Kid: Awakening, have basic Haki
Law: Awakening, have basic haki
Luffy: God lvl Awakening, have Adv CoC, Adv CoA and Adv CoO(Future sight)....
Luffy was already above everyone in the alliance by a margin, he was around mid top tier(lowest lvl) and one step above guys like Kid,Law,Yamato and Zoro, this new powerup makes it even harder for Kid and Law to caught up with Luffy at this point lol...
Idk but a future where Kid facing Luffy which his powers which he show so far? I can´t see it... Ofc I hope it but it is hard to imagine...
Boundman G4 Luffy with all adv Haki was already>Kid, but this new powerup makes the gap even larger.