I will revive my last thread in OJ before I got banned. Couldn't reply back to the replies there back then.
So once again:
King the Wildfire
Mihawk the Shichibukai
Location: Marineford
Rules: No restrictions
My thoughts:
By portrayal, imo King can rival Mihawk easily. The 2 characters actually have faced a very similar scenario, although the result was not so similar.
In Marineford, Mihawk tried to attack a Yonko (Whitebeard), who was aboard his ship (Moby Dick), and he was accompanied by his YC2 (Diamond Jozu).
Here's the result:
Whitebeard's YC2 stopped the attack easily. The attack never reached Moby Dick, and Whitebeard who was aboard her.
Now, very similar scenario happened again in Wano.
King the Wildfire, tried to attack another Yonko (Big Mom), who was also aboard her ship (Queen Mama Chanter), and she was also accompanied by her YC2 (Smoothie) along with some other crewmembers including Veterans.
And this is where the similarity ended. The result was pretty different than Mihawk's attempt:
King landed the attack successfully. Neither Big Mom's YC2, and not even Big Mom herself could do anything to stop King's attack despite seeing him from afar. King achieved what Mihawk failed to do.
Now, of course this portrayal alone can't push the opinion that King will win against everytime, because Mihawk is still Shanks' rival who is ~ Beckmann level. So this match is literally match between ~ YC1 level so I can't say certain YC1 can defeat another one 10 out of 10 times.
I say the result is extreme diff either way, with King winning 6 out of 10 times due to clear better portrayal among the 2.
So once again:
King the Wildfire

Mihawk the Shichibukai

Location: Marineford
Rules: No restrictions
My thoughts:
By portrayal, imo King can rival Mihawk easily. The 2 characters actually have faced a very similar scenario, although the result was not so similar.
In Marineford, Mihawk tried to attack a Yonko (Whitebeard), who was aboard his ship (Moby Dick), and he was accompanied by his YC2 (Diamond Jozu).
Here's the result:

Whitebeard's YC2 stopped the attack easily. The attack never reached Moby Dick, and Whitebeard who was aboard her.
Now, very similar scenario happened again in Wano.
King the Wildfire, tried to attack another Yonko (Big Mom), who was also aboard her ship (Queen Mama Chanter), and she was also accompanied by her YC2 (Smoothie) along with some other crewmembers including Veterans.
And this is where the similarity ended. The result was pretty different than Mihawk's attempt:

King landed the attack successfully. Neither Big Mom's YC2, and not even Big Mom herself could do anything to stop King's attack despite seeing him from afar. King achieved what Mihawk failed to do.
Now, of course this portrayal alone can't push the opinion that King will win against everytime, because Mihawk is still Shanks' rival who is ~ Beckmann level. So this match is literally match between ~ YC1 level so I can't say certain YC1 can defeat another one 10 out of 10 times.
I say the result is extreme diff either way, with King winning 6 out of 10 times due to clear better portrayal among the 2.