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Arbiter of Truth
of the list @Ekkologix is the one I have the strongest town read right now from backreading the last 20 pages or so, fairly active, seems to be contributing. I also remember when I was actively following in the beginning someone may have mentioned that his/her pr makes their town claim stronger (not sure i follow that)

@T-Pein™ People seems to be voting for due to a mechanical reason? From what i am gathering its because he didn’t get killed from a superkill? And theres a potential slip about protect/immunity wording. He haven’t had much of a presence so far besides defending himself a few times.

@Peroroncino not much focus on them right now but I actually had a scum lean on them when i was following the first two day or so. I think they had a post that kinda pinged me, need to find it again. Maybe things changed

no strong thoughts on the rest for now :few:

Sir Chadelot


Custom title
One of the first thing I did when I subbed in was to see if I could immideately see a hidden message in your first page of the ISO, I didn't see any, so I believe you are town until further notice.
Maybe the message is there u just can't see it

Who do you atm think isn't amogus
No idea i'm barely following i'm just hoping to catch someone with some actions :)


Arbiter of Truth
Guys, what do you think about Joygirl's comments about Pein and Pot?

Any thoughts would be helpful to see that I am not imagining things here.
She feels similar to the FMA game where she was being very difficult with confrontation when I believed she made a comment I couldn't really find any context for.

Now I haven't seen the full extent of all the interactions, so I can't say for sure.

But from my PoV it just seems that Joygirl isn't too used to pushback on what she says, and becomes defensive.

That is just an observation and my interpretation, but what I can say is that in the FMA game she did turn out to be town despite responding poorly to pushback.

For context in the game she made a comment about Dr_Prof being culted, but I couldn't find any posts about it so I asked her where she got the info from, and instead of telling me she just accused me of not paying attention to the game- etc. etc.

So with that being said, at the moment I believe she's town that just doesn't really know how to respond to pushback.


Lead them to paradise.
Gimme a summary please, I saw Nana claim to have checked JG and got inno whilst Bonni claims she got a guilty result. What else happened?

Also saw her chat leaks stuff.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
He's pushing Pero as an act of a hopeless man who doesn't have anymore tricks.
do you have proof that its an act? you know faking being genuinely uninformed is really hard to do. would he not instead vote on wagons that have chance to be lynched if he wants to survive?

Also what do you make of him finding out about Rej so that he gave Rej a town read straight from an SK read. Why didn't he use it on Pero since he's so suspicious of him?
obviously the roleblock didnt work on tpein, else how wud he get the result on rej. how do u know rej was not roleblocked? maybe rej's roelblocked didnt reach tpein

kagura u r being acting on impulses over impulses. u arent analyzing deeply enough. thats just the truth. its making it hard to tell whether u r a townie that rly think they got a scum caught or if u r mafia that thinks tpein is part of another faction. i am analyzing ur posts and the fact that u shot tpein who was scummy day 1 tells me u r town as mafia has no business doing that shot

i need u to also listen to me like i listened to u.

Why, because he's consistence and that inconstancy has caught up to him.
not sure what u mean by this? ~♡


No dude... that's a bike...!!
If I say who I target it will become very obvious who I am.

So unless I really need to, I think I will refrain to.

But, if you believe I am in a position that I have no choice but to, I will have to disagree.

I hope u understand
i dont think u have to, but do they know? u could of said it in you know where ~♡
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