days ago.

But then you remember that WsW had the job of looking after the fruit and when he lost it he got thrown in jail and it smells of last minute ass pull once again.

One thing is for sure though. It makes Shanks position much more interesting.
To be fair, Luffy fruit being a Zoan fruit explains his regenerative ability:goyea:
But the fact that the his awakening still have rubber properties means that all Zoan’s awakening are not the same :wonderland:
Imagine after all of this GODLIKE power ups, Luffy is still gonna have an extreme diff battle against Akainu, while Zoro and Sanji also take down Admirals on their own.

And people still try to find cohesive power scaling in this story.
Luffy will just negg diff Akainu his opponent is Imu

Sabo will be Akainu's opponent
Mother of god. I knew i wouldnt be able to resist, and I'm glad i didn't. Kaido attacked Nami and Luffy then grabs this man by the skull and proceeds to beat his ass with an entirely new classification of devil fruit.

Already fanboys and people that were determined to hate it no matter what hate this chapter, so you you know its going to be epic.
Lol so the DF choose Luffy and has been avoiding the WG for 800 years lol
I thinks its just more so that no matter how much they tried to grab the fruit it always slipped away, avoided them or disappeared.

Like just events kept happening to push the fruit away from them.
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