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✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯
I can wait, I am a brave boy, short and cowardish but brave, with paranoia and short temper but patient, patient as fuck I AM PATIENT OK??? I HAVE TO BE BRAVE AND PATIENT


From REDON in Pirate King

NO ONE has said that they will stop posting Spoilers in the forum.

The only thing we have said is that we are NOT going to publish our Spoilers and summaries for a while. Nothing more.

If tomorrow the Korean leaker appears and publishes his Spoilers with some image, we will publish it as usual.
If new information appears on the Japanese 5ch forums on Wednesday, we will publish and translate it as usual.
On Thursday we will publish the images that the Arabs publish on Twitter if they continue to publish them... And so on.

What we're not going to do is post a short Spoiler on Tuesday night if the Korean leaker doesn't show up first.
And I'm also not going to post my full summary a few hours before the images appear on Twitter. No more no less.
No worries we still have Reborn :pepebusi:

"Oda hates Sanji"bros in the mud.

Plot twist: Oda hates himself.
That's because of the simp questions

"Oda hates Sanji"bros in the mud.

Plot twist: Oda hates himself.
Oda is mixture of Luffy and Sanji, a childish and meat loving simp who smokes
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