I went to look back and the dawn was already being mentioned a couple of chapters before the finale of Luffy x Moria.
I don't know, this finish here seems just odd but at the same time it does feel like a finisher. I just hope Oda won't use the Dressrosa trope again two arcs later.
Flashback or not, id be happy if I didn't see the same cliffhanger for the fourth time now. There will be even a break. And we had three chapters where nothing that relevant happened. Just the latest orochi's fakeout death thanks to Denjiro who came back in the story after one year without saying anything lmao


Yes, tanked the biggest attack in history of OP but I don't think he'll fight anymore. He'll tank it stand for a while and then go to sleep. Still Waido top 1.
I do think kaido must have faced attacks bigger and powerful than what luffy pulled. Whitebeard Rogers rocks garp sengoku Akainu aokiji kizaru.