Will ZKK happen?

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But I'm sure he have a reason If we all stopped waiting for the hints he will stop posting them , but everyone is so insane bc they can't wait for a 1 week chapter , I'm honest , I'm making money from it that's why I get my ass tired here 24 hour watching ppl talking to get hints but I don't know about u
How you make money of it 😂

Gorosei Informer

Germa Cover story will reveal that the vinsmokes actually have emotion & still being strong. :quest::quest:
Also Pedro and Pekoms being fine ofc.

I've suspected the Vinsmokes have emotions, they just lack empathy which would make them the ideal super soldiers. Judge also removed fear from them too, I'm guessing any forms of sadness, anxiety/despair, desire and such too.

But they've shown to lust over women ofc and they I think they showed a bit of apprehension/fear around the time they were gonna die to the BM pirates at the tea party?

I can't remember specifically of what I'm thinking of but I felt there were very subtle signs they weren't entirely emotionless either. Didn't Sora's drugs affect them all too but only truly worked on Sanji or on him the most by far?

I do see their ultimate character arc being them being freed from their super soldier slave existence somehow, I thought it would happen as an end result of WCI due to Sanji somehow, maybe something to do with his cooking too or maybe it may happen later on with Vegapunk helping instead? This cover story might lead up to that somehow?
I read it again but I didn‘t get your point. So you look for hints and post them in Twitter for clicks, is that exactly what you do?
I'm making games like those

That's my detective conan game on google play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pewred.becomezero&hl=en&gl=US

so simply I just make a twitter account as a fan page of the anime that I'm making game of then I get followers by sharing the spoilers for the next manga then making them download the game so I help them they help me


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
"Momonosuke TRIES to create flame clouds"

Just kill me already. How long will this moronic plot last? When will he finally succeed? He's been TRYING almost since Onigashima started floating ffs

Also, God forbid a woman gets her own revenge, even against a jobber like Orochi. They always need to be saved by big stronk men.

Oda has a fetish for silhouettes, damsels in distress, and boobs
Because they're toxic as fuck. Plus he can free himself of having to live up to that false unbeatable/never falling down or lying on his back or whatever persona too then. He cares so much about them and burdens himself so much with them. The others have shown they do care and maybe with Big Mom gone (seemingly at least), they will become much better especially if Kat takes charge.

But frankly, as someone who suffered from toxic families for decades now, I rather he got away from them for his own good. I wish I could have done the same.
Because they are toxic? He should free himself? I'm pretty sure Katakuri gets along with most of his siblings pretty well, just because one of his younger siblings is acting like a bitch towards him doesn't mean he should suddenly leave his family.

Regardless of the persona and everything, he still cares deeply for his family and I'm pretty at this point most of his siblings don't care about the whole laying on the back and everything anymore.

Also don't act like Katakuri is a saint, the man killed 3 innocent chefs and he probably knew about Chiffon's abuse and didn't do anything like comfort her.

Sooner or later Big Mom will either die or retire, and Katakuri will then most likely take over the BMP as the new captain.
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