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They all faint to the coc
CoC has no effect because his butterflies are golems or made by dark matter.
For real, he has control over dark matter and enchanted speed, strength and endurance. He has the ability named "Choose". That’s his main ability:

Tyki is able to "choose" whatever he wishes to touch, or interact with. Essentially his power allows him to manipulate the laws of physics around him.

that’s not even his awakened form

Gorosei Informer

Stuck in this rabbit hole on youtube watched one clip of a random 90's anime now it keeps recommending these old anime and I can't stop clicking them
Have you seen that RetroCrush channel too? Its pretty cool and they have their own website dedicated to streaming/releasing retro anime or so too? Like a preservation and re-release type thing I think?

I saw this on their channel by complete chance and was completely obsessed for AGES after that!:

I can definitely relate though, I watch one 90s anime OP or ED and next thing I know, I've spent several hours on a nostalgia trip, a rollercoaster of emotions, a parade of flashbacks and such. As a lot of people say about music especially on Youtube and with Youtube and the Internet itself, it really is like a time machine into the past or a time capsule.


CoC has no effect because his butterflies are golems or made by dark matter.
For real, he has control over dark matter and enchanted speed, strength and endurance. He has the ability named "Choose". That’s his main ability:

Tyki is able to "choose" whatever he wishes to touch, or interact with. Essentially his power allows him to manipulate the laws of physics around him.

that’s not even his awakened form
So tyki faints to the coc

Gorosei Informer

CoC has no effect because his butterflies are golems or made by dark matter.
For real, he has control over dark matter and enchanted speed, strength and endurance. He has the ability named "Choose". That’s his main ability:

Tyki is able to "choose" whatever he wishes to touch, or interact with. Essentially his power allows him to manipulate the laws of physics around him.

that’s not even his awakened form
NANI?! Tyki!? Is this how he became a mod?! @Tyki_Mikk


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