So my dumbass just caught up on the day the new chap came out.

Shouldve milked it out longer. But boi was that amazing.
Ffs I was enjoying Tatsumaki getting stomped. I actually really like her, but I dont like the fact there is an almighty being on the hero association that isnt Saitama. For a sec there I thought she wouldve beaten the hybrid.
Now that Tatsumaki is going all out, I can see heros like Child Emperor and Atomic Samurai surviving their fights. Tbf Child Emperor already used his trump card, yet still wouldve beaten the evil Liquid if it werent for outside interference. Atomic Samurai on the other hand is hooootttt Trash ! Wtf is this ?? Are we supposed to believe hes Top 5 like Darkshines says he is ?
And for DS vs Garou.....Garou is nearly breaking his limiter. Tatsumaki's dumbass destroys everything then are we gonnna get a conclusion to the fight.
In conclusion....Psykos is hot !