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You know nothing cruxroux. Indra is the king of gods as heaven is the place where gods live as per the mythology. Its like saying King of a country is just the king of the country not the citizens which doesn't make sense.
The holy trinity isn't included here.
Surya Dev reside in Surya lok, Varuna reside in Jal Loka, Yama resides in underworld, vayu and Agni doesn't stay in heavan either , Only Indra does and thats he is king of. The gods he is king of people barely even know those gods. He reigns over heavan not the whole god panel. Like the main ones who keeps on appearing in texts are Indra, Surya, Vishnu,shiva, brahma,Agni,vayu,varuna, Yama. None of reside in heavan for your knowledge.
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