[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Argonauts, roll out!
DrProf I remember had something going for him, apparently he claimed? guess he is townie if people did not voting him. Although i felt that it was unnecessary to claim, panicked? possibly. Would suggest keeping an eye on him.
He's claimed 3 different flavors now, according to heresay, I've not actually checked myself, but apparently claimed Hohenheim, Mustang and now Izumi after Ratchet's death. Though, in a jokingly manner.
He's claimed 3 different flavors now, according to heresay, I've not actually checked myself, but apparently claimed Hohenheim, Mustang and now Izumi after Ratchet's death. Though, in a jokingly manner.
I think first one (Hohenheim) was not in joking manier. I am not sure about this - would scum risk likely counterclaim?


Argonauts, roll out!
I think first one (Hohenheim) was not in joking manier. I am not sure about this - would scum risk likely counterclaim?
Sorry, poor grammar on my side. I meant to say he claimed izumi after Ratchet's death in a jokingly manner, the other two I have not checked so I cannot confirm as of this post.

I think it's likely he might not be hohenheim if he's throwing out claims like no tomorrow, my best bet would be that he was baiting Scarface to hit him. Though, that's just a tinfoil.
who are your town reads and scum reads so far?
Father told me Mitch was scum, Blue's obvious, I'm on the fence with Pero.

And as for town reads, don't really have any yet.
I believe Flower was outed town, so that's not a read.


Argonauts, roll out!
Sorry, poor grammar on my side. I meant to say he claimed izumi after Ratchet's death in a jokingly manner, the other two I have not checked so I cannot confirm as of this post.

I think it's likely he might not be hohenheim if he's throwing out claims like no tomorrow, my best bet would be that he was baiting Scarface to hit him. Though, that's just a tinfoil.

Father told me Mitch was scum, Blue's obvious, I'm on the fence with Pero.

And as for town reads, don't really have any yet.
I believe Flower was outed town, so that's not a read.
Oh and Gram, I don't like his responses after Ratchet's death.
He doesn't appear very townie to me, even though I gave him benefit of doubt, since I don't believe Ratchet actually had TMI on him.

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
You literally placed a vote on me and disappeared and when you popped up again you asked a to throw a vote on an inactive. You seem totally fine and comfortable with your vote. Your mindset is what is scummy here. Sure other people view me scummy that's not the problem here, it's how you felt totally content with your vote.

not really, from a scum perspective, felt very opportunistic. No paranoia whatsoever, bit reaching here.

it's the action itself that matters. Going for an easy lynch and pushing for it is scummy imo.

no, it's because you are in my scum read and why you care what people think? feels bit self conscious here, you want people approval or something? I have a question for you , do you think I am scummy right now?

You see, I am townie and not afraid of anything. Alot of people scum read me and i don't really care, it's understandable actually. But your stance especially felt very opportunistic. You felt content, pushed for it, and look the worse out of the people who 'scum read me'.

Who are your top 3 town read and scum read currently? curious actually.
Bro what are you talking about? I never disappeared. I was here all this time. It’s you who is not attentive that you didn’t notice that my vote was on you and now after the vote count you started crying. If you’d have asked me then we could have this conversation much earlier but you are mostly absent which is not my fault. Also I didn’t do any of the things you are accusing me off. When I see someone is trolling I have the right the vote for them. Nothing personal here.

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
He's claimed 3 different flavors now, according to heresay, I've not actually checked myself, but apparently claimed Hohenheim, Mustang and now Izumi after Ratchet's death. Though, in a jokingly manner.
Yeah he’s been openly scumming and I don’t believe his Hoenheim claim tbh. I’m not even sure if we should risk having our invests go after him because I have a feeling he’s got some ulterior motive behind throwing random claims. So it’s the best option to deal with him with a lynch.

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
So far Flower, Charlie, Pero, Fuji, Muugen, Cooler, Cal - look good to me.

Scum pool - Gram, Rottkins, Worst, Soulkiller, Prof.

Neutral - Joygirl, Yo Tan, Mango, Mitch, Salah, Nana.

I feel like I’m forgetting someone but oh well.


Argonauts, roll out!
So far Flower, Charlie, Pero, Fuji, Muugen, Cooler, Cal - look good to me.

Scum pool - Gram, Rottkins, Worst, Soulkiller, Prof.

Neutral - Joygirl, Yo Tan, Mango, Mitch, Salah, Nana.

I feel like I’m forgetting someone but oh well.
Would you mind giving me a quick runthrough on Worst and Rottkins?

will we get an updated version again?
VOTE COUNT (As of 2915)​
1: Flowa- > Ratchet > Blue > Ratchet > Unvote > Blue > Grammation
2: TheAncientCenturian- > Flower > Prof > Ratchet > Gram > Blue > Grammation
3: Fujishiro- > Blue > TAC > Blue > Grammation
4: Nana- > Ekko > Unvote > Blue
5: Mangosenpai- > MitchMatch > Peroronchino > Blue
6: Ekkologix- > Nana > TAC > Soul > Rottkins
8: Sallah WG > Ekko
10: Kagurashii- > Soulkiller
12: Rottkins- > Blue
13: Worst- > Blue > Grammaton
14: Ratchet- > Prof > TAC > Flower > TAC > Grammaton
17: Lord Melkor- > Rottkins > Grammation
19: Charlie- > Blue
20: Cooler- > Ekko > Rottkins
21: Zolo- > Flowa
22: Ripped Cal- > Ekko
23: Peroroncino- > Muugen > Rottkins > Grammation
24: Dr_Proffessor- > Charles > Ratchet > TAC > Blue
25: Grammation- > Blue
26: Joygirl- > Blue > Ekko > Blue
27: Rej- > Mango
28: Nibel > Ekko > Rottkins
29: MUUGEN > Grammaton
30: Soulkiller- > Ratchet > Blue

Didn't vote
@Yo Tan Wa
Blue - 8
Grammation - 7
Rottkins - 2
Ekko - 2 (isn't he ded, prob invalid lmao)
Soulkiller - 1
Flowa - 1
Mango - 1
Last edited:


Custom title
Ok i was able to catch up

People i like ( atm )

TAC - Gramma - Fuji

Unlike previous games TAC gives me townie vibes this one his attitude seems more oriented to scum hunting and i like it!

I like fuji's phantom troupe initiative, seems to me like he's just looking for people he can trust and i think it's a town thing to do this early ( at least in my previous games i used to be quite paranoid especially the first cycles and doing it this early i see it's quite a leap )

Gramma's idea of mass claiming definetly comes from a townie, i saw not everyone agrees to it cuz it would " ruin the game " but it sure generated some interesting reactions to it, he's also spotting some interesting details like Ekko's claim to be pro town indie but then claiming he can win with any one

People i'm undecided about ( atm )

Ratchet - Flowa

Flowa feels quite active and motivated this game, idk it gives me a different vibe than in arcane, feel a bit off about her atm

Ratchet just scares me i just hope he's not scum....

People i don't like ( atm )

Prof - Mango - Blue

Idk about this prof, he felt a bit ballsy the first 2/3hrs of the game but as i was reading he felt a bit conservative when put a bit under pressure, town prof felt more carefree in arcane to me so he's a scum lean for me now

Nothing about his posting really Mango started with this gimming which reminds me of how he started the weebs with the jojo one, feels more trollish than in arcane and that worries me a little

Blue really felt like he slipped there, he briefly answered the pressure and went back fluffing, but again i'm very paranoid so idk.....
Ok i'm caught up above are my previous reads

Now my updated reads

People i like ( atm )

TAC - Fuji - Flowa - Charlie - Joygirl

TAC same as before

Didn't saw much changes from Fuji and i like how he's playing so far, i saw some people sussing him but idk

Flowa is clearly town even i understood that atp....

Charlie/Joygirl they look ok to me looking at their posts

People i'm undecided about ( atm )

YTW - Mango

I still don't like Mango but i feel like he's lying too low to be actual scum, not town reading him but i wouldn't mind seeing more from him

Not sure if he's tired form the last game or what but i'd like to see more from YTW, from the few i see of him there is more fluff than actual content and it's not the same balance i saw in Arcane / WoW

People i don't like ( atm )

Prof - Blue - Rotkins - Gramma

Didn't saw much more from prof since the last time, i don't see the town prof i know in him plus i see there is some weird sh** going on about his claims.....

Blue looks really scummy, from WoW's game i recall him getting sort of cooperative only when he's in trouble...don't like him at all!

My boy Rotkins bleeds scum, 99% of his posts are fluff, he dipped the fk out after the color incident and came out only to vote blue when people were " heated " about it gives me the impression he was paying attention but never answered to the calls, it reminds me in the weebs!

Blue really felt like he slipped there, he briefly answered the pressure and went back fluffing, but again i'm very paranoid so idk.....

Gramma i had him among people i like on my first reads, and i sort of enforced it when i saw his debates vs Ratchet but it was probably due to Ratchet's gimmick that made me saw Gramma as more reasonable to trust :V
Re reading when i said i was down to go for prof / blue he sair that going for blue would have been sort of " cheap " but a slip it's a slip, when i slipped the color thing in the weebs i was ready to face fate xD so that was probably a bit of a soft cover to gain some time ? idk

That insta kill on Ratchet was weird though, i wonder if it was an automatic thing or they triggered it ? Maybe blue is Scar and they triggered it to draw all the possible attention on Gramma which probably has a weaker role ? But i don't see why should we doubt Ratchet atp : /

There are also a lot of " inactives " compared to the top standards i didn't got into ://
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