Pretty much everyone i talked to said this chapter is disappointing - if we take what transpired at face value.
So basically IF we believe that all events/signs have pointed to Luffy winning, simply put its probably disappointing. But if you can believe the prospect/potential of more (seriously I'm rooting for you guys @MonsterKaido @Tyki_Mikk etc), then this chapter is a big deal and 1050 may better than expected

Going to be a wonderful 2 weeks lol
In this case, yes, but:

- BM likely has more story after Wano, so who knows his thought process here.
- Kid/Law aren't MCs (like Luffy who's fought previous awakened users)
- BM has never acknowledged or defined awakening overall, so the expectation is far less apparent.
- Paramecia awakening is not the same as Zoan awakenings, which warrant full transformations

Could it be possible her soul/giant thing is awakening? Sure, but again, paramecia are not defined by transformations
I wouldn't use how Luffy's fruit as an example at of how other zoan works, even mythical ones. We assume zoan awakening is a whole new form, but it may simply be total control of it. Like Kaido buff mode, fire dragon, weird body between hybrid and animal he showed at some point could be the product of zoan awakening.
Yes Luffy did get a new form, but his zoan also has no hybrid or full beast form.