[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³
speaking of this, pero the issue i have with your consistency on ripped is that you initially accused him of having something against you and always spite voting you.

he then corrected you and said he was in fact scum in the fruit game, that he likes you, and that since he was scum obviously he was mislynching you for his own win condition.

you then shifted from saying he was spite voting you to what i quoted above stating that it's now a pattern for him to go after you as scum(even though it's not really a pattern since he was town in one game and scum in another).

but the accusation and defense is dishonest. you cant go from spite voting to an accusation based on a scum pattern all because he corrected you in saying that he was scum in one of the games where you were mislynched.

lol what

is this still the case?
He was trying to get me lynched last game too and we were both town then it wasnt just the game where he was scum.
And i was confirmed as townie last game cause funishiro had asked for a review which i then gave him so he knew exactly who i was.


πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³
He was trying to get me lynched last game too and we were both town then it wasnt just the game where he was scum.
And i was confirmed as townie last game cause funishiro had asked for a review which i then gave him so he knew exactly who i was.
I meant refill not review sorry


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 1 Vote Count 6

Ekko 2 - TAC, Cooler
Arp 7 - Neeko, Soulkiller, Tpein, Blue, Phoenix, Ultra, RippedCal
Ratchet 1 - Ekko
Pero 5 - Lord Melkor, Worst, Dofla, Chevy
Lord Melkor 1 - Ratchet
Chevy 2 - Michelle, Kagurashii
Dofla 2 - Broki, Pero

32 players alive, 17 votes to lynch. You have approx 17.5 hours remaining. This will likely be last count for ~8 hours.
this is the most recent post count

may i ask

1. why is pero being voted
2. did arp claim anything? is he voted for early responses to the single vote on him / peopel think he is new mafia?
3. do TAC and cooler still have their votes on me? they may need to be disciplined
4. whats with ratchet not continuing his *push* on me. i dont recall him thinking arp is scum when i left so wud be nice if someone can point me towards when thet happened
i think ill leave catching up for the night. i trust u for now, wanna hit me up with a summary

reading 40 pages and commenting on everything is practically a waste of time now id like to join immediate discussion
@Worst wanted one too

@Underworld Broker

@Phoenix D. King

game started. fluff.

RippedCal made a point of emphasis telling people not to focus on setup but rather only read people on play and then repeated this a few times.

i called him out for preaching this but not moving the thread into a more serious discussion and away from the fluff.

michelle started forming a town reads by page 3! what a champ

Chevy defended rippedcal saying i was calling him out far too early.

i defended myself. some people called me town.

arp said some stuff and SK accused him of something, generating an over the top reaction that he then said was even more scummy.

chevy started to go after charlie because charlie said he thought both myself and i town but he said chevy pushed first even though chronically i pushed first.

chevy and charlie went back and forth and people then thought chevy looked scummy from basically going back and forth to me, dropping it, and then going to charlie. chevy dropped me because he liked my responses to his inquiries and saw i kept the same energy.

people accuse kaju for basically blending in and not making much of a thread presence and saying some weird hings.

ultra accuses melkor of having a weak town justification for myself and evan(said it was a town v town interaction and a lot of those interactions tend to be town). ultra said that's too basic. melkor doubled down. ultra backed off.

people discovered some louran guy was tak.

tweet comes in and is unsure of people, particularly called, agrees with most of my town reads, and then accuses ultra. ultra stands ground, tweet backs off and likes what he saw.

ekko was absent, ekko comes in, ekko fluffs, ekko fucks off. someone votes ekko, ekko says he's busy, blah blah, ekko catches up. ekko spams.

ratchet comes in and accuses pero of knowing that he shouldn't know about cooler's activity levels as scum and says HE MUST HAVE BEEN COACHED. perro takes exception. pero proceeds to defend himself a lot and is super indignant about people all the votes he's received. pero doesnt think the people voting him are scum but he does think ripped is now scummy and his entire focus has become basically calling out his wagon and saying it's bad and how he has a good role and to back off or OH NO YOULL REGRET IT.

i tell blue and tpein to vote arp. they did. tpein claimed miller. arp said he did blow up earlier but it was because he was kinda upset about real life stuff and it leaked into the game. also there was a discussion on how new he was, he is in fact only 2 games new.

this is as good of a summary as i can give.


Lead them to paradise.
You are 100% in the first paragraph. For deadline lynches, I love chaos and mayhem during EoD and particularly CFDs as the reactions it causes helps you separate town and scum and you see who is willing to budge where and who isn't willing to budge where.

However majority isn't really like that because you need half the game to agree for the lynch to be achieve, which means some people will have to join even if they disagree for the sake of town making progress. That means those people that do end up pivoting, even onto a mislynch, can't just be called scummy for doing so as their votes were needed for that mislynch to happen. If we wait too long every day phase we will drown ourselves with these end of the day lynches that result in difficult to analyze wagons causing more mislynches.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't stress this enough lol. I understand most everyone here and on most other forums are used to deadline lynches, but the town strategies for both should not be the same.
Alright, I get that. My problem is I dont wanna vote Pero atm. At this point I do want him to claim more though because he's kinda been ignoring Chevy.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
CFDs are goated tbh, as for me Im not used to majority lynch so not sure how to approach this. With pluralility we could have 5 billion votes on Pero rn and it wouldnt end the day, thus providing us with ample time to study his reaction and rections around his lynch whereas with Majority its pretty much impossible to do so I feel.

Scum likely benefits from a no lynch more than town in this situation, given that itll lead the uninfiormed majority uninformed into the night, thus makes things harder for town to have a better effect at night compared to if you get a flip. I mean sure Mafia would want to lynch too to reduce numbers but I feel like D1 they would rather go for a no lynch.

And so I'd wanna look into the people that didnt vote yet but have been active in the game. I made a list earlier, add Ratchet and Ekko to the list of voters and then check it and tell me who sticks out for you amongst the non voters.
way i see it is majority encourages sheeping and punishes an inactive town hard. dont like it either.

makes it harder to see who is town vs who is mafia in the wagon because everyone and his mom is required to join for the majority.

meh/10 really


No dude... that's a bike...!!
@Worst wanted one too

@Underworld Broker

@Phoenix D. King

game started. fluff.

RippedCal made a point of emphasis telling people not to focus on setup but rather only read people on play and then repeated this a few times.

i called him out for preaching this but not moving the thread into a more serious discussion and away from the fluff.

michelle started forming a town reads by page 3! what a champ

Chevy defended rippedcal saying i was calling him out far too early.

i defended myself. some people called me town.

arp said some stuff and SK accused him of something, generating an over the top reaction that he then said was even more scummy.

chevy started to go after charlie because charlie said he thought both myself and i town but he said chevy pushed first even though chronically i pushed first.

chevy and charlie went back and forth and people then thought chevy looked scummy from basically going back and forth to me, dropping it, and then going to charlie. chevy dropped me because he liked my responses to his inquiries and saw i kept the same energy.

people accuse kaju for basically blending in and not making much of a thread presence and saying some weird hings.

ultra accuses melkor of having a weak town justification for myself and evan(said it was a town v town interaction and a lot of those interactions tend to be town). ultra said that's too basic. melkor doubled down. ultra backed off.

people discovered some louran guy was tak.

tweet comes in and is unsure of people, particularly called, agrees with most of my town reads, and then accuses ultra. ultra stands ground, tweet backs off and likes what he saw.

ekko was absent, ekko comes in, ekko fluffs, ekko fucks off. someone votes ekko, ekko says he's busy, blah blah, ekko catches up. ekko spams.

ratchet comes in and accuses pero of knowing that he shouldn't know about cooler's activity levels as scum and says HE MUST HAVE BEEN COACHED. perro takes exception. pero proceeds to defend himself a lot and is super indignant about people all the votes he's received. pero doesnt think the people voting him are scum but he does think ripped is now scummy and his entire focus has become basically calling out his wagon and saying it's bad and how he has a good role and to back off or OH NO YOULL REGRET IT.

i tell blue and tpein to vote arp. they did. tpein claimed miller. arp said he did blow up earlier but it was because he was kinda upset about real life stuff and it leaked into the game. also there was a discussion on how new he was, he is in fact only 2 games new.

this is as good of a summary as i can give.
you are insane
ill protect u with my life if i can
town needs u

i didnt read it yet but thanks. will get on it
speaking of this, pero the issue i have with your consistency on ripped is that you initially accused him of having something against you and always spite voting you.

he then corrected you and said he was in fact scum in the fruit game, that he likes you, and that since he was scum obviously he was mislynching you for his own win condition.

you then shifted from saying he was spite voting you to what i quoted above stating that it's now a pattern for him to go after you as scum(even though it's not really a pattern since he was town in one game and scum in another).

but the accusation and defense is dishonest. you cant go from spite voting to an accusation based on a scum pattern all because he corrected you in saying that he was scum in one of the games where you were mislynched.

lol what

is this still the case?
yes, although im seeing blue in a slightly better light (than t pein) now that hes given a few reads


No dude... that's a bike...!!
ultra accuses melkor of having a weak town justification for myself and evan(said it was a town v town interaction and a lot of those interactions tend to be town). ultra said that's too basic. melkor doubled down. ultra backed off
can i see where this is at. im on phone so have harder time searching stuff
Nekko looks definately town to me from this exchange. Chevy propably is town as well, typically such early exchanges are town vs town.

No wonder your style is familiar for me.
Maybe you can tell me who you are at MU :catrude:



That's the 3rd oppinion of that exchange as t/t
Am i the only one who saw things differently?
It's an agenda post calling it now
Putting Melkior in scum pile for now
Is it because of what ultra said in regards to the agenda post? Do you think it's pocketing?
Could be a pocket, could be covering for a scum team mate out of you two, but even being charitable he gives a really generic cookie cutter "interactions like these are usually town vs town" (interactions like what?)

@Ekkologix here and i gave some other posts for more context.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
ratchet comes in and accuses pero of knowing that he shouldn't know about cooler's activity levels as scum and says HE MUST HAVE BEEN COACHED. perro takes exception. pero proceeds to defend himself a lot and is super indignant about people all the votes he's received. pero doesnt think the people voting him are scum but he does think ripped is now scummy and his entire focus has become basically calling out his wagon and saying it's bad and how he has a good role and to back off or OH NO YOULL REGRET IT.
i need to see this too
so why is ratchet voting arp and not me or pero



No dude... that's a bike...!!
i will iso them. thanks alot

ive seen town ratchet start chill but contribute more later

as long as hes not hard tunneling, it should be okay-ish for now

just concerned for the reasoning of leaving me this easily. even leaving pero, tho idk of that happened easily or not
Cal,fuji, ultra,neeko,michelle,LM most likely town
Sk,kagura,ekko,arp can go either way
Tac,you and chevy kinda stink right now
How dare you, I've just not showered today is all.

Rationale for your other scum reads?
Low effort you and tac are scum since you like to not call attention to yourselves.
Of course this is too early to take a decisive conclusion.
wait, how do you know this?
I played with them before
no no no, no you haven't. Not enough to make this distinction at least

someone on nf has fed this to you
we probably lynch pero for that

but i want the rat

the head of the snake


u r the snake

is the ratchet and pero interaction.
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