Lol! Why you need some antagonist samurai when we already have BM pirates and kaido pirates having much bigger hype than any samurais....
Because so far;
Smoothie couldn't do anything in the Big Mom Arc
Daifuku was made to look like a fool in the Big Mom Arc
Perospero looked good in the Big Mom Arc
Big Mom looks like a fool.
Jack is talked down to and embarrassed now.
Queen shit his pants at the sight of a serious Big Mom
King is alright.
Kaido had to take a hostage to ensure victory over Oden.
So most of them don't have any gravitas / Oda in some way used them for comedic relief to their detriment. IDC about their power necessarily when their characters are already tainted for me, it'll take a lot more for me to get any degree of excitement over Big Mom or Smoothie stepping up to fight Luffy than some wano Samurai.
Kyo is definitely badass
but the reason you guys wanted him antagonist is to portray that zoro is Only at his level and thus won't fight king or particpant against kaido....
But..but...oda shattered your bubble

I don't think Zoro is an adversary for Kaido with or without Kyoshiro being a villain lmfao. And double nah, I wanted Kyoshiro to be an antagonist for his own sake, not Zoro's.