[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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The End and the Beginning
ive been fairly consistent. ratchet is purposely acting dumb/blind

u know i can give u a fake claim in 2 seconds. im more capable of making one even if the host didnt give me one

get real ratchy. u arent solving sht with a claim

lets talk threadplay. bring me my posts that u think r sus and i'll address them

chop chop
Let's see you come up with a convincing fake claim then. You're not capable of doing it


What could have been...
Sansa's took the fall for Arya's wolf biting Joffers
Robb's got killed with him and his head got sewn onto Robb's body
Rickon's got killed off screen
Brann's sacrificed itself to save Brann against the white walkers
Arya's fucked off and started its own pack
only arya's and john's were alive by end of GoT

it doesnt matter eitherway, the wolf is mentioned as flavor, so any of them can have it


What could have been...
now does that tell u my alignment? where do we go from here

its a fake claim btw. idk if that role even exists or not in the game

if u r ilyn payne @anyone do not counter claim. my claim was not real
cooler, blue, chevy (until he verifies the claim like he said), charlie, TAC, soul, ratchy
Out of these people I have solid town read on charlie guy. I agreed with Ratchet the most out of rest and I've seen Neeko being convinced on Chevy being town (and I like Neeko so far).

I was thinking about Dofla dude for that random ass vote on Pero.
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