Marco (and Jozu) are the most slept on when it comes to power. People out there genuinely think that Marco can't even hurt people and is just a stalling opponent that eventually loses, but that's just not the truth, Marco is an absolute monster that has feats that way outpace King, Katakuri, and Ben Beckman (more abstract but I'll get to that) by a good half tier.
First off, I want to mention this: Mystical zoans are essentially zoans + paramecia/zoans in one. You have the zoan stat boost like all zoans, but you also have another ability on top of that. Sengoku gets a power boost from his buddha statue forms, but he also has the ability to create shockwaves. Catarina Devon has the stat boost from her Kyuubi zoan, but also has the ability to change how she looks. Kaidou has a stat boost form his zoan (we'll see it more when he goes hybrid and awakened), but he also can create and control elements, along with the clouds. ORochi will have a power up and a special power (probably wind based on the myth). Marco has physical stat boosts from his zoan, but also the flames that also have healing capabilities. There is a reason why they are rarer than logia.
I'm going to start with Marco's fight with Kizaru.
Kizaru was shooting Marco when Marco suddenly shows up in a partial hybrid form, spins at such a high speed (see the circular motions he's making), that a wind was created, which stopped kizaru's mass produced named laser barrage from going further, making it collapse upon itself in a circular orb cuz it had nowhere to go as it's momentum was stopped, until kizaru stopped attacking, and the fact naturally faded away into harmless nothing. The light is stopping him from fully being visible, we se oda do this with stuff like sanji and vergo's legs not fully showing up in the 2-3 clashes they had in the background. He wasn't actually torn to pieces, the lasers would have went through him (will explain this later) if he did, and you see the counter force of marco's spinning rotation in visible form against the lasers.
At this point, Marco and Kizaru had a short conversion that essentially involved them both having the same personality and casual nature.
At this point, marco went full zoan form, and started to casually fly at Kizaru (it was probably super fast given he's a zoan and the tier of kizaru and marco, but you can tell by his eyes that he's not expending himself or anything). Kizaru tried to stop his advance by sending lasers at him, and marco, either via intangibility, or replicating what katakuri does with his devil fruit (I mean the lasers aren't too fast for marco to react to casually), but with his flames (where he can morph is body potentially around it). Either way, he's unhurt as I'll prove later, but it's worth noting that he is not displaced (pushed back), showing any pain (he looks remarkably calm and casual), and the lasers are casually going through him harmlessly.
Considering he's in full zoan form, and he's litearlly fire, and a mystical zoan devil fruit is a zoan + paramecia or logia in a way, based on the specific devil fruit, he likely was just outright intangible to non busoshoku/seastone attacks at this point, and since kizaru's lasers can't have busoshoku on them due to their nature, the attacks went through him harmlessly (or he morphed around it). I'd like to believe that marco has logia like aspects to him, albeit it's a less perfect form, or only relevant when he's in his zoan form (Cuz zoans are transformations, while logia just change you outright).
Anyway Marco was untouched despite having lasers go through him (harmlessly), we even are given a zoom up of marco's face while he's in that stat, and he's effectively bored looking, which as we'll show later, isn't how he actually reacts when he's hit by kizaru's lasers.
Anyway at this point, Marco swung a kick at Kizaru (in base, only having wings from his zoan transformation, which was only still in effect for the flight, notice how his feet aren't even talons like they are later on against akainu). Anyway Kizaru raises his arm to block, successfully blocks base Marco's attack (probably a bruise on his arm but nothing seriously), and then Marco follows through aftewr the attack, sending Kizaru ragdolling. (while marco is only in base) At this point, kizaru (due to being logia), turned to light to avoid the crash damage, meaning the follow through marco did couldn't have possibly hurt him, while a non logia would have been hurt by that attack, also marco didn't land another hit with the follow through, it was essentially just a super powerful push. If a non logia had taken that follow through attack, they'd have suffered from hitting the ground, but kizaru being a logia, was able to resist:
A little later (not sure without checking if they fought off panel or not, but let's not worry about that), Whitebeard had been stabbed by squard and then later on suffered a heart attack, which akainu took advantage of, punching into whitebeard's chest with a lava fist, mid heart attack when he couldn't resist. At this point, Marco turned to worry about him, getting ready to start heading in that direction, at this point, marco took his first actual damage (outside of garp's blindside which wasn't focused on killing marco or anything, but simply ragdolling him away from ace). Anyway notice how he doesn't instantly regenerate, even for the attack before the seastone was placed on him, he doesn't have instantaneous healing factor like most of of you think, the attacks used on him from kizaru previously just were 100% ineffective (due to the reasons mentioned like no buso, marco never been hitting by the first barrage, etc). We see marcos face during his approach on kizaru, and he looked positively bored, while when he was ACTUALLY hit, he is in more pain:
Notice how it's from behind, he is displaced (ie he literally bends with it when the force of it pushes him forward when the attack was behind, and he was in pain as you'll see in a moment). He then (while physically bleeding and not even straightened up after the attack, and still reeling in pain clearly in his expression, and body movement, as his healing factor heals him over a few seconds) is assaulted from behind as he focused Kizaru by Onigumo, who in the anime overpowered him with the blindside, but in the manga, he simply jumps on him when he was still reeling and off balance, slipping the seastone on his arm instantly). At this point, Marco is shot again. Clearly he wouldn't heal from this like before, but the first damage proves that he doesn't heal instantly without any visible pain, proving that he wasn't being hurt earlier. Also we get to see another example of him getting shot without his devil fruit healing factor.
Read from top right, bottom left, and bottom right, no idea why the picture is so weirdly thrown togetoher panel by panel.
So then Marco retreats for a while, gets the seastone off him, and upon Ace being killed, attacks Akainu in the most weirdly analyzed panel in existence. Marco and Vista attack him with unnamed haki attacks, Marco not even being in full hybrid zoan form, but being more transformed than he was vs kizaru (Where he just had wings and was in base upon the kick), mainly going after an unnamed cutting attack, which akainu was able to survive because of his logia nature. YES, Akainu was hurt, but overall it doesn't mean anything since he was dogpiled besides the fact that a relatively base marco with buso has the capabilities of hurting Akainu (same with Vista). How do I know he was hurt? Akainu is literally pushed back (like marco was with the laser attack pre seastone), he has shake lines (like marco did when he was hurting, which shows a physical struggle, like a shaking ever so slightly in pain), akainu was gritting his teeth, and he literally groaned in pain. IN this specific colored panel it's Ku, which is a weird translation I imagine, but it's argh or something equivalent in other translations, but I chose the colored cuz they look pretty. Anyway Akainu also draws attention to the fact that they are haki users, it's pretty much undebatable that akainu was hurt from the attack, it just wasn't enough to maim or kill him, cuz it was literally unnamed attacks from the two, and Marco wasn't even in full hybrid form for the zoan stat boost. It was very much a brash "I just want to hit the f'er without thinking" attack on both their parts.
Anyway before I get "but jozu was one hit by a blindside", Jozu had his arm internally frozen to the bone and muscle, essentially killing his arm, that is hax, it's not like jozu couldn't push through a layer of ice, we saw how strong he was with the lifting feat, but his arm was essentially dead, no amount of power mattered in the attack, while these are unnamed attacks against a logia (which saves him from the cutting effects the two used, otherwise a non logia that isn't like stronk bodied asf like kaidou or big mom would have been f'd up). ANyway just for futher emphasis, the attack draws blood in the anime, not that it matters, the manga is canon, and enough is there to prove he was hurt.
And then Marco lately clashes equally with Akainu (notice how the lava is splattering outwardly like it hit a wall it couldn't go through, the two were clashing equally), sadly this isn't a colored pic, if you have one, link it so I can replace it, but yeah:
The clash is over by the middle panels, so the fact that he suddenly gets a blood smear on his face was probably just cuz it zoomed in on his face and oda didn't want to draw that level of detail on the slightly more zoomed out pic, but it seems to be either someone elses blood, or his own from the kizaru shit or his off panel escape whil he had seastone on. But the clash is clearly over body marco's body language in the middle right panel, so it wasn't something new between the right middle panel and the left middle panel.
Also before you mention all the whitebeard pirates lining up to defend luffy, that was a symbolic thing to represent them trusting ace's legacy/dreams with luffy, his little brother, literally like 2 pages later, sengoku called for the marines in general to attack in general, and the chaos of war suddenly re-invoked itself.
As far as Jozu vs Aokiji is concerned, well Jozu's glacier feat was a struggle to overcome from the vastly more physically powerful (relative to aokiji, cqc wise I mean and strength) Akainu, while aokiji is more a distance magic caster (with maybe some future sight). Jozu had absolute superiority when it came to cqc combat, and the strength to not get overwhelmed by Aokiji's larged ranged attacks. Jozu's diamond form + his clear specialty in busoshoku which is probably the strongest in the crew (marco probably a haoshoku user), left Aokiji unabnle to hurt Jozu from a distance due to the diamond and buso defense (plus high stats) of Jozu, which is why when he could physically touch Jozu without the buso or diamond defense up close (where his attacks would be more lethal than just throwing ice at the opponent), Jozu was finally defeated.
Also to the people who try to use doflamingo or crocodile to shit on Jozu, Jozu was trashing Crocodile harder than Doflamingo was, he trashed Crocodile harder than Mihawk trashed Luffy, and Doflamingo literally blindsided him and Jozu was only frozen (not under control, jozu probably too powerful for jozu to control willy nilly) for all of 10 seconds, less time (despite the blindside of the strings) than Luffy was, who needed g4 to break out. Jozu would have broken out (and was unhurt from crocodiles attack), but he barely had any time to respond to the blindside.
Let me compare all these Marco feats to King:
Marco's base form follow through of his kick against Kizaru >>>>>>>>>>> King's full zoan drilling of Sanji into a tower or whatever that was. It is night and day how much more raw power Marco brought out, and King only has an ancient zoan (might be a more durable though, but the gap between stats is huge), while marco has the flames that heal + soft intangibility while in full zoan form + some other stuff. I expect both to have awakened zoans cuz they're both top 5 zoans in the one piece verse, and if they don't, lol, but it's pretty clear that pound for pound (base form vs base form, or evne marco vs full zoan king), Marco has the edge even without the flames.
Marco also likely got a powerup over the timeskip, going from first mate in the strongest mans crew, to having to vye for a yonkou spot against a guy who is yonkou leveled. It is the opposite of chinjao weakening, so I'm expecting akainu and marco to have gotten a power up over the timeskip, despite both "peaking" with power within their positions, the new positions would force a power up on them.
Oh and his flames have unique elements beyond simply healing potentially, unless he was just healing the souls so that they would be returned to their body or pass onto the afterlife by escaping their form, either way, the flames have more than just healing factors to him and others:
Jozu might even have both of his arms rn due to long term healing by Marco, despite losing an arm at marineford, probably coming clutch many times over the years to whitebeard and the crew (marco could have likely healed whitebeard if he hadn't been outright killed, despite him losing part of his head and so forth, though not heal his sickness)
I want to end this on the possibility that Marco is related to Rocks.
Whitebeard was known to have adopted children, no matter their origin or whatever, and Whitebeard was arguably the first mate to the Rocks pirates, it's not beyond him to adopt post mortem Rocks kid, or to accept a kid that Rocks asks him to raise, to parallel Garp taking in Ace in a way. Marco's age lines up fairly well with the events. Marco would have been 4 years old at the time of the war, and also mystical zoan devil fruits are rarer than logia, which doesn't seem too out of reach for a yonkou first mate, but marco had a mystical devil fruit when he was a 15 year old apprentice of whitebeard's ship, he wasn't a top commander back then, unlike Catarina (who blackbeard specifically searched for the devil fruit for her, by taking it from the person who had it before), Sengoku (fleet admiral), Kaidou (lol he's goat), etc.
Rocks giving his son essentially a broken devil fruit, especially one that has soft intangibility + zoan stat boost + heals you if you're hurt, sound slike something a father would do, be it to make his kid stronger so he can be powerful, or to simply protect his son. Also Rocks having a mystical devil fruit on a whim to hand off to a son seems remarkably plausible.
Before anyone says "but blackbeard", Luffy is inspired off of Roger despite not being his son, Blackbeard is better off in a situation like that, trying to match and surpass his idol Rocks, while Luffy tries to do the same with Roger. Neither related by blood, but inspired by their hero none-the-less. Also given Marco's increased relevance as a future ally and how closely he was brought back in in relation to the Rocks incident being introduced, could be more than just a coincidence. Whitebeard essentially (via being asked or his own free will as a nice lad), adopted the son of Rocks, who is currently the 5th strongest pirate in the world.
So yes, respect Marco's name, and Jozu is massively impressive too (like he's yonkou first mate level)
First off, I want to mention this: Mystical zoans are essentially zoans + paramecia/zoans in one. You have the zoan stat boost like all zoans, but you also have another ability on top of that. Sengoku gets a power boost from his buddha statue forms, but he also has the ability to create shockwaves. Catarina Devon has the stat boost from her Kyuubi zoan, but also has the ability to change how she looks. Kaidou has a stat boost form his zoan (we'll see it more when he goes hybrid and awakened), but he also can create and control elements, along with the clouds. ORochi will have a power up and a special power (probably wind based on the myth). Marco has physical stat boosts from his zoan, but also the flames that also have healing capabilities. There is a reason why they are rarer than logia.
I'm going to start with Marco's fight with Kizaru.
Kizaru was shooting Marco when Marco suddenly shows up in a partial hybrid form, spins at such a high speed (see the circular motions he's making), that a wind was created, which stopped kizaru's mass produced named laser barrage from going further, making it collapse upon itself in a circular orb cuz it had nowhere to go as it's momentum was stopped, until kizaru stopped attacking, and the fact naturally faded away into harmless nothing. The light is stopping him from fully being visible, we se oda do this with stuff like sanji and vergo's legs not fully showing up in the 2-3 clashes they had in the background. He wasn't actually torn to pieces, the lasers would have went through him (will explain this later) if he did, and you see the counter force of marco's spinning rotation in visible form against the lasers.

At this point, Marco and Kizaru had a short conversion that essentially involved them both having the same personality and casual nature.
At this point, marco went full zoan form, and started to casually fly at Kizaru (it was probably super fast given he's a zoan and the tier of kizaru and marco, but you can tell by his eyes that he's not expending himself or anything). Kizaru tried to stop his advance by sending lasers at him, and marco, either via intangibility, or replicating what katakuri does with his devil fruit (I mean the lasers aren't too fast for marco to react to casually), but with his flames (where he can morph is body potentially around it). Either way, he's unhurt as I'll prove later, but it's worth noting that he is not displaced (pushed back), showing any pain (he looks remarkably calm and casual), and the lasers are casually going through him harmlessly.
Considering he's in full zoan form, and he's litearlly fire, and a mystical zoan devil fruit is a zoan + paramecia or logia in a way, based on the specific devil fruit, he likely was just outright intangible to non busoshoku/seastone attacks at this point, and since kizaru's lasers can't have busoshoku on them due to their nature, the attacks went through him harmlessly (or he morphed around it). I'd like to believe that marco has logia like aspects to him, albeit it's a less perfect form, or only relevant when he's in his zoan form (Cuz zoans are transformations, while logia just change you outright).

Anyway Marco was untouched despite having lasers go through him (harmlessly), we even are given a zoom up of marco's face while he's in that stat, and he's effectively bored looking, which as we'll show later, isn't how he actually reacts when he's hit by kizaru's lasers.
Anyway at this point, Marco swung a kick at Kizaru (in base, only having wings from his zoan transformation, which was only still in effect for the flight, notice how his feet aren't even talons like they are later on against akainu). Anyway Kizaru raises his arm to block, successfully blocks base Marco's attack (probably a bruise on his arm but nothing seriously), and then Marco follows through aftewr the attack, sending Kizaru ragdolling. (while marco is only in base) At this point, kizaru (due to being logia), turned to light to avoid the crash damage, meaning the follow through marco did couldn't have possibly hurt him, while a non logia would have been hurt by that attack, also marco didn't land another hit with the follow through, it was essentially just a super powerful push. If a non logia had taken that follow through attack, they'd have suffered from hitting the ground, but kizaru being a logia, was able to resist:

A little later (not sure without checking if they fought off panel or not, but let's not worry about that), Whitebeard had been stabbed by squard and then later on suffered a heart attack, which akainu took advantage of, punching into whitebeard's chest with a lava fist, mid heart attack when he couldn't resist. At this point, Marco turned to worry about him, getting ready to start heading in that direction, at this point, marco took his first actual damage (outside of garp's blindside which wasn't focused on killing marco or anything, but simply ragdolling him away from ace). Anyway notice how he doesn't instantly regenerate, even for the attack before the seastone was placed on him, he doesn't have instantaneous healing factor like most of of you think, the attacks used on him from kizaru previously just were 100% ineffective (due to the reasons mentioned like no buso, marco never been hitting by the first barrage, etc). We see marcos face during his approach on kizaru, and he looked positively bored, while when he was ACTUALLY hit, he is in more pain:
Notice how it's from behind, he is displaced (ie he literally bends with it when the force of it pushes him forward when the attack was behind, and he was in pain as you'll see in a moment). He then (while physically bleeding and not even straightened up after the attack, and still reeling in pain clearly in his expression, and body movement, as his healing factor heals him over a few seconds) is assaulted from behind as he focused Kizaru by Onigumo, who in the anime overpowered him with the blindside, but in the manga, he simply jumps on him when he was still reeling and off balance, slipping the seastone on his arm instantly). At this point, Marco is shot again. Clearly he wouldn't heal from this like before, but the first damage proves that he doesn't heal instantly without any visible pain, proving that he wasn't being hurt earlier. Also we get to see another example of him getting shot without his devil fruit healing factor.
Read from top right, bottom left, and bottom right, no idea why the picture is so weirdly thrown togetoher panel by panel.

So then Marco retreats for a while, gets the seastone off him, and upon Ace being killed, attacks Akainu in the most weirdly analyzed panel in existence. Marco and Vista attack him with unnamed haki attacks, Marco not even being in full hybrid zoan form, but being more transformed than he was vs kizaru (Where he just had wings and was in base upon the kick), mainly going after an unnamed cutting attack, which akainu was able to survive because of his logia nature. YES, Akainu was hurt, but overall it doesn't mean anything since he was dogpiled besides the fact that a relatively base marco with buso has the capabilities of hurting Akainu (same with Vista). How do I know he was hurt? Akainu is literally pushed back (like marco was with the laser attack pre seastone), he has shake lines (like marco did when he was hurting, which shows a physical struggle, like a shaking ever so slightly in pain), akainu was gritting his teeth, and he literally groaned in pain. IN this specific colored panel it's Ku, which is a weird translation I imagine, but it's argh or something equivalent in other translations, but I chose the colored cuz they look pretty. Anyway Akainu also draws attention to the fact that they are haki users, it's pretty much undebatable that akainu was hurt from the attack, it just wasn't enough to maim or kill him, cuz it was literally unnamed attacks from the two, and Marco wasn't even in full hybrid form for the zoan stat boost. It was very much a brash "I just want to hit the f'er without thinking" attack on both their parts.
Anyway before I get "but jozu was one hit by a blindside", Jozu had his arm internally frozen to the bone and muscle, essentially killing his arm, that is hax, it's not like jozu couldn't push through a layer of ice, we saw how strong he was with the lifting feat, but his arm was essentially dead, no amount of power mattered in the attack, while these are unnamed attacks against a logia (which saves him from the cutting effects the two used, otherwise a non logia that isn't like stronk bodied asf like kaidou or big mom would have been f'd up). ANyway just for futher emphasis, the attack draws blood in the anime, not that it matters, the manga is canon, and enough is there to prove he was hurt.

And then Marco lately clashes equally with Akainu (notice how the lava is splattering outwardly like it hit a wall it couldn't go through, the two were clashing equally), sadly this isn't a colored pic, if you have one, link it so I can replace it, but yeah:

The clash is over by the middle panels, so the fact that he suddenly gets a blood smear on his face was probably just cuz it zoomed in on his face and oda didn't want to draw that level of detail on the slightly more zoomed out pic, but it seems to be either someone elses blood, or his own from the kizaru shit or his off panel escape whil he had seastone on. But the clash is clearly over body marco's body language in the middle right panel, so it wasn't something new between the right middle panel and the left middle panel.
Also before you mention all the whitebeard pirates lining up to defend luffy, that was a symbolic thing to represent them trusting ace's legacy/dreams with luffy, his little brother, literally like 2 pages later, sengoku called for the marines in general to attack in general, and the chaos of war suddenly re-invoked itself.
As far as Jozu vs Aokiji is concerned, well Jozu's glacier feat was a struggle to overcome from the vastly more physically powerful (relative to aokiji, cqc wise I mean and strength) Akainu, while aokiji is more a distance magic caster (with maybe some future sight). Jozu had absolute superiority when it came to cqc combat, and the strength to not get overwhelmed by Aokiji's larged ranged attacks. Jozu's diamond form + his clear specialty in busoshoku which is probably the strongest in the crew (marco probably a haoshoku user), left Aokiji unabnle to hurt Jozu from a distance due to the diamond and buso defense (plus high stats) of Jozu, which is why when he could physically touch Jozu without the buso or diamond defense up close (where his attacks would be more lethal than just throwing ice at the opponent), Jozu was finally defeated.

Also to the people who try to use doflamingo or crocodile to shit on Jozu, Jozu was trashing Crocodile harder than Doflamingo was, he trashed Crocodile harder than Mihawk trashed Luffy, and Doflamingo literally blindsided him and Jozu was only frozen (not under control, jozu probably too powerful for jozu to control willy nilly) for all of 10 seconds, less time (despite the blindside of the strings) than Luffy was, who needed g4 to break out. Jozu would have broken out (and was unhurt from crocodiles attack), but he barely had any time to respond to the blindside.
Let me compare all these Marco feats to King:

Marco's base form follow through of his kick against Kizaru >>>>>>>>>>> King's full zoan drilling of Sanji into a tower or whatever that was. It is night and day how much more raw power Marco brought out, and King only has an ancient zoan (might be a more durable though, but the gap between stats is huge), while marco has the flames that heal + soft intangibility while in full zoan form + some other stuff. I expect both to have awakened zoans cuz they're both top 5 zoans in the one piece verse, and if they don't, lol, but it's pretty clear that pound for pound (base form vs base form, or evne marco vs full zoan king), Marco has the edge even without the flames.
Marco also likely got a powerup over the timeskip, going from first mate in the strongest mans crew, to having to vye for a yonkou spot against a guy who is yonkou leveled. It is the opposite of chinjao weakening, so I'm expecting akainu and marco to have gotten a power up over the timeskip, despite both "peaking" with power within their positions, the new positions would force a power up on them.
Oh and his flames have unique elements beyond simply healing potentially, unless he was just healing the souls so that they would be returned to their body or pass onto the afterlife by escaping their form, either way, the flames have more than just healing factors to him and others:

Jozu might even have both of his arms rn due to long term healing by Marco, despite losing an arm at marineford, probably coming clutch many times over the years to whitebeard and the crew (marco could have likely healed whitebeard if he hadn't been outright killed, despite him losing part of his head and so forth, though not heal his sickness)
I want to end this on the possibility that Marco is related to Rocks.
Whitebeard was known to have adopted children, no matter their origin or whatever, and Whitebeard was arguably the first mate to the Rocks pirates, it's not beyond him to adopt post mortem Rocks kid, or to accept a kid that Rocks asks him to raise, to parallel Garp taking in Ace in a way. Marco's age lines up fairly well with the events. Marco would have been 4 years old at the time of the war, and also mystical zoan devil fruits are rarer than logia, which doesn't seem too out of reach for a yonkou first mate, but marco had a mystical devil fruit when he was a 15 year old apprentice of whitebeard's ship, he wasn't a top commander back then, unlike Catarina (who blackbeard specifically searched for the devil fruit for her, by taking it from the person who had it before), Sengoku (fleet admiral), Kaidou (lol he's goat), etc.
Rocks giving his son essentially a broken devil fruit, especially one that has soft intangibility + zoan stat boost + heals you if you're hurt, sound slike something a father would do, be it to make his kid stronger so he can be powerful, or to simply protect his son. Also Rocks having a mystical devil fruit on a whim to hand off to a son seems remarkably plausible.
Before anyone says "but blackbeard", Luffy is inspired off of Roger despite not being his son, Blackbeard is better off in a situation like that, trying to match and surpass his idol Rocks, while Luffy tries to do the same with Roger. Neither related by blood, but inspired by their hero none-the-less. Also given Marco's increased relevance as a future ally and how closely he was brought back in in relation to the Rocks incident being introduced, could be more than just a coincidence. Whitebeard essentially (via being asked or his own free will as a nice lad), adopted the son of Rocks, who is currently the 5th strongest pirate in the world.
So yes, respect Marco's name, and Jozu is massively impressive too (like he's yonkou first mate level)