Who will defeat Kaido?

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Lol what? This kind of reveal wouldn’t have worked at all if nika lore was established early coz then it would have been obvious
Nika wasn’t mentioned once until 1000+ chapters into the series. If we knew the lore then luffy’s power up would be grounded.

Oda didn’t even need to reveal that much. Just reveal there’s this ancient rubber god people used to worship.

Instead Oda created this entire storyline last minute during the onigashima war.
question now is
is luff's a mythological zoan?

"The World Government has always tried to get the "Gomu Gomu no Mi", but they have not been able to do it in 800 years.
-It seems as if that Devil Fruit ran away from them.
-A member of the Gorousei says that he is not crazy, since the Zoan fruits have a mind of their own.
-The Gorousei says that the "Gomu Gomu no Mi" is actually a Zoan-type fruit, and that its real name is "Hito Hito no Mi" (Human Human Fruit) Mythological-Model "Nika"."

oh wait wait completely misread this part
doesnt this imply they knew the gomu gomu no mi was the nika nika the entire time then?

and also if the fruit chooses not to get in their hands
then it likely chose to allow luffy eat it.
oda has to explain why the gorosei did not act sooner
unless shanks just revealed this info
then the gorosei literally knew luffy had this df for 2 yrs and did absolutely nothing


if this is what oda has to do for luffy to beat kaido , he has earned every bit of my respect .
he truly didn't know how luffy could beat him without fundamentally changing what his power was.
It seems they knew about it for centuries :josad:
I'm aware. Both are still zoan fruits of human type (hito), just different models (mythical or not).
No, it being of human type means nothing.

Kaido's devil fruit is "Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu", meaning it's a Fish that evolved into an Azure Dragon but he is a Dragon, not a Fish.
X Drake's devil fruit is "Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus", it's a Dragon that evolved into an Allosaurus but he is an Allosaurus, not a Dragon.
Luffy's devil fruit is "Hito Hito no mi, Model: Nika", meaning he is Nika.
Luffy's power up gained from df
Gear, Gear 2, Gear 3, Gear 4 and Gear 5

Sanji's power up gained from judge
Fire, Regeneration, Exoskeleton, Muscle, Speed and Blue Fire

Enma, Wado Ichimonji and Sandai Kitetsu

Keep hating on Zoro Luffytards and sanjitards
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Damn looks like Yuderon was wrong and bunch of other people. I think one of the popular youtubers said its possibly a Nika fruit. I really need Oda to explain everything about it now.
Luffy the Goat ZKK in shambles YET AGAIN
Post Wano Luffy will be equal or even stronger than Shanks

Only Akainu BB and Imu can be stronger than luffy since he has to fight them as the underdog
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