Why are some Americans insecure and whiny?

It only proves my point that those loudmouths do a lot people wrong.

I have had similar talk with a dude I knew. He told me that gay people like him really don't feel like going around the area whining about their sexuality and etc.

But that's one example. I don't agree with a lot of things and I heavily dislike people spreading it like bible.
Your problem was people ‘spreading information about their sexuality’. Well of course they do. Because there’s so much misinformation about trans issues, similar to how there was almost understanding of gay and lesbian issues ten years ago. Your gay friend no longer needs to clear up old fashioned misconceptions that he might ‘turn the children gay’ or any of that shit. Because no one really believes that anymore. Trans people are where gay people were previously in the 2000s.

No one is forcing you to do anything differently. If a trans person tells you their name and pronoun, respect it, just as you would respect a coworker who wants to be called William and not his Chinese name Xiaoming.
Lmfao, there's a better way tho to this thread than generalize everyone.

Imagine someone beats you up and the fox news be like "you would get beaten in your shithole country too, suck it up can't do anything about it even tho you are born here you are asian"
But people actually still believe in this.

Not in my country. But if America is that backwards, then surely there is still a need for LGBT individuals to ‘spread information’ about their sexuality, inviting more knee-jerk reactions and hysterical screaming that LGBT people are ‘shoving their sexualities down your throat’. They just can’t win. 🤷‍♂️
This is such a ignorant world view of america's culture war lol. The problem isn't that most americans think their country isn't flawed, anybody with a k-12 education will tell you otherwise. The problem is that some people will purposefully misrepresent those problems and unironically make them a way bigger deal than they are.

The fact is that most people overestimate demographics in america, leading to the slick ones using it to pimp the naive


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Your gay friend no longer needs to clear up old fashioned misconceptions that he might ‘turn the children gay’ or any of that shit. Because no one really believes that anymore. Trans people are where gay people were previously in the 2000s.
if this is about the florida bill is way more into that than this. Actually this is downright misrepresenting it lol
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You guys talk about the most useless topics, grow the fuck up, sexuality that- sexuality this, how about you stfu and stop anoying people with your shit takes.
Edit: Oh my bad, I didnt realise that I was arguing in wg, go on monkeys:tchpepe:60 iq grote.
Mods why’d you edit my title? I wasn’t talking about Americans in general, many of whom are smart and decent people.

I was specifically angry at the small subsection of Americans(Americatards) who go to great lengths to white knight for America.
I guess I wasn’t really nice, but these people are racist assholes so idgaf.

“Minorities should just shut up and be grateful for all the things white people have done for them,”

like these people deadass want all POC to be like Uncle Ruckus and praise da white man
Because of the far right, and the far left woke fools. Both of whom refuse to compromise on anything and constantly draw lines in the sand dividing this county more and more.

There have always been conservatives and liberals, but in the past they accepted when they didn't get their way for the most part even if they didn't like it. They accepted it because they recognized that other Americans had different opinions and beliefs. They didn't lose their fucking minds when their political candidate didn't win.

Now a days? It's a culture of absolute nonacceptance on both sides, but especially the far left who act more like Fascist even though they claim to be "liberal". You cannot be liberal when you want to "cancel" anyone or anything that has a different opinion or belief than you do. You also cannot force your ideals as being the only truth down peoples throats and rewrite history and ignore science and biology because of "feelings"

Freedom doesn't equal being able to say or do whatever you want without consequences lmao, you have to have a pretty immature mentality to think that.
Yes it actually does, it's in our constitution ffs. That's what Freedom of Speech is. As for "doing whatever you want". Thats why we have Laws in place. You can do what you want as long as you are not violating any Laws.
Because of the far right, and the far left woke fools. Both of whom refuse to compromise on anything and constantly draw lines in the sand dividing this county more and more.

There have always been conservatives and liberals, but in the past they accepted when they didn't get their way for the most part even if they didn't like it. They accepted it because they recognized that other Americans had different opinions and beliefs. They didn't lose their fucking minds when their political candidate didn't win.

Now a days? It's a culture of absolute nonacceptance on both sides, but especially the far left who act more like Fascist even though they claim to be "liberal". You cannot be liberal when you want to "cancel" anyone or anything that has a different opinion or belief than you do. You also cannot force your ideals as being the only truth down peoples throats and rewrite history and ignore science and biology because of "feelings"

Yes it actually does, it's in our constitution ffs. That's what Freedom of Speech is. As for "doing whatever you want". Thats why we have Laws in place. You can do what you want as long as you are not violating any Laws.
Idk what you are talking about

The far right is openly white supremacist and overtly tried to steal an election. Trump literally engineered an act of terrorism on January 6th so he could stay in power.

The left just wants racial and sexual minorities to be accepted. The fact y’all spend so much time crying and whining about cancel culture is ridiculous tbh.
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The conservatives have turned America into the laughing stock of the whole fucking world
  • Routine mass shootings and profound levels of gun violence compared to other developed countries
  • For profit healthcare system
  • For profit higher education system
  • Record numbers of people in prison
  • High levels of wealth inequality

    The American dream is literally dying yet all some people care about is “b-buh cancel culture”. “b-buh trans people”. Get a grip.
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Deleted member 10278

Now a days? It's a culture of absolute nonacceptance on both sides, but especially the far left who act more like Fascist even though they claim to be "liberal". You cannot be liberal when you want to "cancel" anyone or anything that has a different opinion or belief than you do. You also cannot force your ideals as being the only truth down peoples throats and rewrite history and ignore science and biology because of "feelings"
Funny how the some of the same folk that claim to be “liberal” are the ones claiming to be more “open minded” yet are ready to cancel anything that remotely challenges or questions their beliefs. The cognitive dissonance couldn’t be more apparent.
Yes it actually does, it's in our constitution ffs. That's what Freedom of Speech is. As for "doing whatever you want". Thats why we have Laws in place. You can do what you want as long as you are not violating any Laws.
Freedom of speech has limitations, it's not some limitless thing that allows you to say whatever you want without consequence, and if you're arguing laws, well, there are laws prohibiting you from saying things, hence the consequences.
The far right is openly white supremacist and overtly tried to steal an election. Trump literally engineered an act of terrorism on January 6th so he could stay in power.

The left just wants racial and sexual minorities to be accepted. The fact y’all spend so much time crying and whining about cancel culture is ridiculous tbh.

You are proving my point. Ignoring my condemnation of the Far Right and focusing only on my condemnation of the Far Left and drawing that line in the sand. "All conservatives are bad and racist " which is bullshit, and "All Far Leftist Woke Folk are SJW who want to save the world from racist and homaphobes" which is also utter bullshit. No one is whining and crying about the cancel culture club as it is continuously imploding upon itself which is hilarious tbh.

Now I'm done with this topic as I'm here for fun and entertainment and politics is neither.