[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Dear god I hope no one binges me, Charlie is my sole scum read atm.

Stop yelling, its late at night.
the deadline tactics for majority causes internal screaming.

EOD/CFD/anything that has to do with DEADLINE shouldn't be the strat we're working towards. legitimate pressure and a legitimate lynch can materialize any time during the phase, it's the whole difference, and the difference should be utilized not ignored.


When were you under the impression this game is..

the deadline tactics for majority causes internal screaming.

EOD/CFD/anything that has to do with DEADLINE shouldn't be the strat we're working towards. legitimate pressure and a legitimate lynch can materialize any time during the phase, it's the whole difference, and the difference should be utilized not ignored.
CFDs are goated tbh, as for me Im not used to majority lynch so not sure how to approach this. With pluralility we could have 5 billion votes on Pero rn and it wouldnt end the day, thus providing us with ample time to study his reaction and rections around his lynch whereas with Majority its pretty much impossible to do so I feel.

Scum likely benefits from a no lynch more than town in this situation, given that itll lead the uninfiormed majority uninformed into the night, thus makes things harder for town to have a better effect at night compared to if you get a flip. I mean sure Mafia would want to lynch too to reduce numbers but I feel like D1 they would rather go for a no lynch.

And so I'd wanna look into the people that didnt vote yet but have been active in the game. I made a list earlier, add Ratchet and Ekko to the list of voters and then check it and tell me who sticks out for you amongst the non voters.
Your Queen believes there is infidelity amongst those who call themselves Arp and Pero, as their words do not seem fully trustworthy.

Ultra seems to have a pure heart and as always my waifubro too.

It is of my believef that Charlie may be closer to Your Queen than orignally thought.

What about you SK? Is your heart pure or is it tainted by greed?

My heart is as pure as a clear crystal water. No evil can ever taint it. For I scream against the silence, I am the light that shines against the darkness. My own goal in life is to exterminate all evil and bring peace and harmony in our world, for only then can I finally rest in peace and go back to my slumber.

and if at any point in the game I sense evil coming from you, then you shall have worse fate than getting burned into oblivion. For I am the protector of townies, the heart and light of all that is goodness in our world.
CFDs are goated tbh, as for me Im not used to majority lynch so not sure how to approach this. With pluralility we could have 5 billion votes on Pero rn and it wouldnt end the day, thus providing us with ample time to study his reaction and rections around his lynch whereas with Majority its pretty much impossible to do so I feel.

Scum likely benefits from a no lynch more than town in this situation, given that itll lead the uninfiormed majority uninformed into the night, thus makes things harder for town to have a better effect at night compared to if you get a flip. I mean sure Mafia would want to lynch too to reduce numbers but I feel like D1 they would rather go for a no lynch.

And so I'd wanna look into the people that didnt vote yet but have been active in the game. I made a list earlier, add Ratchet and Ekko to the list of voters and then check it and tell me who sticks out for you amongst the non voters.
You are 100% in the first paragraph. For deadline lynches, I love chaos and mayhem during EoD and particularly CFDs as the reactions it causes helps you separate town and scum and you see who is willing to budge where and who isn't willing to budge where.

However majority isn't really like that because you need half the game to agree for the lynch to be achieve, which means some people will have to join even if they disagree for the sake of town making progress. That means those people that do end up pivoting, even onto a mislynch, can't just be called scummy for doing so as their votes were needed for that mislynch to happen. If we wait too long every day phase we will drown ourselves with these end of the day lynches that result in difficult to analyze wagons causing more mislynches.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't stress this enough lol. I understand most everyone here and on most other forums are used to deadline lynches, but the town strategies for both should not be the same.
CFDs are goated tbh, as for me Im not used to majority lynch so not sure how to approach this. With pluralility we could have 5 billion votes on Pero rn and it wouldnt end the day, thus providing us with ample time to study his reaction and rections around his lynch whereas with Majority its pretty much impossible to do so I feel.

Scum likely benefits from a no lynch more than town in this situation, given that itll lead the uninfiormed majority uninformed into the night, thus makes things harder for town to have a better effect at night compared to if you get a flip. I mean sure Mafia would want to lynch too to reduce numbers but I feel like D1 they would rather go for a no lynch.

And so I'd wanna look into the people that didnt vote yet but have been active in the game. I made a list earlier, add Ratchet and Ekko to the list of voters and then check it and tell me who sticks out for you amongst the non voters.
I love CFD, if we dont decide on someone soon id wanna suggest to get rid of one of the ppl who arent voting yet or someone whos gonna come in late to vote from that bunch of ppl who havent voted throughout the day

I think we should also name a few suspects overall in case we dont reach majority and gotta give our vig a few target options just in case
I love CFD, if we dont decide on someone soon id wanna suggest to get rid of one of the ppl who arent voting yet or someone whos gonna come in late to vote from that bunch of ppl who havent voted throughout the day

I think we should also name a few suspects overall in case we dont reach majority and gotta give our vig a few target options just in case


What could have been...
Which of those 4 do you find scummiest?

Do you read based off claims? I don't think that's really a good idea for this particular host.

ekko my concern is youre still not caught up. youre playing a lot of catch up and never really in the moment. if youre always behind you never have to contribute to the present and there's always a bit of hindsight you can use!

a mafia could do a lot of different things based on who the mafia is.

i think ill leave catching up for the night. i trust u for now, wanna hit me up with a summary

reading 40 pages and commenting on everything is practically a waste of time now id like to join immediate discussion
Perhaps but when he did it in the fruit game he was scum so im just following the pattern.

Half of peros argument is that I vote him out of spite in multiple games lol, but that doesn't intrinsicslly make me scum, it's actually more likely to make me town lol

Yet hes scum reading me
speaking of this, pero the issue i have with your consistency on ripped is that you initially accused him of having something against you and always spite voting you.

he then corrected you and said he was in fact scum in the fruit game, that he likes you, and that since he was scum obviously he was mislynching you for his own win condition.

you then shifted from saying he was spite voting you to what i quoted above stating that it's now a pattern for him to go after you as scum(even though it's not really a pattern since he was town in one game and scum in another).

but the accusation and defense is dishonest. you cant go from spite voting to an accusation based on a scum pattern all because he corrected you in saying that he was scum in one of the games where you were mislynched.

i get the feeling this is one of those games with SKs that kill for claiming all of a sudden
lol what

i hit post too early by accident

anyway what i was going to add is that in case it wasnt clear, my focus rn as far is scum hunting goes is less so on him in specific but more so on the inactives behind his wagon

particularly having issue with t pein and blue atm.
personally i think them or a pero lynch is a better lynch but either way it will give us info

is this still the case?


What could have been...
Which of those 4 do you find scummiest?

Do you read based off claims? I don't think that's really a good idea for this particular host.

ekko my concern is youre still not caught up. youre playing a lot of catch up and never really in the moment. if youre always behind you never have to contribute to the present and there's always a bit of hindsight you can use!

a mafia could do a lot of different things based on who the mafia is.

i think ill leave catching up for the night. i trust u for now, wanna hit me up with a summary

reading 40 pages and commenting on everything is practically a waste of time now id like to join immediate discussion


What could have been...
can iso players of interest / interactions between multiple players

help a brother catch up

also noticed multiple writeups but no tags. @Grammaton if possible please have a tag list to copy/paste in the writeups so we can see them. that would help alot
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