Okay I take it back
@Yo Tan Wa
It seems like Qin is outnumbered by Zhao
once again which I'm not surprised, Riboku has been gathering soldiers from rocks to rocks for half a year straight for this battle. And if y'all think Riboku is pulling soldiers out of his ass, the same can be said for Qin as well.
With that being said, nice chapter overall.
Some highlights,
Lmao, is that freaking Shin and Riboku doppelgangers by any chance?
While Hara himself is a goated mangaka, characters designs is definitely not his strong suite.
And Futei-sama debut himself as a General?
Man jump from 3K Commander to a General the next time we saw him. Truly a Great Heavens material. Wouldn't be surprised if my theory of Futei being the last member of Zhao's Three Great Heavens come true Lmao.
What's even more funny is that Riboku lookalike (Bafuuji) are getting along with Kaine (which makes Futei jealous for a bit) is not because they're both 5K Commanders, it's because Bafuuji looking like Riboku xD.
Riboku's speech was dope.
While I want to see Riboku beating Kanki, I hope that the battle won't be just "Ohh, I got more soldiers so I win." I want to see strategic and psychological fight between Riboku and Kanki and not just some simple pincer surprise attack.
But the teaser for this battle back in chapter 701 was a nice foreshadowing though.
Here in the Riboku's army marching, we can see Fuuon (Shin lookalike) on the left behind Futei while Bafuuji is on the far right (same armor design and all).
Then behind Kaine and Shunsuiju, that's probably Seika Generals Gakushou and Jyoukaryuu (same mustache and long beard, and the scar on the left eye). Their helmets are cool looking as well. Can't wait for the big dawg Zhao's Sleeping Tiger Shibashou-sama himself.
So yeah, I think that's it for my review. Like I said, hopefully Riboku-sama will show some high IQ strategies and tactics against Kanki and not rely on just numbers alone. Since he knows Kanki's weakness and all.
Goatboku's about to prove himself that he's above second generation of Qin's Six Great Generals by defeating one himself.