Funnily enough I tool the time to look at what lance actually liked for the last 2 days (this one and yesterday) and everything seemed to be related to kaido and zoro. He like oda playing the "do you have a sanji brain or a zoro brain". He liked someone posting on Twitter about kaidos ice/water attacks, he liked a post of the sbs of someone making the correlation between zoros ashura and kaidos ragnarok
Funnily enough I tool the time to look at what lance actually liked for the last 2 days (this one and yesterday) and everything seemed to be related to kaido and zoro. He like oda playing the "do you have a sanji brain or a zoro brain". He liked someone posting on Twitter about kaidos ice/water attacks, he liked a post of the sbs of someone making the correlation between zoros ashura and kaidos ragnarok
You sure are a dedicated man :zehaha:

Deleted member 83

Ya I was serious in the beginning.

My trolling inspiration came from @Topi Jerami . To me, he is one of the most hilarious guy.

No idea how I exactly ended up becoming Reborninformer on OJ.

I think I gave few spoilers and they turned out to be true so people believed me but afterward spoilers of next chapters were turning out to be fake and I got branded as fake informer.

And, then on worst gen I simply build on that bad reputation and then bad influences of my own informers simply were icing on my fake news reputation like @Jew D. Boy from whom I learnt copy pasta or @Rhea Calliope who never miss an opportunity to troll or got my fake news skills upgraded thanks to @Bango🍅 . 😂😂