Funny you mention that, that would have been extremely fitting similar both BM and Kaido use weather and thus lightning powers too! We had Nami "facing" Big Mom, the 2 different weather witches!
But alas Misogynist D Lolda happened ofc.

Tfw when you expected Nami to be like Storm from X-Men one day somehow or at least Big Mom to be similar.

This was such a fantastic moment vs Enel but ironically I'm sick of Oda doubling down on the lightning spam with Nami now especially with getting Zeus AND saying she should have Enels fruit, SIGH....
Lol you're right I'm really sick of the lighting spam too but sadly Oda doesn't absolutely want Nami to do anything else with her weather knowledge other than that (Rain Tempo could've been really useful against the fire on Onigashima but guess Oda forgot about that too)

I must admit that one moment (the only one really) that I liked from Nami's performance in Wano was her stealing Zeus from BM for a moment before she zapped Luffy. But that was like 3/4 panels in a 150 chapters arc where Nami has tons of (wasted) screen time

Gorosei Informer

@Ghostly Reflections
I forgot to mention Nami getting complimented by Galette too

Man WCI was really an amazing arc for Nami....
It really was, when she used the Zeus Thunder Tempo vs Big Mom or w/e, my jaw legitimately dropped twice! Once for when it happened in the manga and then again with the anime got to it too!

Even now it still blows my mind! I'm glad her rain was useful vs Cracker and it should counter Galette's DF somewhat at least potentially? Maybe Opera's too? Mont D'Ors? Lot of potential? I want a serious Hall of Mirrors type fight with her and Brulee, where Brulee would trick her with lots of mirror illusions/clones, Nami would destroy the mirrors with her rapid and massively extending clima tract (Pause) and actually give Brulee a taste of her own medicine with Mirage Tempo too.

More than anything, I really wanted to see Nami use wind and snow type powers, blizzards, gale force winds, tornados etc.

At least Oda made her look extremely good at WCI before utterly ruining her in this arc to compensate for it lmfao. I genuinely thought Nami would get a teamup fight vs Smoothie with Brook/Jinbei/Carrot or something. Since Luffy faced 2 Sweet Generals, why not just give him a fight with Smoothie, with Nami assisting again and hype up Smoothie by proxy as Luffys opponents almost always get hype at least?

Hell I wanted Luffy and Sanji vs Katakuri, we could have Jinbei vs Cracker with maybe Brook assisting, especially to try and "see through Crackers" armour, maybe possesssing one of his biscuit soldiers for an epic clash and turning his powers against him ironically and the sheer speed and sword based fighting style of "True Form Cracker" lol.

WCI was really great for stuff like this though definitely. I had such WASTED hype and hope for the BM pirates coming to Wano, wtf Oda?

Gorosei Informer

Lol you're right I'm really sick of the lighting spam too but sadly Oda doesn't absolutely want Nami to do anything else with her weather knowledge other than that (Rain Tempo could've been really useful against the fire on Onigashima but guess Oda forgot about that too)
Still cannot fathom that Nami couldnt be used to help extinguish the fires at Onigashima at all...SMH! She has Zeus who she could make MUCH bigger with her "thunder balls" (AYO PAUSE) and given what we've seen Zeus and Prometheus be capable of, including Zeus due to Nami, it just feels so ridiculous still.

At least she had that catharic and savage moment vs Ulti which I appreciated. But I vainly hope there will be something more and better for this arc although I doubt it. Usopp feels like a complete lost cause especially now but since post Dressrosa to now.
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I kinda wish the grim reaper was a Brook gag after all because at least we would be done with it and over it, we would know what it was and still not be wondering WTF is it WEEKS later with no sign of an answer and now Franky is just taking Zoro away, apparently not having seen it himself too...

But I guess Oda is just waiting for the "right time" or to bait/hype us long enough to explain what happened if he does! Still waiting on that actual canonical explanation for Asura and Jambe too...

I'm actually also annoyed he retconned cursed sword to "not be cursed" but just a misconception. Such a lame and easy cop out imo. How does Enma steal haki then too? It seemed to have a life/will of its own with reacting to hearing Hiyori playing music? So Odens will does live on through it somehow but surely this would count as supernatural elements anyway then? Why not just make it cursed?

Its not like curses are heavily prevalent in Japanese culture/mythologies and also with PIRATES!


Man I need these spoilers lmfao, I'm getting too pissy/antsy which doesn't help with Oda's constant blue balling of us and then also the spoiler providers and Lance's hint fetish game, which is acutally just him trolling.

In other words, I'm just fiending really bad/hard right now.

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the only logical way i think Zoro will be healed is because of Marco awakening ability
because this Grim Reaper plot is just so random :quest::quest:
Simplest thing it's just not a plot. Easier imo to believe it was just after affect of the medicine. If he didn't take that medicine, then I would believe this was some odd shit, but he was warned of the consequences. It's not hard to believe this is it

Gorosei Informer

Simplest thing it's just not a plot. Easier imo to believe it was just after affect of the medicine. If he didn't take that medicine, then I would believe this was some odd shit, but he was warned of the consequences. It's not hard to believe this is it
Agreed, it makes a lot of sense when we think about that. Pantheos was arguing this a lot but people kept trying to clown on him for saying this exact argument lmao.

Hallucination caused by pain/drugs would be very fitting and tbh I would really like it if it was that, playing on the symbolism and themes of this arc including Zoro coming extremely close to meeting actual/literal death itself with his actions in this arc, much like at Thriller Bark which this arc parallels and is connected to ofc!

I actually hope it is a hallucination then, it would make things much easier and cause a lot less problems much like cursed swords not actually being cursed ironically I guess lmao.

I wouldn't have minded if it was an enemy DF like someone from CP0 or maybe an illusion from Marias cronies if they were still kicking around somehow but if they went for Zoro, he would probably see Kuina instead ofc.

On that note, given how close her was to death too, I'm surprised he didn't see Kuina as well actually!