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Blue will probably post them later, but just for you:

You are White Queen

“You have options. One is life, the other is death. Please give me an answer that would make me want to be merciful. Now, which one is better?” - White Queen

[Passive - Demon King Lucifugus] - White Queen's Demon King, making her indestructible. You are bulletproof all game.

[Passive -Astronomical Afterworld] - Being a Queen, she can't be accused of any wrongdoing. You will be investigated innocent.

[Passive - Lunatic Emperor] - Having lost a part of her sanity long ago, White Queen cannot be controlled. You are immune to manipulations.

[Active - Virgo Sword Betulah] - Creates a crack in space and allows a person to travel between places. You can pick 2 players, if they don't share the same investigation result then no protections can occur on those targets that night nor a player will be able to hide behind them.

[Active - Leo Bullet Arie] - A tracking bullet, guided by the White Queen's will, that devours space. The devoured space takes the form of a white trail that the bullet leaves behind. Kill your target. Cannot be used twice in a row.

[Active - Libra Bullet Moznaim] - Rules over space and can reverse cause and effect within that space. Reverse an action of your target, having the opposite effect [1-shot].

[Active - Taurus Sword Shawl] - An ability that accelerates the speed of the user. Enables the user to perform an additional action this cycle [2-shot]

[Active - Cancer Sword Sartan] - Warps space-time in order to protect the user or assault the enemy. Target a player. If the player performs an action on you the next cycle, kill the target.

[Active - Aquarius Bullet D'li] - Heals yourself completely. Superprotect yourself for a cycle [2-shot]

[Active - Eighth Scorpio Bullet Het Akrab] - The true power of the Scorpio Bullet is the cause for the White Queen's multiple personalities. These personalities also function as storage batteries, which can then be consumed for a quick boost of power. Target a dead role and absorb their abilities as a 1-shot. This may fail on certain abilities and roles [1-shot]

[Active - Sagittarius Sword Keshet] - The attack is described as both a sword as if a bullet, and a bullet as if a sword. Regarded as the White Queen's trump card, it has speed exceeding Mach 10 and is imbedded with enough destructive power to gouge out the space of the surrounding area. Superkill your target. Mustn't have used Leo bullet in the previous cycle nor it can be used the following cycle. [2-shot].

[Active - Gemini Bullet Teomim] - White Queen has the ability to create a copy of herself. By diluting the copies, they become Empties unrecognizable from herself, and by absorbing them, White Queen can reuse a ability she had previously used [1-shot]

[Active - White's Queen Domain] - Anyone who targets White Queen must step into her territory to be able to affect her, The Afterworld, leaving long lasting adverse effects. As such, when a player targets White Queen when this ability is activated, their next actions against her will be downgraded. This ability cannot be used in two cycles in a row.

[Active - All Hail the Queen] - Being the Queen of the Afterworld, White Queen can summon 6 players to the court, having them play a R/P/S match for her own amusement. Being pleased by the results, White Queen grants the winner the [Mark of White]. The player will receive double actions in the first cycle and White Queen may grant a portion of her powers once per cycle, at her own discretion. and she'll become permanently immune to that player's actions for the rest of the game. White Queen can also select three players who lost the match and become immune to their actions for 2 cycles. The [Mark of White] may fail on certain roles. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D3 [1-shot]

[Active - Gate to The Afterworld] - White Queen creates a dimensional rift in time and space and teleports her and her target to her domain, The Afterworld. In this dimension, both White Queen and her target are untargeatable by outside actions. If White Queen decides, she may have a R/P/S with her target. If she loses, her target will gain immunity against her actions for one cycle. If she wins, superkill the target through immunities. If you target Kurumi, a death match will occur, and, however loses, will be superkilled through immunities and their role becomes untargeatable by any actions. This abilitiy can only be used once in the game. Day action. Locked until D4 [1- shot]

[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.

Wincon: Outlive everyone​
You are Kurumi Tokisaki

"For you, even falling into hell is not enough." - Kurumi Tokisaki

[Passive - Nightmare] - Regarded as the Worst Spirit, Kurumi is immune to manipulations. She cannot be controlled and her role cannot be copied or used even after death.

[Passive - Elohim "Spirit Dress of God's Authority] - Kurumi's Astral Dress, making her extremely resistant to death and other abilities. She is Bulletproof all game. Plus she will be investigated innocent.

[Active - Archangel Zadkiel] - Zafkiel is an S-ranked Angel takes the form of a large clock with Roman numerals, accompanied by an archaic pistol and musket that serve as its hour and minute hands respectively. Gain access to the following abilities:

[First Bullet Aleph] Protect yourself from the first harmful action at night, except kills.
[Second Bullet Bet] Delay all actions this user performs for a cycle. If they die before the actions activate, they are considered lost.
[Third Bullet Gimmel] Target any player and if they are one of your targets super kill them
[Fourth Bullet Dalet] Reverse time for you or a player of your choice. Any status effects, destroyed abilities, actions performed on that person or role changes from the last phase are undone.
[Fifth Bullet Hei] Kurumi will learn of two random actions during the night phase
[Sixth Bullet Vav] Know every player that performed an action on you during the last cycle.
[Seventh Bullet Zayin] Select a player. They cannot perform any actions for the rest of the cycle, but also can’t be affected by any actions from other players for the rest of the cycle.

[Active- City of Devouring Time] - Kurumi possesses the ability to absorb the time of anyone who steps into the boundary of her shadow. In order to target a large crowd, Kurumi can summon a red barrier that serves a similar function, which she calls the City of Devouring Time. This way, Kurumi can drain her victims' time to the extent where they would die. Anyone who visits you this cycle will get roleblocked.

[Active - Time Inversion] - Kurumi uses her bullets Dalet and Het together to create a time manipulation ability that let's her protect herself from incoming abilities by reversing her own time to a state before the event. As such, when Kurumi activates this ability, and if she is targeted by an hostile action, she will reverse back her own time, nullifying the effects of that ability. This abilitiy can only be used once every two cycles.

[Active - Spacequake] - Kurumi can create a dimensional rupture in time and space. Spacequakes are similar to explosions, erasing everything in their range without a trace and leaving a crater behind. Their size can vary greatly, depending on the Spirit. Once per cycle, Kurumi can target anyone who role-reveals, superkilling them through immunities. If she is killed before White Queen, White Queen will inherit this ability.

[Active - Kurumi's Star Festival] - An invitation from Kurumi to participate in the Tanabata Festival. Kurumi can choose 6 players and have them participate in a Mafia mini game of her choice, the loser can never hurt you and their votes on you counts for 0, the winner gains a double action buff but you will learn their entire role and will be allowed to control it the next cycle. Day action [1-shot]

[Active- Nightmare of Time] - Target any future lynch and mark it with the Symbol of Time. When the DP of that selected lynch is reached, you may tamper it in any way you like. Be it hammering. redirecting it, delaying it, anticipating it or even nullifying the lynch. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action [1-shot]

[Second Angel Rasiel] - Locked

[Conditional form - Crimson Nightmare] - Locked

Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.​
(Rasiel will permanently unlock after Nia is killed)

[Active- Tome of Revelation] - Investigate a player and find out their alignment. If it's one of your targets, you'll receive their role name and this ability bypasses immunities.

(Kurumi will access this form if at least half of her targets are dead and she didn't perform the two kills on them or if she has only one target remaining from her wincon)

Scarlet Nightmare Kurumi Tokisaki

[Passive - Scarlet Nightmare] - You are Immune to death and all harmful actions for a cycle.

[Passive - Timeless Nightmare] - Yours actions cannot be redirected or blocked.

[Active - Archangel Zadkiel True Form] - Gains access to these additional bullets as one-shots:

[Eight Bullet Het] Allows you to activate one additional bullet the turn you use this ability.
[Ninth Bullet Tet] Target 1 of your targets in a r/p/s. If you win role block them/take them off your win con. (You can reuse this a second time if you win)
[Tenth Bullet Yud] Reveal 1 of your targets (town/indie) or at the end of next cycle (mafia)
[Eleventh Bullet Yud Aelph] Remove a player from the game. Day action
[Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet] . Go back to the past. You can target any WU and undo it or rewrite it. Alternatively you can Superkill any player, undoing any action they have performed. Changes in the past will be reflected in the present gamestate at the start of the next day phase. Day action

[Active - The Paradox of Time] - Having a deeper understanding of Zafkiel and the very fabric of reality,, Kurumi can trap a player in an endless loop of life and death. By using this ability, Kurumi will make the player transition between timelines where he's dead and alive, rotating between odd and even cycles. Works only once Day action [1-shot]

Indie Wincon: Outlast Nio, Mia, Hibiki, Shidou, Isaac Westcott, and White Queen. You must kill at least two of your targets yourself.

My character really couldn't have had an active of his own huh?


When were you under the impression this game is..
mhm its the best way to use a delayed kill. at the time we were gns get rid of melkor and bonni so delayed kill has to go to someone far in PoE. was between charlie juliet and kagura and i picked jules
Juliet wasnt in my PoE dude, you added her in the PoE because of your stubborn tinfoils. I means she literally appeared in the WU removing you.


What could have been...
i dont think jules have looked at a single post of mine in a positive light lol. didnt even try to. every single one of my posts she quoted was angled one way or another to make it look bad


What could have been...
Juliet wasnt in my PoE dude, you added her in the PoE because of your stubborn tinfoils. I means she literally appeared in the WU removing you.
that doesnt mean much when fake claims exist lol

again that's what a delayed far PoE is

i expected us to end game b4 she dies if she is town

the ability kills after 3 cycles. in those 3 cycles we shud of won

like we needed to lynch bonni then vig melkor and finally we r left alone with WQ alot sooner than what actually happened

there were lots of delays


When were you under the impression this game is..
I did, I think considering the complexity of the roles overall the balance was actually quite good. I would agree it was probably more SRM than RM in the end, but I don't mind that either. I think town were unfortunate to lose overall, but the chances were there.
Im just pulling your leg lmao, game was fine and well balanced. Im assuming the WQ had the same restrictions I had? In that she couldn’t use multiple abilities per night?

Also btw what happened with the Joygirl thing?


What could have been...
I did, I think considering the complexity of the roles overall the balance was actually quite good. I would agree it was probably more SRM than RM in the end, but I don't mind that either. I think town were unfortunate to lose overall, but the chances were there.
i dont think town overall played bad. just got a bit overwhelmed and pretty unlucky at end.

like im basically marked because i won rps and that stopped even an ultra later on. it just worked well overall for WQ


When were you under the impression this game is..
There were actually several instances that hinted towards actions that qualified you for the kill. Same deal with Meeyori, really.
I never acknowledged them though. Like ever. Remember Usopp saying he knew who I was but I just ignored him. I made sure not to outright hint my character or claim. Unless I missed something :0

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Town Roles Part 1
You are Yatogami Tohka

"──My name is Yatogami Tohka. An important name given to me by a important person. ──Isn’t that nice?" - Yatogami Tohka

[Passive - Princess] - Tohka is an incredibly powerful Spirit and skilled fighter in her Spirit Form. You have a voting power of 2. Plus your actions cannot be redirected or blocked.

[Active - Halvanhelev] - The true form of the Angel unlocked by cutting the throne in half and adding the shattered pieces to her sword; a massive single-edged zanbatō-like sword that drastically increases her Angel's destructive power. Absorb the first harmful action on you per cycle and redirect it to any player of your choice, except superkills

[Active - Archangel Sandalphon] - Tohka's Angel is Sandalphon, which takes on the form of a gilded throne that doubles as the scabbard for her broadsword. Self commute for a cycle. You cannot be targeted by any actions, however, you also cannot perform any actions on anyone for a cycle. [1-shot].

[Conditional Form - Inverse Form] - Locked

[Conditional Form- Holy Spirit Shekinah] - Locked

[Conditional Form- Dea Form] - Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

You are Tenka

“Found you, wench. …...Un? Along with other strange people. Towards Spirits——Hmph, the man from that time. Perfect, just burn into ashes together.” - Tenka

[Passive - Abyss of Despair] - Having fallen into despair, Tohka has awakened her Demon King. You are Superbulletproof.​

[Passive - Presence of the Demon King] - In this form Tohka's Reiryoku is powerful enough to paralyze all living beings in her presence. When you first enter this form, all players will be roleblocked for a cycle, except Tohka.

[Active - Paverschlev] - A darker version of Halvanhelev Tenka can summon by destroying the <Nahemah> throne and adding the shattered pieces to her sword. Superkills a player

[Active - Nahemah] - Tenka's Demon King, Nahemah, is described as being the polar opposite of Tohka's Sandalphon. Instead, it is a one-edged sword that remains separate from a dark grey collared throne. Becomes untargeatable for the remainder of the cycle.

Wincon: Outlive everyone

(When Shidou is killed, Tohka will inverse and her alignment will change permanently, will be undone if Shidou is revived)

Holy Spirit Shekinah

[Passive - Spirit Dress of God's Authority "Adonai Melek Ensufall"] - Tohka temporarily gains the Spirit Power of all the Spirits Shido had sealed up until that point. While in this state, she gains a new Astral Dress that is a fusion of both her own and those of the other Spirits. You are immune to Mafia and harmful indies actions for a cycle. You will also gain all the voting power of dead Town.

[Active - Archangel Shekinah] - Additionally, she also gains a new Angel called Shekinah, which, like her own Angel Sandalphon, is a broadsword. She also maintains her ability to summon Sandalphon, allowing her to dual-wield both Angels at once. Choose a player and all harmful actions will be redirected back to its senders. This ability bypasses immunities (1-shot)

(It will be unlocked in a Lylo situation)

Dea Form

[Passive - The Ultimate Spirit] - Having absorbed Mio's Sephira Crystal, Tohka has unlocked her Ultimate Form. You are Bulletproof and immune to roleblocks and redirections and you cannot be controlled.

[Passive - The Impermanence Of All Things] - Having reached a level of power similar to a God, Tohka cannot be truly killed. If Tohka is killed in this form, she'll revive a cycle later for one cycle.

[Active - Kaballah's & Qlipoth's Duality] - Tohka also gains access to her Inverse form, enabling her to use both her Angel Form and Demon King Form. Allows Tohka to access her Inverse Form for a cycle. You may use one of Tenka's abilities as a one-shot.

[Active - Ain Soph "Samsara of Paradise"] - Having access to Mio's powers, Tohka can rewrite the World to change it to however she wants it to. Allows Tohka to target any past event and undo it. You can target any past WU and destroy its effects. Day action [1-shot]

[Active - Final Sword: Yezelhlev "Sword of Genesis"] - A combination of the final swords of both Sandalphon and Nahemah which is capable of killing God-like beings. Allows Tohka to superkill her target. If the target is [Innocent], this ability will fail on the target. This ability bypasses any immunities and can only be used once in the game. Day action [1-shot]

(Will be activated after Mio's death and after D4 and after having inversed)​
You are Yoshino

"Yoshinon is… …my ideal… …yearnings of… …myself. Unlike me… …not weak, unlike me… …not hesitant… strong and cool…" - Yoshino

[Passive - Hermit] - Yoshino is described as being a shy yet kind young child and is far more passive compared to most of the other Spirits, never even fighting back against the AST despite them constantly trying the kill her. You are immune to Roleblocks.

[Passive -Yoshinon] - Yoshinon is Yoshino's alter ego that appears in the form of a puppet speaking through ventriloquism and was created to help her bear the hardships of being hunted by the AST. You may masquerade yourself as Yoshinon deceiving everyone around you. As long as you don't flavour claim you will evade the first harmful action towards you, except kills.

[Active - Blizzard] - Yoshino comtrols the water particles in the surrounding air to freeze her target. Roleblocks a player.

[Active - Archangel Zadkiel] - Her Angel, Zadkiel, is a huge puppet about three meters in length that resembles Yoshinon. Zadkiel has the ability to absorb water from the ground and air and release it in the form of freezing air. Rolecrushes a player of your choice (1-shot).

[Kawaii Yoshino] - Yoshino acts cute and shy and everyone loves her for it. She must use cute emotes in her posts that shows how adorable she is. If she does then [REDACTED]

[Conditional Form - Shyrion Yoshino] - Locked

[Conditional Form - Ice Princess Yoshino] - Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

Ice Princess Yoshino

[Passive - The Princess of White and Snow] - In this form, Yoshino's control over all three states of water increases massively. You also become immune to rolecrushes and your abilites cannot be redirected. If a player tries to roleblock or rolecrush you, they will be rolecrushed instead.

[Active -Frozen Tomb] - Target a dead role and freeze it permanently. This role becomes untargeatable by any actions. Day action

[Active - Neverending Iceland] - Yoshino creates a storm that temporarily freezes the landscape. Target a quadrant on the player list. You will roleblock all players on it, bypassing immunities. Day action

(Unlocked on DP4 if player follows the PR)

Shyrion Yoshino

[Passive - Shyrion] - Having fused with her Angel, Zadkiel, Yoshino's power have reached new heights. Every action performed against you will be delayed for a cycle [1 cycle only]

[Active - Ice Age] - Yoshino creates a Ice dome around herself which will absolutely freeze everything that it touches. Upon activation, everyone that visits you will be rolecrushed for a cycle [1-shot]

[Active - Absolute Zero] - By expeding all the Reiryoku from her Sephira Crystal, Yoshino ca trap any living being in an eternal tomb of ice. Permanently rolecrushes your target for the remainder of the game. However you'll be permanently rolecrushed as well. Day action[1-shot]​
You are Kotori Itsuka

“...Keep in mind. The Spirits that you saved by your own hand, at least they can stay here and live a happy life.” - Kotori Itsuka

[Passive - Efreet] - Kotori's powers are centered on the manipulation of flames that erupt from her body and can be used in close or ranged combat. She has displayed control fine enough to incinerate one of Kurumi's clones holding Shido hostage without harming Shido himself. First [Guilty] player visiting you gets their one shot ability burnt.

[Passive - Flames of Eternity] - Kotori has a powerful regeneration ability. It's an ability that protects the user from certain death as long as the user has enough Reiryoku. It also reverses all physical damage done on the person as if it never happened, Kotori can self heal from any wound she is inflicted with. As long as she doesn't flavour claim, you gain a 1-shot immunity to the same harmful action you are targeted with, starting the following phase.

[Active - Meggido] - A single blast that completely incinerates the target. The cannon's intense heat can cause other people to suffer even while standing directly behind Kotori. Target a player and kill them [2-shot]

[Active- Archangel Camael] - Her AA-ranked Angel Camael comes in the form of a large red halberd but can be dismantled into Megiddo, a cannon powered by Kotori's own flames. Upgrades one of your kills to a Superkill. [1-shot]

[Imouto] - Being Shidou's imouto, Kotori acts like a little sis when using her white ribbons symbolizing purity. She must ends all of her posts with "~♡" or "~☆". As long as she does she is immune to manipulation abilities.

[Conditional Form- Kotori Fantasia] - Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

Kotori Fantasia

(Unlocks when Kotori runs out of killshots and if she didn't kill any [Guilty] player)

[Passive- Flames of Fantasia] - An upgraded version of Kotori. Her actions cannot be tampered with.

[Active - Flames of Damnation] - Using the true power of Camael, Kotori may brand a player with the [Mark of Efreet]. The marked player will be fated to be engulfed by the flames of Efreet. For the following three cycles, these effects will occur:
Cycle 1- You'll become completely immune to all harmful actions from that player.
Cycle 2- You'll completely burn all of their x-shots abilites
Cycle 3- The player will be superkilled.
Day action

[Active- Gungnir] - Gungnir, a devastating attack that combines both Kotori's Spirit powers with the main Fraxinus cannon. Using Gungnir completely annihilates the target. Ultrakill your target, tagging the host and using the command [Execute @player]. To use this ability, at least 50% of the alive players must be voting for the target and it will replace the lynch in that DP, ending the day. This kill cannot be redirected, blocked or prevented in any way. This ability can only be used once in the game. Day action [1-shot]​
You are Tobiichi Origami

“I…….want power. Even if I have to leave everything. Even if I have to sacrifice everything…..! I want the absolute power to grant my dear wish! I want…….The strongest power that no one can reach!” - Tobiichi Origami

[Passive - Former Wizard] - You will be investigated [Guilty].

[Active - White Licorice] - Choose a player and redirect them.

[Active - Mordred] - You will be informed of any players that visit you this cycle [1-shot].

[Spirit Disdain] - Origami has lost her parents in the hands of what she believes was a Spirit. She has trained all her life to take revenge on the Spirits, sealing her emotions in the process. She may not quote or tag any players who has claimed to be a spirit and must vote them 3 times per cycle. As long as she does, she'll be immune to the first harmful action from a Spirit each cycle, excluding kills.

[Conditional form - Spirit form] - Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

(She will permanently gain access to this form if:

- Kurumi targets her

- Mio targets her

- Half of Town are killed)

Spirit form - Angel Origami

“I will now wield this power to defeat the Spirits. I will become the Spirit that kills Spirits. Once I eliminate all Spirits----I will erase the last one, me” - Spirit Origami

[Passive- Angel] - You are Redirection and Roleblock immune.

[Active - Shemesh] - Redirect a player of your choice, plus you'll know their original target.

[Active - Mal'akh] By taking on a wing-like formation and folding the pillars behind her back, Origami is able to fly and achieve great speeds. Negates the first incoming killshot [2-shot]

[Active - Archangel Metatron] - Absorb the first hostile action targetting you this cycle and gain it as a 1-shot, except superkills [1-shot]

[Conditional Active - Artelif] - Locked

[Conditional Active - Remnants of the Demon king] -

[Conditional Form - Inverse form] - Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

[Conditional Active - Artelif] - By making all of the pillars take on a circular formation and pointing their tips in the same direction, Origami can shoot out a beam of pure shining light. Before firing the attack, Origami can trap the target in a net of light beams to prevent any escape. Each time Origami is visited by a player, a counter will be placed in one of her pillars. When 5 of her pillars have a counter and are charged, she can target 3 players, steal their actions that night, learning its effects and redirecting them to any players of her choice. Day action [1-shot]

(Origami will inverse if hit by an action from Kurumi or Mio or when 2/3 of Town is dead. Will inverse back if Shidou or Kurumi directs an action at her or ends up his vote on her at any given moment. She'll be in this form for at least a cycle).

Demon King Origami

[Passive - Lost Conciousness] - Your actions are randomized.

[Passive - Demon King Satan] - You are bulletproof, immune to roleblocks, redirections and manipulations.

[Active - Corrupted Shemesh] - Roleblocks 2 players every phase

[Active - Corrupted Kadour] - Redirect back the first harmful action towards you once per cycle, excluding kills.

[Active - Corrupted Artelif] - A darker version of Artelif. Kill your target.

[Active - Might of the Demon King] - Everyone who visits you this cycle will have their abilities fail on you [1-shot]

Wincon: Outlive all the Spirits. You must kill at least one of them yourself.

(Note: if she reverts back to her Spirit form, she'll lose the PR and the [Guilty] passive and will unlock Remnants of the Demon King ability)​
You are Kaguya Yamai

"……………It's better if I don't know right………then, I'll believe you. That's because, Shido was the one who gave me and Yuzuru the 3rd choice at that time……………." - Kaguya Yamai

[Passive - The Children of Typhoon] - If you target Yuzuru Yamai, you'll know who she is and you'll both gain a permanent chat. If you claim in the thread before this happens, you will not be able to get a chat.

[Passive - The Yamai Sisters] - [REDACTED]

[Active - El Re'em] - Track a player of your choice.

[Active - Archangel Raphael] - Hide behind a player of your choice (1 shot)

[Active Conditional - Combination attack El Kanaph] - Locked

[Conditional form - Yamai Kazamachi] - Locked

(When the Yamai sisters know who each other is, they may launch a combined attack. Superkills a player of their choice. They both must submit this action in the same phase).

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

You are Yuzuru Yamai

"Convinced. Kaguya is often like that but, she really loves Shido. There is no mistake since Yuzuru says this. Yuzuru and Kaguya were originally from one body and one soul. What Yuzuru hates, Kaguya also hates. Similarly---------what Yuzuru loves, Kaguya also loves." - Yuzuru Yamai

[Passive - The Children of Typhoon] - If you target Kaguya Yamai, you'll know who she is and you'll both gain a permanent chat. If you claim in the thread before this happens, you will not be able to get a chat.

[Passive - The Yamai Sisters] - [REDACTED]

[Active - El Na'ash] - Watch a player of your choice.

[Active - Archangel Raphael] - Hide behind a player of your choice (1 shot)

[Active Conditional - Combination attack El Kanaph] - Locked

[Conditional form - Yamai Kazamachi] - Locked

(When the Yamai sisters know who each other is, they may launch a combined attack. Superkills a player of their choice. They both must submit this action in the same phase).

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town

The Yamai Sisters

[Passive - Berserk] - Having control over the winds, the Yamai Sisters cannot be redirected.

[Passive - The Yamai Twins] - Kaguya and Yuzuru are twins split from the original Yamai. Even if one gets killed, they can still talk in the Mason chat.

[Passive - The Children of Typhoon] - Beings twins, the Yamai Sisters have access to permanent double action for the rest of the game as long as both are alive.

[Active - El Re'em] - Watch a player of your choice

[Active - El Na'ash] - Track a player of your choice

[Active Conditional - Combination attack - El Kanaph] - A single decisive blow fired from a combination of the Yamai sisters' individual Angels. Both of their wings combine to form the body of the bow, Yuzuru's pendulum becomes the bowstring, and Kaguya's lance becomes the arrow. Superkills a player of your choice [1-shot]

[Conditional form - Yamai Kazamachi] - Locked

The Original Yamai

You are Yamai Kazamachi

"Intrusion. For those afar, heed my cry. Gaze closely if you will. One horseman equal to God. To solve this dilemma swiftly and skillfully. I am Yamai Kazamachi, the typhoon king who reaps all of creation. " - Yamai

[Passive - El Peguz] - By wrapping her chains around her folded wings, Yamai creates a sturdy knight's shield that can be used to defend against incoming blows. You will survive the first kill on you and this passive cannot be disabled or bypassed.

[Passive - The Typhoon King] - Having complete control over the Winds of Creation, Yamai cannot be redirected or bus driven.

[Active - El Tsuofuel] - Fusing her chain to the handle of her lance, her weapon becomes a guided projectile that can be steered through manipulating the chain portion. Even if the lance is dodged, the sheer wind pressure coating the weapon is enough to push back the target. Choose a target and redirect them, if they're immune to redirections, roleblock them instead.

[Active - Archangel Raphael - El Yevurn] - By fusing all of the components of her Angel together with portions of her Astral Dress, Yamai summons a huge ballista that can fire a pure concentrated arrow of wind pressure. Superkill a target of you choice. Day action [1-shot]

[Active - Eye of the Storm] - By creating a powerful hurricane, Yamai will redirect all actions sent towards her to random targets, except superkills [1-shot]

[Active - Winds of Fate] - By manipulating the winds on the battlefield, Yamai can control the flow of battle and protect the other spirits. All actions will be directed towards Yamai. Killshots will count as one no matter the amount of kills that are received using this ability [1-shot]​


The End and the Beginning
I never acknowledged them though. Like ever. Remember Usopp saying he knew who I was but I just ignored him. I made sure not to outright hint my character or claim. Unless I missed something :0
Again, actions counted. Not just character claims. And hints counted, too.
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