Who will defeat Kaido?

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simply being able to change the environment into “rubber-like” is something that old animators used a lot as a gag for their characters. Oda trolled us again and people are not ready for this because they expected some badass power-up: literally oda stayed still till the end with the idea of drawing a goofy character that stretches and inflates. WOW

and the worst thing is that there are people who don’t understand how absurd it is. This is one of the greatest representations of freedom in any media, especially given the context in which it was made. And the author too is totally free to draw what he wants. I love this.
Yeah, unfortunately, most people have an IQ too low to appreciate subversion of expectations in the manner which Oda managed to achieve.
Shuesiha will come down hard on the spoiler providers if they realized they were hacked
I thought that may be... but i don't understand what difference it makes.
with the watermark shueisha would be able to track down who leaked this? or they would just realize they were hacked and go clapp all providers in general?
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