This dude has been trying to paint a false narrative in which besides ''shading him'' I had no real reads, whenever I prompted him about it he wouldn't give me a clear answer. He clearly only read the part where I threw sus his way and it seems to have triggered him. Then he spouts more lies about me being all over the place and stated that his reasoning is because I didn't check the spoiler quotes in the vote counts to check for the detailed count as well as corrected grammar mistakes and then just lies about me not being settled on my reads ( when I clearly had reads before and verbatim said who Id be voting in ''Charles'').
TLDR: Rej's reasoning for voting me stems from an emotional reaction to me being worried about his change of playstyle given that he played like a maniac on crack for the past few games compared to his calmer playstyle now, and started making shit up about why Im scum. The man is truly a scum hunting god.
@Worst @Charlie @Rottkins @Pot Goblin ,etc