Who has the best fighting style l?

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Gorosei Informer

Why Hotei though? :snoopy: He is an unnessary addition. :jay-yeah:
I'm just desperate for Hotei to actually be relevant somehow. I wish he could have fought Denjiro in all seriousness. But instead we got Raizo (the discount unholy love child of Gai and Jiraiya) in staring contest with What The Fukurokuju for WAY too long.
This shit feels like filler at this point - yet another chapter ending with Luffy and Kaido saying some shit like "this is fun!" or some other dumbass variation.

Is Oda really writing this thinking "damn this shit is FIRE! How should I end the next chapter? Maybe I'll have Luffy punch Kaido and say "I'm loving this!" this time? Yeahh the fans'll love that!"

Please just end this arc:
Denjiro better be in this chapter, seriously where did this man go?

All the Scabbards had their moment and were seen doing something except for Denjiro.

Ashura Doji had his moment against Fake Oden/Kanjuro

Kin'emon and Kiku had their moment against Kanjuro

Inu and Neko had their moment against Jack and Perospero

Raizo had his moment against Fukurokuju and is now having another moment during this upcoming chapter

And even though Kawamatsu doesn't have a moment yet, we at least saw a little bit of him here and there.

Meanwhile not only has Denjiro not done anything significant after the Kaido fight, but it seems like he just disappeared from the manga as well.
Yes, whilst reminiscing how much he misses Oden and wishes Hotei could be him. Hotel is hurt but he understands as Brotei loves Denjibro and just wants to make him happy. Even after he revealed his subterfuge and Kyoshibro was a lie, Brotei was in too deep and couldn't let go of his bromance. As Denjiro is now in too deep in Hotei, Hotei tearfully says to himself, "I wish I could quit you".

*Roll credits on Brokeback Mount Fuji*
Was your hands down your pants while you wrote this
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