Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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How??? Oden >= Kaido, and Shutenmaru/Kyoshiro/Kawamatsu were Oden's King/Queen/Jack.
kawa was top 3
But Now dukes are third.

I'm starting to really think that back then: Kaido >= Oden or Oden ~ Kaido
Oden & Kaido were mid gen version of Roger/ WB.
Oden being Roger, Kaido as WB...
they were even at the castle, their fight ended via distraction 20 years ago
(oda had to make Oden fight dragon Kaido coz it's easier to land hit on dragon form than base Kaido on guard & quicker to end the battle.)
Yeah zoro doesn't get to fight a strong samurai or ending the shogun along with getting the credit
Zoro fighting king because hes strong and cutting kaido because hes strong >>>>>> anything actually interesting for the character to bounce off of and grow

Strong >>> anything meaningful

And yes i realize i sound petty and salty but idk its dumb being hyped for less potential cool moments imo

Ima still route for kyros vs zoro and sanji vs drake tho anyway...
So salty . So godamn salty😂


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Because so far;

Smoothie couldn't do anything in the Big Mom Arc
Daifuku was made to look like a fool in the Big Mom Arc
Perospero looked good in the Big Mom Arc
Big Mom looks like a fool.

Jack is talked down to and embarrassed now.
Queen shit his pants at the sight of a serious Big Mom
King is alright.
Kaido had to take a hostage to ensure victory over Oden.

So most of them don't have any gravitas / Oda in some way used them for comedic relief to their detriment. IDC about their power necessarily when their characters are already tainted for me, it'll take a lot more for me to get any degree of excitement over Big Mom or Smoothie stepping up to fight Luffy than some wano Samurai.

I don't think Zoro is an adversary for Kaido with or without Kyoshiro being a villain lmfao. And double nah, I wanted Kyoshiro to be an antagonist for his own sake, not Zoro's.
Are you seriously trying to imply that BM Commander or ministers or kaido commander don't enjoy hype because they haven't done anything yet?

Yes oda do portray these characters as comedic relief but that doesn't de hype them in any means....

Smoothie even if didn't do much still is BM Commander after Katakuri.

Queen who got introduced as funny and jack who got embarrassed still are commanders of Kaido..

Concluding their strength based on small clashes or not doing anything when their time hasn't arrived yet is too premature

From story perspective, having more enemies never made sense because shs already have more than what they bargained for.. not to mention the possible involvement of navy...
Yeah zoro doesn't get to fight a strong samurai or ending the shogun along with getting the credit
Zoro fighting king because hes strong and cutting kaido because hes strong >>>>>> anything actually interesting for the character to bounce off of and grow

Strong >>> anything meaningful

And yes i realize i sound petty and salty but idk its dumb being hyped for less potential cool moments imo

Ima still route for kyros vs zoro and sanji vs drake tho anyway...
So salty . So godamn salty😂
Honestly not salty about kyoshiro vs zoro being significantly less likely
Just don't understand why people are happy about zoro getting less cool moments and the samurai at least on the villains side being significantly less irrelevant

Like how is losing more potential zoro moments and badass samurai fights cool
I don't get whats so exciting about kyoshiro not being an antagonist and not fighting zoro lol
Idk but zoro fighting a badass wano samurai sounded and still sounds pretty cool imo
Did I miss something...? Haven't people already realized that Zoro is going to fight against King. Are we seriously still going through the mental gymnastics of thinking Oda will go against his established arc tropes? Come on now people....


I will never forgive Oda
Are you seriously trying to imply that BM Commander or ministers or kaido commander don't enjoy hype because they haven't done anything yet?
Seeing a character fail or be worthless every time they appear is going to make me think very little of them, E.G. Smoothie and Jack. Why would I get excited to see Smoothie try to stop Luffy when she couldn't apprehend Brook, couldn't hit the Sunny and almost sunk her own ship. Likewise, Jack exists to be hurt and used to measure other's strengths.

Dunno why them suddenly being a Yonkou's top subordinate's instantly means I need to be hyped for them, especially if their showings in the story for 100~ chapters are awful.
Honestly not salty about kyoshiro vs zoro being significantly less likely
Just don't understand why people are happy about zoro getting less cool moments and the samurai at least on the villains side being significantly less irrelevant

Like how is losing more potential zoro moments and badass samurai fights cool
Oda lost his chance to make Samurais cool tbh.

I had big hopes for Wano in this specific aspect ( Oda was assistant of the mangaka of ruroinu Kenshin).
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