Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

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Some people getting excited about this as if it were portraying them as equals. :hihihi:


Luffy will become an official Yonko after Wano along with Big Meme, Blackbeard and Shanks, he will get the most hype out of the three of course (he is already being known as unofficial 5th Yonko, superior in everything, power, crew, fleet, territory [wano, and possibly FMI and DR :cool:]... etc).
But don't worry Kid and Law will get the recognition they deserve as subordinates of Luffy. :pepelit:
shit it has ceaser in the center too
you know what that means

Basically, it was impossible to know Kanjuro was a traitor because there was 0 evidence he was the traitor. The narrative excuse Oda used was:
  • He was born as a theatre actor.
  • He lost his emotions.
  • He wanted to die.
  • He has been a Kurozumi this entire time.
Unless anyone could have known these before hand, it was impossible for anyone to have good reason to claim Kanjuro the traitor or evidence to prove so. More or less, no one had evidence and the best we could do was make guesses. Heck, he could just as well have claimed Raizo was the traitor because there was no evidence and all he'd have to do is say:
  • He was born an actor.
  • A Kurzomi.
  • Wanted to die.
And we'd just have to accept it.

This is in essence a deus ex machina trickery. Creation of a convenient excuse to get a desired purpose without build up or evidence.

While it's a cheap method of tricking the audience (readers), it's still effective because Oda rarely and ever pulls out this kind of devices in his writing. Oda usually hints and leaves trails of evidence, but I guess here, there's none unless I'm not seeing them.
Not a fan of such methodology, but it does add a spin to the story and add more tension and I guess... surprise.

As for Denjiro, it seems he actually did slash Komurosaki. I had wondered how exactly it was possible to fake a death in front of people, but it's only really possible to fake deaths when no one is around e.g. You go missing or you plant fake evidence in a place for people to find to come to the conclusion you're dead.

Regardless, Oda pulled it off very well.
I pinpointed the traitor to either Kanjuro or Kiku, and said ahead of time it's going to be random, because there aren't enough clues. I agree there. But you can get to the answer through easy deduction. Just eliminate all the other choices, and that's all there was left.

I'm still at a loss for words as to who the traitor is. Shinobu seems like a red herring. Is it one of the Akazaya 9?

We can obviously rule out Kinemon, Kawamatsu, and Ashura Doji. Plus, Inu/Neko/Raizo because they all suffered at the hands of the traitor. That leaves Kiku, Denjiro and Kanjuro. I think Denjiro is clearly Kyoshiro, adopting a fake identity like Ashura/Shutenmaru, because a Samurai subordinate as strong as Kyoshiro doesn't appear out of nowhere without a Top Tier leader. He's the equivalent of a Yonko Commander without a Yonko level leader? Bullshit. Plus he's a money changer which is a dead giveaway. However, he is clearly Oden-allied and on Hiyori's side. When Orochi goes to Onigashima he's in charge of overseeing the Samurai prisoners, and he'll let them all free. It makes no sense as to why he'd be a traitor 20 years ago. Plus Denjiro would have no idea what the time travel crew is doing.

That leaves Kiku and Kanjuro. Both time travellers. I can't rule these two out. I'm afraid they'd both be super fucking random though.
-> Kinemon and Denjiro admired Oden and were the first to serve him as kids. Kinemon was protecting Momo, and Denjiro was trashing Orochi behind his back. He also protected Hiyori.

-> Ashura was deep in the woods, and isolated from everyone. He has no inside info. He's also not that type of character.

-> Inu/Neko suffered at the hands of the traitor, and lost limbs. They were also accusing each other.

-> Raizo was "imprisoned" and Jack was looking for him.

-> Kawamatsu was also imprisoned with no access to info.

All that was left were Kiku and Kanjuro. We knew almost nothing about either, so as you mentioned it is random. BUT, it couldn't have been anyone else. Even for Kiku we got some of her inner thoughts, and she seemed on our side.
Woah, congrats to everyone who were right on Kanjuro!!

With him, I always perceived that him being the traitor would've been too obvious.. there were so many hints pointed at him, that I pretty much saw him as the ultimate red herring in OP... xD but I guess sometimes the most obvious hints are the correct ones, lol.

I happily take my L. (y)
Someone give me an L. :p
Who did you have in mind?
Kyoshiro saved zoro and everyone from orochi's true power
That he would've unleashed once hiy

Honestly I don't care about this scene
The one I care about is "HOW DID Orochi survived Nami's Zeus attack without a scratch"
Was it Kyoshiro who protected him? or did Orochi tank it???

If Orochi tanked it... there is a possibility for him being stronger than what people think... if Kyoshiro protected him... or split the attack with a technique... first of all... hype for Denjiro... but also... it would take away from Orochi
You know, I've been thinking about this traitor stuff, and I'm wondering just how insane is Kanjuro. We all know Orochi is bad news, and he would stop at almost nothing to achieve his goals. But.... Kanjuro was actually willing to straight up die in order not to sell out his position as a traitor. That's a special kind of crazy right there. Kinemon had better be on guard.
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