Why narrowing down everything to flavour just because I like it?
Dude I made more reads throughout this game than you. And they all come naturally here and there. I made more reads than tinfoils by now.
You act like you completely forbid me to talk about flavour. + several people were curious about flavour and setup. As someone who enjoys this show I ofc take the once in a lifetime chance to explain this show to people. I want you exactly to explain to me, why I shouldn't have done that and what's the problem with it.
Noone has been baited for flavour angleing, no harm has been done, thanks god and we all have fundamentals on what this game is about.
This is a gentleman's thing and it was a honor and pleasure to do so.
Now can you please read my reads and turn them against me if I am scum?
If I am scum then what does my scum read on T-Pein mean for you?
Can you dig further?
brb watching Shadow's House 10/10 S-tier series, can recommend