Blue will probably post them later, but just for you:
You are White Queen
“You have options. One is life, the other is death. Please give me an answer that would make me want to be merciful. Now, which one is better?” - White Queen
[Passive - Demon King Lucifugus] - White Queen's Demon King, making her indestructible. You are bulletproof all game.
[Passive -Astronomical Afterworld] - Being a Queen, she can't be accused of any wrongdoing. You will be investigated innocent.
[Passive - Lunatic Emperor] - Having lost a part of her sanity long ago, White Queen cannot be controlled. You are immune to manipulations.
[Active - Virgo Sword Betulah] - Creates a crack in space and allows a person to travel between places. You can pick 2 players, if they don't share the same investigation result then no protections can occur on those targets that night nor a player will be able to hide behind them.
[Active - Leo Bullet Arie] - A tracking bullet, guided by the White Queen's will, that devours space. The devoured space takes the form of a white trail that the bullet leaves behind. Kill your target. Cannot be used twice in a row.
[Active - Libra Bullet Moznaim] - Rules over space and can reverse cause and effect within that space. Reverse an action of your target, having the opposite effect [1-shot].
[Active - Taurus Sword Shawl] - An ability that accelerates the speed of the user. Enables the user to perform an additional action this cycle [2-shot]
[Active - Cancer Sword Sartan] - Warps space-time in order to protect the user or assault the enemy. Target a player. If the player performs an action on you the next cycle, kill the target.
[Active - Aquarius Bullet D'li] - Heals yourself completely. Superprotect yourself for a cycle [2-shot]
[Active - Eighth Scorpio Bullet Het Akrab] - The true power of the Scorpio Bullet is the cause for the White Queen's multiple personalities. These personalities also function as storage batteries, which can then be consumed for a quick boost of power. Target a dead role and absorb their abilities as a 1-shot. This may fail on certain abilities and roles [1-shot]
[Active - Sagittarius Sword Keshet] - The attack is described as both a sword as if a bullet, and a bullet as if a sword. Regarded as the White Queen's trump card, it has speed exceeding Mach 10 and is imbedded with enough destructive power to gouge out the space of the surrounding area. Superkill your target. Mustn't have used Leo bullet in the previous cycle nor it can be used the following cycle. [2-shot].
[Active - Gemini Bullet Teomim] - White Queen has the ability to create a copy of herself. By diluting the copies, they become Empties unrecognizable from herself, and by absorbing them, White Queen can reuse a ability she had previously used [1-shot]
[Active - White's Queen Domain] - Anyone who targets White Queen must step into her territory to be able to affect her, The Afterworld, leaving long lasting adverse effects. As such, when a player targets White Queen when this ability is activated, their next actions against her will be downgraded. This ability cannot be used in two cycles in a row.
[Active - All Hail the Queen] - Being the Queen of the Afterworld, White Queen can summon 6 players to the court, having them play a R/P/S match for her own amusement. Being pleased by the results, White Queen grants the winner the [Mark of White]. The player will receive double actions in the first cycle and White Queen may grant a portion of her powers once per cycle, at her own discretion. and she'll become permanently immune to that player's actions for the rest of the game. White Queen can also select three players who lost the match and become immune to their actions for 2 cycles. The [Mark of White] may fail on certain roles. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D3 [1-shot]
[Active - Gate to The Afterworld] - White Queen creates a dimensional rift in time and space and teleports her and her target to her domain, The Afterworld. In this dimension, both White Queen and her target are untargeatable by outside actions. If White Queen decides, she may have a R/P/S with her target. If she loses, her target will gain immunity against her actions for one cycle. If she wins, superkill the target through immunities. If you target Kurumi, a death match will occur, and, however loses, will be superkilled through immunities and their role becomes untargeatable by any actions. This abilitiy can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D4 [1- shot]
[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.
Wincon: Outlive everyone

“You have options. One is life, the other is death. Please give me an answer that would make me want to be merciful. Now, which one is better?” - White Queen
[Passive - Demon King Lucifugus] - White Queen's Demon King, making her indestructible. You are bulletproof all game.
[Passive -Astronomical Afterworld] - Being a Queen, she can't be accused of any wrongdoing. You will be investigated innocent.
[Passive - Lunatic Emperor] - Having lost a part of her sanity long ago, White Queen cannot be controlled. You are immune to manipulations.
[Active - Virgo Sword Betulah] - Creates a crack in space and allows a person to travel between places. You can pick 2 players, if they don't share the same investigation result then no protections can occur on those targets that night nor a player will be able to hide behind them.
[Active - Leo Bullet Arie] - A tracking bullet, guided by the White Queen's will, that devours space. The devoured space takes the form of a white trail that the bullet leaves behind. Kill your target. Cannot be used twice in a row.
[Active - Libra Bullet Moznaim] - Rules over space and can reverse cause and effect within that space. Reverse an action of your target, having the opposite effect [1-shot].
[Active - Taurus Sword Shawl] - An ability that accelerates the speed of the user. Enables the user to perform an additional action this cycle [2-shot]
[Active - Cancer Sword Sartan] - Warps space-time in order to protect the user or assault the enemy. Target a player. If the player performs an action on you the next cycle, kill the target.
[Active - Aquarius Bullet D'li] - Heals yourself completely. Superprotect yourself for a cycle [2-shot]
[Active - Eighth Scorpio Bullet Het Akrab] - The true power of the Scorpio Bullet is the cause for the White Queen's multiple personalities. These personalities also function as storage batteries, which can then be consumed for a quick boost of power. Target a dead role and absorb their abilities as a 1-shot. This may fail on certain abilities and roles [1-shot]
[Active - Sagittarius Sword Keshet] - The attack is described as both a sword as if a bullet, and a bullet as if a sword. Regarded as the White Queen's trump card, it has speed exceeding Mach 10 and is imbedded with enough destructive power to gouge out the space of the surrounding area. Superkill your target. Mustn't have used Leo bullet in the previous cycle nor it can be used the following cycle. [2-shot].
[Active - Gemini Bullet Teomim] - White Queen has the ability to create a copy of herself. By diluting the copies, they become Empties unrecognizable from herself, and by absorbing them, White Queen can reuse a ability she had previously used [1-shot]
[Active - White's Queen Domain] - Anyone who targets White Queen must step into her territory to be able to affect her, The Afterworld, leaving long lasting adverse effects. As such, when a player targets White Queen when this ability is activated, their next actions against her will be downgraded. This ability cannot be used in two cycles in a row.
[Active - All Hail the Queen] - Being the Queen of the Afterworld, White Queen can summon 6 players to the court, having them play a R/P/S match for her own amusement. Being pleased by the results, White Queen grants the winner the [Mark of White]. The player will receive double actions in the first cycle and White Queen may grant a portion of her powers once per cycle, at her own discretion. and she'll become permanently immune to that player's actions for the rest of the game. White Queen can also select three players who lost the match and become immune to their actions for 2 cycles. The [Mark of White] may fail on certain roles. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D3 [1-shot]
[Active - Gate to The Afterworld] - White Queen creates a dimensional rift in time and space and teleports her and her target to her domain, The Afterworld. In this dimension, both White Queen and her target are untargeatable by outside actions. If White Queen decides, she may have a R/P/S with her target. If she loses, her target will gain immunity against her actions for one cycle. If she wins, superkill the target through immunities. If you target Kurumi, a death match will occur, and, however loses, will be superkilled through immunities and their role becomes untargeatable by any actions. This abilitiy can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D4 [1- shot]
[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.
Wincon: Outlive everyone
You are Kurumi Tokisaki
"For you, even falling into hell is not enough." - Kurumi Tokisaki
[Passive - Nightmare] - Regarded as the Worst Spirit, Kurumi is immune to manipulations. She cannot be controlled and her role cannot be copied or used even after death.
[Passive - Elohim "Spirit Dress of God's Authority] - Kurumi's Astral Dress, making her extremely resistant to death and other abilities. She is Bulletproof all game. Plus she will be investigated innocent.
[Active - Archangel Zadkiel] - Zafkiel is an S-ranked Angel takes the form of a large clock with Roman numerals, accompanied by an archaic pistol and musket that serve as its hour and minute hands respectively. Gain access to the following abilities:
[First Bullet Aleph] Protect yourself from the first harmful action at night, except kills.
[Second Bullet Bet] Delay all actions this user performs for a cycle. If they die before the actions activate, they are considered lost.
[Third Bullet Gimmel] Target any player and if they are one of your targets super kill them
[Fourth Bullet Dalet] Reverse time for you or a player of your choice. Any status effects, destroyed abilities, actions performed on that person or role changes from the last phase are undone.
[Fifth Bullet Hei] Kurumi will learn of two random actions during the night phase
[Sixth Bullet Vav] Know every player that performed an action on you during the last cycle.
[Seventh Bullet Zayin] Select a player. They cannot perform any actions for the rest of the cycle, but also can’t be affected by any actions from other players for the rest of the cycle.
[Active- City of Devouring Time] - Kurumi possesses the ability to absorb the time of anyone who steps into the boundary of her shadow. In order to target a large crowd, Kurumi can summon a red barrier that serves a similar function, which she calls the City of Devouring Time. This way, Kurumi can drain her victims' time to the extent where they would die. Anyone who visits you this cycle will get roleblocked.
[Active - Time Inversion] - Kurumi uses her bullets Dalet and Het together to create a time manipulation ability that let's her protect herself from incoming abilities by reversing her own time to a state before the event. As such, when Kurumi activates this ability, and if she is targeted by an hostile action, she will reverse back her own time, nullifying the effects of that ability. This abilitiy can only be used once every two cycles.
[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.
[Active - Kurumi's Star Festival] - An invitation from Kurumi to participate in the Tanabata Festival. Kurumi can choose 6 players and have them participate in a Mafia mini game of her choice, the loser can never hurt you and their votes on you counts for 0, the winner gains a double action buff but you will learn their entire role and will be allowed to control it the next cycle. Day action [1-shot]
[Active- Nightmare of Time] - Target any future lynch and mark it with the Symbol of Time. When the DP of that selected lynch is reached, you may tamper it in any way you like. Be it hammering. redirecting it, delaying it, anticipating it or even nullifying the lynch. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action [1-shot]
[Second Angel Rasiel] - Locked
[Conditional form - Crimson Nightmare] - Locked
Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.(Rasiel will permanently unlock after Nia is killed)
[Active- Tome of Revelation] - Investigate a player and find out their alignment. If it's one of your targets, you'll receive their role name and this ability bypasses immunities.
(Kurumi will access this form if at least half of her targets are dead and she didn't perform the two kills on them or if she has only one target remaining from her wincon)
Scarlet Nightmare Kurumi Tokisaki
[Passive - Scarlet Nightmare] - You are Immune to death and all harmful actions for a cycle.
[Passive - Timeless Nightmare] - Yours actions cannot be redirected or blocked.
[Active - Archangel Zadkiel True Form] - Gains access to these additional bullets as one-shots:
[Eight Bullet Het] Allows you to activate one additional bullet the turn you use this ability.
[Ninth Bullet Tet] Target 1 of your targets in a r/p/s. If you win role block them/take them off your win con. (You can reuse this a second time if you win)
[Tenth Bullet Yud] Reveal 1 of your targets (town/indie) or at the end of next cycle (mafia)
[Eleventh Bullet Yud Aelph] Remove a player from the game. Day action
[Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet] . Go back to the past. You can target any WU and undo it or rewrite it. Alternatively you can Superkill any player, undoing any action they have performed. Changes in the past will be reflected in the present gamestate at the start of the next day phase. Day action
[Active - The Paradox of Time] - Having a deeper understanding of Zafkiel and the very fabric of reality,, Kurumi can trap a player in an endless loop of life and death. By using this ability, Kurumi will make the player transition between timelines where he's dead and alive, rotating between odd and even cycles. Works only once Day action [1-shot]
Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.

"For you, even falling into hell is not enough." - Kurumi Tokisaki
[Passive - Nightmare] - Regarded as the Worst Spirit, Kurumi is immune to manipulations. She cannot be controlled and her role cannot be copied or used even after death.
[Passive - Elohim "Spirit Dress of God's Authority] - Kurumi's Astral Dress, making her extremely resistant to death and other abilities. She is Bulletproof all game. Plus she will be investigated innocent.
[Active - Archangel Zadkiel] - Zafkiel is an S-ranked Angel takes the form of a large clock with Roman numerals, accompanied by an archaic pistol and musket that serve as its hour and minute hands respectively. Gain access to the following abilities:
[First Bullet Aleph] Protect yourself from the first harmful action at night, except kills.
[Second Bullet Bet] Delay all actions this user performs for a cycle. If they die before the actions activate, they are considered lost.
[Third Bullet Gimmel] Target any player and if they are one of your targets super kill them
[Fourth Bullet Dalet] Reverse time for you or a player of your choice. Any status effects, destroyed abilities, actions performed on that person or role changes from the last phase are undone.
[Fifth Bullet Hei] Kurumi will learn of two random actions during the night phase
[Sixth Bullet Vav] Know every player that performed an action on you during the last cycle.
[Seventh Bullet Zayin] Select a player. They cannot perform any actions for the rest of the cycle, but also can’t be affected by any actions from other players for the rest of the cycle.
[Active- City of Devouring Time] - Kurumi possesses the ability to absorb the time of anyone who steps into the boundary of her shadow. In order to target a large crowd, Kurumi can summon a red barrier that serves a similar function, which she calls the City of Devouring Time. This way, Kurumi can drain her victims' time to the extent where they would die. Anyone who visits you this cycle will get roleblocked.
[Active - Time Inversion] - Kurumi uses her bullets Dalet and Het together to create a time manipulation ability that let's her protect herself from incoming abilities by reversing her own time to a state before the event. As such, when Kurumi activates this ability, and if she is targeted by an hostile action, she will reverse back her own time, nullifying the effects of that ability. This abilitiy can only be used once every two cycles.
[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.
[Active - Kurumi's Star Festival] - An invitation from Kurumi to participate in the Tanabata Festival. Kurumi can choose 6 players and have them participate in a Mafia mini game of her choice, the loser can never hurt you and their votes on you counts for 0, the winner gains a double action buff but you will learn their entire role and will be allowed to control it the next cycle. Day action [1-shot]
[Active- Nightmare of Time] - Target any future lynch and mark it with the Symbol of Time. When the DP of that selected lynch is reached, you may tamper it in any way you like. Be it hammering. redirecting it, delaying it, anticipating it or even nullifying the lynch. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action [1-shot]
[Second Angel Rasiel] - Locked
[Conditional form - Crimson Nightmare] - Locked
Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.
[Active- Tome of Revelation] - Investigate a player and find out their alignment. If it's one of your targets, you'll receive their role name and this ability bypasses immunities.
(Kurumi will access this form if at least half of her targets are dead and she didn't perform the two kills on them or if she has only one target remaining from her wincon)
Scarlet Nightmare Kurumi Tokisaki

[Passive - Scarlet Nightmare] - You are Immune to death and all harmful actions for a cycle.
[Passive - Timeless Nightmare] - Yours actions cannot be redirected or blocked.
[Active - Archangel Zadkiel True Form] - Gains access to these additional bullets as one-shots:
[Eight Bullet Het] Allows you to activate one additional bullet the turn you use this ability.
[Ninth Bullet Tet] Target 1 of your targets in a r/p/s. If you win role block them/take them off your win con. (You can reuse this a second time if you win)
[Tenth Bullet Yud] Reveal 1 of your targets (town/indie) or at the end of next cycle (mafia)
[Eleventh Bullet Yud Aelph] Remove a player from the game. Day action
[Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet] . Go back to the past. You can target any WU and undo it or rewrite it. Alternatively you can Superkill any player, undoing any action they have performed. Changes in the past will be reflected in the present gamestate at the start of the next day phase. Day action
[Active - The Paradox of Time] - Having a deeper understanding of Zafkiel and the very fabric of reality,, Kurumi can trap a player in an endless loop of life and death. By using this ability, Kurumi will make the player transition between timelines where he's dead and alive, rotating between odd and even cycles. Works only once Day action [1-shot]
Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.
My character really couldn't have had an active of his own huh?