Powers & Abilities 102 confirms Zoro is not VC nor is he second strongest.

Bro, why are you that delusionally desperate?
Stop making a fool of yourself

Oda stated that these guys he put in the drawing are the Number Twos. This is a battle shonen manga, so it obviously means the second in strength.
But you are biased and never admit reality, so you like to desperately claim that it means number twos in playing cricket, or maybe in playing the guitar, and what not...

Sadly for you, Oda textually explained that it means Number Twos in strength, therefore the strongest in the group bar the captain
He literally explained that, by saying that Bepo is stronger than Penguin and Shachi
If Penguin and Shachi were stronger than Bepo, he would have put them, but he put Bepo because he is stronger

This is the canon reality, sorry

But sure you can always dream that it's this if that fantasy makes you happy

Cope dear flat-earther

We have ben, official RHM
We have Marco, official RHM
We have king, official RHM
We have reyligth, official RHM
We have killer, official partner
We have katakuri, official second strongest
We have sabo, official second strongest
We have Shiryu, fated meeting between two greats.
Let's tide zoro with bepo because we can hold an argument until they prove us wrong and use confusion " Wings "attack allover again :josad:.
We have ben, official RHM
We have Marco, official RHM
We have king, official RHM
We have reyligth, official RHM
We have killer, official partner
We have katakuri, official second strongest
We have sabo, official second strongest
We have Shiryu, fated meeting between two greats.
Let's tide zoro with bepo because we can hold an argument until they prove us wrong and use confusion " Wings "attack allover again :josad:.
And very casually also we have this by Oda about Zoro being Number Two/Right Hand Man/First Mate and being close in strength with his captain and always fighting his right hand men and number twos counterparts in other crews.

You all know that the strongest Strawhat bar Luffy is Zoro. And if by chance you didn't know... Oda just stated this. No equals, no peers, no Wings, no shit... just an undesputable number two which is Zoro, with no one close enough to make this ambiguous.
No King + Queen, Rayleigh + Gaban, Zoro + Sanji. Oda has only King, only Rayleigh, only Zoro.

Zoro who, coincidentally, is also Luffy's Right Hand Man and the only Strawhat whose strength compares to Luffy's, who has similar traits, powers and goals to Luffy; they as a duo of Captain/Number Twos are consistently paralleled with other duos of Captains/Number Twos, and Zoro alone by himself is paralleled to these guys by themselves. The amount of material proving this is gargantuan.

Can one our special friends explain all of this?
Don't be shy... entertain us with your mirror climbing skills!
Gag is a gag furry creatures cant stand heat that has been estabilished with chopper before.
Oda is just being consistant here.
Then why did Chopper tank heat multiple times.

Theres a difference between gag and being weak. For example not everytime Sanji loses to a woman is it a gag. We know he is weak to women.

We know Bepo is weak to flame, but so is Chopper. And Chopper has tanked heat and flame in a lot of occassions better than him.
And very casually also we have this by Oda about Zoro being Number Two/Right Hand Man/First Mate and being close in strength with his captain and always fighting his right hand men and number twos counterparts in other crews.

You all know that the strongest Strawhat bar Luffy is Zoro. And if by chance you didn't know... Oda just stated this. No equals, no peers, no Wings, no shit... just an undesputable number two which is Zoro, with no one close enough to make this ambiguous.
No King + Queen, Rayleigh + Gaban, Zoro + Sanji. Oda has only King, only Rayleigh, only Zoro.

Zoro who, coincidentally, is also Luffy's Right Hand Man and the only Strawhat whose strength compares to Luffy's, who has similar traits, powers and goals to Luffy; they as a duo of Captain/Number Twos are consistently paralleled with other duos of Captains/Number Twos, and Zoro alone by himself is paralleled to these guys by themselves. The amount of material proving this is gargantuan.

Can one our special friends explain all of this?
Don't be shy... entertain us with your mirror climbing skills!


Then why did Chopper tank heat multiple times.

Theres a difference between gag and being weak. For example not everytime Sanji loses to a woman is it a gag. We know he is weak to women.

We know Bepo is weak to flame, but so is Chopper. And Chopper has tanked heat and flame in a lot of occassions better than him.
we only saw one scene of bepo here last time we saw he was fighting around flames just fine and he is twice as weak because mink and polar bear

The amazing Jean Bart that for some reason Sanji fanboys are now wanking.

Guy’s probably weaker than Penguin and Shachi, never mind Bepo. And all Law’s crew is garbage anyway. As is every Supernova crewmate except Killer.
The gorilla is just way too strong.
Did Bepo beat that Gorilla, or beat an enemy that the Gorilla couldn't beat?
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we only saw one scene of bepo here last time we saw he was fighting around flames just fine and he is twice as weak because mink and polar bear
Yh now your using off-panel shit. Desperate af.

Chopper is a furry and Reindeer. Minks are weak because of fur. Chopper is an animal who has fur. And on top of that hes an Reeindeer whos indeginnious to cold climates.


Yh now your using off-panel shit. Desperate af.

Chopper is a furry and Reindeer. Minks are weak because of fur. Chopper is an animal who has fur. And on top of that hes an Reeindeer whos indeginnious to cold climates.
you know we saw bepo fighting this raid before right? It was just a panel but it was there, i don't know what you gain from downplaying bepo anyway,is it cause sachi whatever is the sanji version in law's crew?