"dID yOU noT rEaD tHE ManGA ThOuRoGHly? iT SeeMs yOu dOnT hAvE AdeQuAtE KnOWleDgE oF WHaT tHE mAnGa shOws uS"
Lmao wtf are you even talking about bozo you don't even know the context I brought up that article in π "Pushing my agenda?" You sound crazy bro go outside and touch grass it ain't that deep
Sorry I haven't read every single fucking novel, databook, & sbs oda has released π But the guy that wrote the article did. Just cuz he's a fan doesn't make his research any less credible.
Your not gonna get a medal for perfect head cannon, nor are any bitches gonna line up to suck you off either
Who said i get a medal for perfect headcanon, and i don't do headcanon ROFL.
Unlike your source ( oh i forgot the name of the person who wrote article nvm) , i don't go writing some headcanon mix article and influence casual reader like you, that even post the link in fking Worstgen forum
I quoted you because the first person who ask you where did you get this information....you replied with a fking link of this fan article lol.
Is that legit?? At least show legitimate source.
If it's aint that deep, why did you waste your time to try quote me trying to justify yourself showing his name is that one, and he has IMDb etc.
And yes the page has so much headcanon stuff there and weak explanation and goes beyond what manga has shown, although yes it's not bad article but it is not credible either. And why do you think i take this seriously, I never take this deep especially when you bought up a fan article.
I'm just stating it is a fan article and here you go deep enough trying to explain and convince the page is very credible, i trust him etc.
I mean there's a manga where you can just read it yourself, and you go browsing a fan article and even brought up in this forum......
You must be new here, i apologize.....