I think I'm gonna stop reading One Piece for a while
I will be back when wano arc ends
I hate to admit this but wano is the worst arc oda wrote in one piece history 😥
I tried to be optimistic with this arc
But I can't anymore 😓
I will be back in August or maybe September
Hopefully this nightmare arc will end by then
See you soon my friends ❤
I think I'm gonna stop reading One Piece for a while
I will be back when wano arc ends
I hate to admit this but wano is the worst arc oda wrote in one piece history 😥
I tried to be optimistic with this arc
But I can't anymore 😓
I will be back in August or maybe September
Hopefully this nightmare arc will end by then
See you soon my friends ❤
Wano is the greatest arc , but u have to read it at once not wait every chapter that's why u hate it bro bc u wait and wait and stress ur self , I hope u do well and take care
Actually no. @DJOMOLO is correct. When would fire have a physical molten look?
Haven't you ever read or watched a piece of entertainment where fire could become liquid like or even solid like? It's the typical fantasy type of fire.

Magma on the other hand is not energy, it's matter, motlen rock and metal that could be grasped in your hand when cooled down.