I used to enjoy reading One Piece more before I joined the fandom less than a year ago. :josad: Is it just me?
I've been reading One Piece weekly since pre TS and my best advice is that you just have to disconnect yourself from what the general fandom thinks/likes/dislikes and look at what you think/like/dislike

Sometimes you might get called a contrarian just for disliking a popular thing or liking an unpopular thing and you have to use that energy at your advantage lol
It would be better than the powerup, stalling, nonsense fiesta we've gotten instead imo. Timeskips aren't a bad thing imo. Unless you're in Part 5 of Jojo ofc.

But then again, 2 years of timeskip on the SHs has yielded really lackluster results imo, all of them should have learned and use basic haki too somehow.

Its also better than Wano being 200 plus chapters and the raid failing but this is assuming the timeskip isn't caused by said raid failing ofc and happened pre Onigashima instead? I suppose if we had gotten a timeskip then that would have delayed the arc and thus incresed the chapter count?

Didn't they spend 2 weeks in Wano prepping for the raid anyway too? Hence a timeskip of sorts?
Yeah the problem's that the (second) timeskip they wanted was a result of the raid failing lol

Gorosei Informer

"One Piece" is actually an over-elaborate Jenga game that become centuries long. :queenmoji:
I wouldn't even be mad tbh.

I kinda feel the OP is an elaborate hoax to keep the spirit of adventure alive, to keep people chasing their dreams, to never stop living and having adventures, exploring and and such.

I was re-reading Roger's discovery of the OP and whoever said it might be a joke book may not be so far off tbh.

Wouldn't a joke book or a funny story book be fitting somehow? A sort of meta moment by Oda where the "One Piece" is the "funniest story ever told"? It would be the ultimate circlejerk he could do but it would be kinda poetic and fitting too?

Whitebeard said the world would be shaken to its core by the reveal of the One Piece but what it is because, this truly immensely hyped up, sought after and speculated treasure is a just a seemingly simple joke book that has also survived and thus been around for countless centuries?

The reason OP will shake the world is not because it's something extremely valuable in monetary/financial terms or whatever, not priceless treasure/gems/jewels or whatever, no gold, silver or whatever, not your typical pirate treasure at all but a joke book or something equally ridiculous?

Given what Gear 5th Luffy turned out to be like and thus the true nature of his DF, is it too far fetched now especially to assume Oda won't pull another stunt of this calibre or magnitude? To truly troll everyone who has such immense expectations of the series including myself of course and try to remind us and understand what the true spirit of the series is? What he wanted his story to be from the beginning and never lose that identity it had?
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Gorosei Informer

Yeah the problem's that the (second) timeskip they wanted was a result of the raid failing lol
If it came due to the actual raid failing, I'd be furious too to be fair. There was potential when the ships were destroyed and they were stranded, when the Scabbards tried to go ahead to Onigashima I mean but after that, no way, fuck the raid failing and this arc being dragged out and such.
If we didn't have so much actual filler in the manga since the raid started, I wouldn't have minded as much but at this point I've even more exhaused with this arc than I am with Dressrosa and WCI and even some or even a lot of OP defenders are getting fed up too.
That's what I have been thinking too. I got hooked on the spoilers that's why I stuck around this long but now I'm seriously thinking about pulling myself away and just wait for the chapter translation to drop.

I think the main problem is that once you join the fandom it becomes more about them than the series you're following. That's why the enjoyment factor diminishes overtime.
You're absolutely right in the "it becomes about them vs what you're reading", you start to relate, be indoctrinated &think that way. The key to any form of hypnosis/propaganda/mind control is repetition, and you sit there and just feed your brain the same message coated in negativity, over and over.

If you decide to do that, I both hope & wouldn't be surprised if it helps. It is always an almost "bizarro" realm experience now that I peruse threads after I read the chapter without days of negativity, baiting, trolling etc. "They hated this? That shit was hype!"

Anyways, best of luck recapturing the joy of O.P! The occasional sabbatical from social media/forums is always a good idea.

Oh, and if Ive kind of spoken in circles, it's because I'm about to sleep. So, sorry if I repeated myself, not trying to Explain Like Youre5 :]
It would be better than the powerup, stalling, nonsense fiesta we've gotten instead imo. Timeskips aren't a bad thing imo. Unless you're in Part 5 of Jojo ofc.

But then again, 2 years of timeskip on the SHs has yielded really lackluster results imo, all of them should have learned and use basic haki too somehow.

Its also better than Wano being 200 plus chapters and the raid failing but this is assuming the timeskip isn't caused by said raid failing ofc and happened pre Onigashima instead? I suppose if we had gotten a timeskip then that would have delayed the arc and thus incresed the chapter count?

Didn't they spend 2 weeks in Wano prepping for the raid anyway too? Hence a timeskip of sorts?
Half of the strawhats not having any haki is criminal to me

Nameless fodder in the New World have 2 types

Yet Franky and Robin hit F6 level without 1 type learned?

Franky uses tech so you can give him a pass but Robin wtf? Wasn't she with the revolutionaries