Powers & Abilities Black Blades

Good evening to everybody, I write a theory of mine on black blades.

As Mihawk said all blade can be turned into Kokuto (black blades)

At the start we tought it meant only armament haki imbued sword, and it still has that meaning, but we learnt in wano the truth about Shusui black nature, it was forged in to a kokuto trough Ryuma's battle.

Now, let's focus also on the second part of Gyukimaru's dialogue. "Are you but some greedy boy with little taught aside from you own base desire?"

The underline part is very important. It tells us the meaning behind the black blades and how they're achieved. We got a lot hints throughout the story that meitos have somekind of their own will, and later fight between King and Zoro, the Kozaburo's flashback basically confirmed.
Meitos have their own will.
My guess is to achieve a Black Blade a swordsman must first tame the sword itself and merge with sword's will fulfill their purpose too. That it is Zoro has to think about, have to realise, as Gyukimaru said, "aside from his own base desire".
Whatever was Shusui desire and will it was related to wano, like it how it's the national treasure of the country and taking it away brough missfortune to the land, and Shusui is such important blade to wano that Hiyori gave away her own death father inheritance in exchange of that.

This would give an explanation on why poeple like Roger, Shanks, Whitebeard haven't made their blade black. It's not only about strengh and Haki.

I also think that meito inherites part of their previous long owner and companion's will, as it was stated by Kawamatsu.

Now let's discuss about Zoro's set of blades:
-WADO The most obvious one is Wado. It was Kuina's blade and the blade of the promise. Its purpose is being the strongest in world and is tied to Zoro's dream. Wado will turn black when Zoro will fulfill his dream and become the strongest swordman in the world, I see it Zoro concluding his victory by turning it black right in the moment of the winning attack.

-ENMA It's the sword of the moment, it being turn black is something that is set to happen, Tenguyama foreshadowed it. What's enma's desire? First thing is to think about Oden as said before on blades inheriting past companions' will. For Enma is made basically blatant by Kaidou, who said it has Oden's presence in it. Enma is tied to Kaidou and the opening of the boarders of Wano country. Whether is to kill Kaidou or not is not relevant for the topic, but I can see it turning black by killing Kaidou, but anyway it has to contribute in very important and active way in fulfilling the opening of wano country. It's not a crazy hypothesis to think Oden could have turned it Black 20 years ago had him defeated Kaidou, so Zoro will still do something major and very important against Kaidou whather if it's to set up Kaidou for Luffy or straigh killing him.

Zoro is not done, he still have a very important plot line to complete and it's the Ryuma-Shimotsuki storyline that Oda started since act 1 of wano, and aproched it again in chapter 1023

He still have to save the flower capital from Kaidou and get recognized by the civilian of wano as a new ryuma like figure.
We also now know Luffy is related to Nika the Sun God, we can track a huge parallel with Zoro being the Moon. Shimotsuki means both Ice moon and first moon, and guess who's heavily related to the shimotsukis?
In Kuina's flashback the Moon is emphaticized many times.

The Sun and Moon are also very promiment in Binks no Sake which we all know now has a huge meaning in this arc.
Also Luffy's and Zoro's power ups in this arc have being paralled:
1) Armament Haki training
2) Conqueors Haki coating
3) Now Luffy got his DF awakening, Zoro will also awaken his blade by turning it black.
Also the thematic of Fate that brough both of them to Wano is paralleled, also Zoro will still have an important role to play.

As for Sandai Kitetsu I really have no clue about it. Maybe you guys have something to say about it.
I made a similar theory a while back. I believe that for the Sandai its dream is to surpass its sibling swords by defeating the Gorosei member with the Shodai. To go from a bargain bin sword in the east blue to the strongest Kitetsu blade would be cool imo.

I think for a sword to become black Zoro would have to essentially do what Luffy does when recruiting members. Convince them you can achieve your dream (WSS) by first helping them with their issues. After overcoming what seem to be impossible odds the blade can be completely won over in one single dramatic moment (ZKK) like when Luffy defeats the main antagonist after the sh is tormented by them their whole life.
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Yes basically Zoro has still some open plot points

-He has a connection with Ushimaru that needs to be explored
-Latching to the previous point Zoro-Yamato reunion could be the trigger
-He has to return to Ryuma's grave, or in other terms we have to see Ryuma's flashback
-He has to blacken Enma, and yes I totally agree with the fact that it doesn't make sense for him to blacken Enma outside Wano since that the sword has a very tight connection to this land and arc. Therefore it would be out of time to make Zoro blacken it in another arc

All of these open points might converge to the same final destination eventually, with ZKK being the only viable end point to me.

If any of you have another idea to close these plot points* feel free to share.

*No, Zoro isn't done for the rest of the arc, don't fool yourself
Prior to the whole "fulfilling the will of the blade" a popular theory was "black blades are forged overtime"

But what if it's both?

The first one determines the moment it blackens and the second one determines the jump in power, so assuming Zoro ends with 3 supreme blade swords when the story is over:

-Enma has barely spent time with Zoro but since it's a pretty strong sword it doesn't need to much of a boost to be considered a supreme grade sword
-Sandai has been with Zoro through most of the story so it gets a bigger boost, enough to jump two ranks and rival a blackened Enma
-Wado obviously gets the biggest boost and surpasses Yoru as the "strongest black blade"

Just a thought
I made a similar theory a while back. I believe that for the Sandai its dream is to surpass its sibling swords by defeating the Gorosei member with the Shodai. To go from a bargain bin sword in the east blue to the strongest Kitetsu blade would be cool imo.

I think for a sword to become black Zoro would have to essentially do what Luffy does when recruiting members. Convince them you can achieve your dream (WSS) by first helping them with their issues. After overcoming what seem to be impossible odds the blade can be completely won over in one single dramatic moment (ZKK) like when Luffy defeats the main antagonist after the sh is tormented by them their whole life.
I thought about it, but not really sure, the basis for that on Sandai are less prominent so I didn't include it.
first let's what's up with nidai in this arc.


It's not a crazy hypothesis to think Oden could have turned it Black 20 years ago had him defeated Kaidou
This doesn't make sense because what if Kaido never went to Wano. Oden would never made Enma black blade because it desire was always to kill Kaido?

Has to be something else. Not one specific person related.
This doesn't make sense because what if Kaido never went to Wano. Oden would never made Enma black blade because it desire was always to kill Kaido?

Has to be something else. Not one specific person related.
As I said it's not necessarily related to Killing Kaidou, that is more like some developed desire with Oden, that died, and he was the previous owner of the blade.
Also fate is a very important thematic in OP so basically there's almost not a "what if Kaidou never went to Wano".
Black blade Enma --> defeating "Enma"/Death personification in the Underworld?
Black blade Kitetsu --> Maybe something to do with the curse?
Black blade Wado --> Obtain heaven (my theory was that Wado will become a black blade during Zoro's fight against Mihawk when they clashed and splits the sky/heaven, and Zoro's words of "My name will reach even heaven")

Btw, is there any chances that two of the Supreme Rank blades are called "Sun" and "Moon" blades? Just got the idea from One Punch Man and Demon Slayer.
Zoro is done, get over it you filthy wankers.
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Awakening is a power that many powerful pirates have. It’s been more or less a staple since dressrosa.

literally nobody but two people have forged black blades. Zoro doing it now makes no sense.
I find it completely ridiculous that Wado isn't the first sword that Zoro turns black, it's been with Zoro since the beginning, it's the most important sword and it should be the sword he has the most affinity with. Even more so being Enma, which is the sword with Oden's haki. I don't know if the expression is correct in English, but it's like to come with someone else's dick.


As I said it's not necessarily related to Killing Kaidou, that is more like some developed desire with Oden, that died, and he was the previous owner of the blade.
Also fate is a very important thematic in OP so basically there's almost not a "what if Kaidou never went to Wano".
One Piece plays with fate, destiny, will, reincarnation. Fate is not 100% confirmed on it although is very unlike to say there is no fate.

The sword will being related to it's builder is much more likely. Black Blades were already related to fighting and killing people at least the ones from Wano like Shusui and all from that old guy from Zoro's village.