[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Can someone see if my list is accurate?
This should be all living players.
Is one of these fellas dead cause I'm counting 16?
WakandaForever - Robb Stark
KWEH - JOAT (Saw T-Pein as Body Guard, Watched Worst N2, Tried to Track Melkor)
Ekko - Viper (Duelist)
Kagu - Sansa Stark (Vanilla with conditional active)
Charlie - Melisandre (Revive)
Nana/Doddsy - Mace Tyrell (Vanilla)
Ratchet - Sam Tarly
Pot Goblin - Dany Targy (Doublevote)
Blue - Missandei (Healer)
Broker - The Hound (Vig) (Resurrected)
Phoenix King (Bus Driver)
Yo - Jon Snow
Hime - (0 Vote Power)
Professor Salah - Jonah
Doffy - Jaqen H'ghar (one shot day vig)

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