Who has the best fighting style l?

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I'm still holding onto Usopp for Elbaf
But the God Usopp jokes really need to stop lol
I always thought that Elbaf is going to be a big arc similar to WCI but going from how Oda stretched the hell out of Wano I think he's going to make it a Zhou 2.0 type of arc at best before going into the final arc/saga of the series.
usopp wont get any glory. havent you seen how the character has been portrayed time and time again? what exactly is he going to face in elbaf (assuming that elbaf even ends up being an arc) that is more terrifying than fighting doflamingo's crew + challenging two emperors and their crews simultaneously? Usopp will only change in the final arc perhaps or as an aftermath of the final war. Worst of all, it will be an on-and-off switch type of change. His growth into a brave warrior will be sudden and not gradual as proper character development demands
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