Powers & Abilities Create a Named Attack for Mihawk !!!

Dracule Sword Style:
Mihawk's family sword style that has been passed for generations.
Executes swift precise slashes using a two-handed sword.

Dracule Sword Style - Talon (Single Casual Melee Slash)
Dracule Sword Style - Diving Hawk (Single Piercing Attack from Above)
Dracule Sword Style - Trailing Slash (Single Long Range Slash)
Dracule Sword Style - Cross Slash (Two Slash Forming Cross / Can be Melee or Range)
Dracule Sword Style - Shadow Chase (Future Sight Attack / Blitz Attack)
Dracule Sword Style - Seven Nights of Misery (Finisher 1 / 7 Slash Combo)
Dracule Sword Style - Night of Desolation (Finisher 2 / Very Strong Single Slash)

Mihawk's Ultimate Stance: Overflowing Yoru with COC (turning the surroundings in darkness like it is night)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer - Night Claw (Single Casual Melee Slash)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer -
Fatal Night (Single Strong Melee Slash)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer -
Night Wind Slash (Single Long Range Slash)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer -
Night Wind Splitting Waves (Multiple Long Range Slash)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer -
Silent Night Hunting (Future Sight Attack / Mihawk's Fastest Blitz Attack)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer Ultimate -
Black Blade of Infinity (Finisher 1 / Countless Slash Combo)
Dracule Sword Style : Night Bringer Ultimate -
Thousand Years of Darkest Night (Finisher 2 / Focuses Everything On A Single Slash)
