Will ZKK happen?

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I will never forgive Oda
Because I don’t give a shit about samurais and I want the fight to be done with
Visually it’s dope I guess

oooooh I like that
From now on you guys can call me Cynthia_Garchomp or EtenRobert!
I don’t know who Cynthia is but she isn’t from Gen 1 so that makes her trash. I’ll keep it as EtenRobert :jackaugh:
appo was fighting against luffy and zoro when kid attacked him like coward:willsmith:
The panel literally shows Kid yell to Apoo before attacking and Apoo looking right at him.

Now show Zoros sneak attack
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This sound like far more than just 30 bones judging by Law's words who is a doctor btw:catsure:
Coulda. But it didnt. They already said it was 30 bones.
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