[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Did you see my flip? I was the first role, all the way up to the final day (where I was lynched). You can ask @Fujishiro & @Dr_Professor83 - though I thought this obvious. I won't have it said that I fake claimed Indie, and I'm very surprised you needed me to clarify this for you.​
>a simple comment about hammering pro indie town to death made him conscious of himself and felt the need to talk about it and explain himself for no reason.
>ignores that he threatened/killed/lied to townies and was trying to eliminate everyone
>trying to clarify/explain himself even more to justify something irrelevant that has nothing to do with this game
>his posts are becoming more of ratchet chan and less of the act/play he is doing.
Do you make them based on your alignment?

if im town i want to be as helpful as possible, so I indulge everything a player asks of me with no regard to their potential alignment at all

If im scum I dont want to help anyone so I go out of my way to spite them

It makes me really easy to catch

Hope this helps!


Greed certainly seems like an active player, he is sending a lot of actions.
he’s sent like 2 possibly 3 spread out over a good amount of times that wouldn’t really constant to meta a more active poster but if you’re going that route why don’t you point out your two suspects for this FoS .


The End and the Beginning
>a simple comment about hammering pro indie town to death made him conscious of himself and felt the need to talk about it and explain himself for no reason.
>ignores that he threatened/killed/lied to townies and was trying to eliminate everyone
>trying to clarify/explain himself even more to justify something irrelevant that has nothing to do with this game
>his posts are becoming more of ratchet chan and less of the act/play he is doing.

"Ah, how tiresome. I was only "trying to eliminate everyone" on the final day I was alive in - half-heartedly at that too. It's not irrelevant - the proof you are using to justify your heavy-handedness against Pro-Town Indie claims, which has so far been your only Mafia-centric posting, does not hold, because the example you used was trustworthy when they claimed it. You were actually a better example of an untrustworthy "Pro-Town Indie" in Arcane Mafia. You are Scum this game, and on my name, there will be nothing like a miracle waiting for you at the end."​
@SoulKiller Im not really sure why youre engaging Ratchet - theres a 0% chance thats an actual read of his, it is at best a reaction test, and at worst just a low form of spite, neither are worthy of consideration

What reads do you have so far?


The End and the Beginning
@SoulKiller Im not really sure why youre engaging Ratchet - theres a 0% chance thats an actual read of his, it is at best a reaction test, and at worst just a low form of spite, neither are worthy of consideration

"Eek! Spite? When have you seen me indulge myself in spite? It's certainly a read of mine. I told you all before - I seen the 'Truth'."​


@Ratchet What´s going on with you in this round? Your posting style is so much different from the last time, going full Bernkastel mode with all that quotes and stuff xD
Makes me thinking back to the Umineko round we had in the german board.

Warning, stupid rookie question incoming: What exactly is R/P/S?

As for the question who I should trust and who I should not trust I´m still lost after having to read through so much posts.
How likely is it that prof and Ekko really both are indies? If this is the case I can´t imagine that both of them would be town-friendly ones. Tend to believe prof would probably fit more into this category but Ekko already stated that he could turn to mafia and become a threat for town later. As chances are not high to get a maf lynched right on Day 0 it still looks like a better option to me to get rid off a potentially evil third party rather than taking wild guesses and probably accidently getting a strong town role like doctor or cop lynched.

vote lynch Ekkologix

if im town i want to be as helpful as possible, so I indulge everything a player asks of me with no regard to their potential alignment at all

If im scum I dont want to help anyone so I go out of my way to spite them

It makes me really easy to catch

Hope this helps!
Is the bolded real or did you feel you had to justify yourself with something? Feels like you tacted that on to make it seem like you had an actual thought out reason when a simple "I can never be fucked to catch lazy players up" would have sufficed.

Besides if I was scum how would you telling me what Prof said help me when I could just ask my chat anyway?
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