Character Discussion Has Oda treated Zoro good enough in Wano

Outside of cool action if we being honest oda has low key fumbled the ball with zoro this arc
  1. Didn't let him lead any samurai like he said he would
  2. Just about all his relationships with the samurai feel shallow. With everything he did in act 2 feeling less and less important as time goes on
  3. How little kaido kaido acknowledges him even with him being the second person ever to scar him
  4. Enma
  5. Oda barely caring about delving into zoro's connection to wano with most the information coming from sbs
  6. Oda lowkey adding in the fact just because someone carries a sword doesn't make them a swordsman
  7. The land of swordsmen likely not knowing or carrying about mihawk the wss and zoros goal
Oda fumbled
Even if he does kill kaido and get a blackblade
  1. Didn't let him lead any samurai like he said he would
  2. Just about all his relationships with the samurai feel shallow. With everything he did in act 2 feeling less and less important as time goes on
  3. How little kaido kaido acknowledges him even with him being the second person ever to scar him
  4. Enma
  5. Oda barely caring about delving into zoro's connection to wano with most the information coming from sbs
  6. Oda lowkey adding in the fact just because someone carries a sword doesn't make them a swordsman
  7. The land of swordsmen likely not knowing or carrying about mihawk the wss and zoros goal
#1 & #2 are literally the same, and it's too soon to say this, Wano isn't over yet, we don't know what's Next for Samurai
Wano's Story is more than just being invaded by Kaidou (Oden for example wanted to know why it's closed even before Kaidou showed up or Orochi ruled)

#3 will become irrelevant once ZKK happens
Dunno what is even #4, there is nothing bad about Enma

There is no connection between Zoro & Wano, why are you talking about something Fan-Made?
It's like saying i'm disappointed Oda didn't reveal that Chopper is related to Minks & is their Cousin from another Mother

As for #6, i also don't know why it's mentioned, Zoro has never cared if his opponents are Swordsmen or not, dunno why Readers care?
Did Zoro ever say that he only fights Swordsmen? 90% of his Opponents were Non-Swordsmen & Zoro wanted to fight Non-Swordsmen countless times

They do care about WSS, they literally abandoned Oden's Sword & gave it to Mihawk's Student just to keep Ryuma's Sword who was WSS of his Time. And for them, a Black Blade is a Huge Deal, a Big Feat, so ofc Mihawk being WSS & having Supreme Grade Black Sword is something beyond the current Wano. As for knowing Mihawk himself by name, ofc they don't, haven't you heard Wano is Isolated? They barely know anyone from outside world (Kin'emon for example didn't even know about Devil Fruits, let alone People)
#1 & #2 are literally the same, and it's too soon to say this, Wano isn't over yet, we don't know what's Next for Samurai
Wano's Story is more than just being invaded by Kaidou (Oden for example wanted to know why it's closed even before Kaidou showed up or Orochi ruled)
1 is about him failing to do what he said he would in zou
2 is about the actual connections with the people of wano feeling shallow
#3 will become irrelevant once ZKK happens
Dunno what is even #4, there is nothing bad about Enma
There is no connection between Zoro & Wano, why are you talking about something Fan-Made?
It's like saying i'm disappointed Oda didn't reveal that Chopper is related to Minks & is their Cousin from another Mother
Zoro obviously has ties to wano lol
Like how doesn't he lol
As for #6, i also don't know why it's mentioned, Zoro has never cared if his opponents are Swordsmen or not, dunno why Readers care?
Did Zoro ever say that he only fights Swordsmen? 90% of his Opponents were Non-Swordsmen & Zoro wanted to fight Non-Swordsmen countless times
It lessens the people that are effected by the wss title. Before you could argue wss > anyone with a sword. At this point having a sword doesn't mean anything as to whether or not someone is a swordsman
They do care about WSS, they literally abandoned Oden's Sword & gave it to Mihawk's Student just to keep Ryuma's Sword who was WSS of his Time. And for them, a Black Blade is a Huge Deal, a Big Feat, so ofc Mihawk being WSS & having Supreme Grade Black Sword is something beyond the current Wano. As for knowing Mihawk himself by name, ofc they don't, haven't you heard Wano is Isolated? They barely know anyone from outside world (Kin'emon for example didn't even know about Devil Fruits, let alone People)
They dont care about mihawk specifically
The land of swordsmen not caring about the current strongest swordsmen is lame
1 is about him failing to do what he said he would in zou
2 is about the actual connections with the people of wano feeling shallow
When his words in Zou come true, it will turn both #1 & #2 obsolete, so they are indeed one & the same
And as i said, Wano Arc isn't over yet, Act 3 was only about Onigashima, the state of Wano & how their Alliance with SHs change them is gonna be revealed Post-Raid
Zoro obviously has ties to wano lol
Like how doesn't he lol
No he doesn't lol
He simply inherited their will & teachings which was already addressed
But when we talk about actual connections, Zoro is a Stranger to Wano, he is from East Blue
t lessens the people that are effected by the wss title. Before you could argue wss > anyone with a sword. At this point having a sword doesn't mean anything as to whether or not someone is a swordsman
It actually broadens lol If the Title requires only surpassing Swordsmen, then why was Zoro fighting mostly Non-Swordsmen?
WSS means the Strongest Person who chose Way of The Sword as his Warrior Path, it doesn't mean he isn't Stronger than Non-Swordsmen.
Seriously, go read what Way of Sword & Swordsmen Path means in Japan, you guys are confusing it with Fencing Sports

Zoro even told King: "I won't forgive you if you defeat me without a Sword"
That's because there is no Power greater than Swordsmanship, losing to someone who isn't a Swordsman is considered shameful for Zoro, cuz he doesn't see anyone Stronger than WSS, this is why Zoro refuses to lose to either Swordsmen or Non-Swordsmen

Even Mihawk himself was interested in WB & Luffy who are not Swordsmen (Especially Luffy who literally carries no Weapon).
I can't believe people still can't understand what WSS or Path of Sword means even after 1000 Chapters
Nekomamushi literally called his Claws Attack Nitoryu & it's based on Swordsmanship he learned from Oden lol

Wano Arc hyped WSS more than any other Arc, you people are just biased
They dont care about mihawk specifically
The land of swordsmen not caring about the current strongest swordsmen is lame
They don't care about Worst Criminal either or Celestial Dragons or Yonko or Worst Generation or Shichibukai ... etc
So ofc they don't know Mihawk himself, but they do know the Title of WSS & for them the former Owner is the Greatest Samurai who ever lived in that Land. They don't even have Supreme Grade Swords Users, let alone a Supreme Black Sword

Your problem isn't with WSS, because Wano People clearly treasure such fame
You just want to talk poorly about Mihawk because he didn't bother go tell Kiku & Kin'emon who he is lmao
more than well enough
he defeated the number 2 like he always does
got coc
and fought a bit against the strongest guy .

am very satisfied with zoro
Hes definitely had good moments but his relationship with wano feels so lazy and under whelming
Like im sure well get a bit post onigashima but it doesn't really change how little focus it got for 100+ chapters
The shimotsuki stuff, the hiyori stuff, akazaya, and ties to all the samurai in general are so annoyingly executed imo
The best treated
None of the Strawhats get respected ever besides Luffy.

plus this Zoros arc so its even worse
Post automatically merged:

"Oda fumbled
Even if he does kill kaido and get a blackblade"

ZKK cope thread in disguse lmao.

like the great DJ Khalid used to say- and another one.

You names yourself after a character you β€œhate”

Zkk happens or not.

He is clearly the MVP of the arc.
- Fought against 2 SN. Dominated one and defeated the other one easily.
- Played a huge role in Wano with Luffy. Those people will remember especially those two.
- Met Yasu.
- Got a deep connection with Hiyori the Princess of Wano (hehe).
- Defeated the whole squad of Orochi.
- Fought Denjiro and ready to kill Orochi.
- Saved the alliance from Queen's weapon and got the antidote.
- Went to Rooftop when it was only for the trio captain.
- the MVP of the rooftop since he carried everything including saving Luffy multiples times.
- Blocked and tanked the strongest attack of OP.
- Made two Yonkou going crazy, shocked, amazed after him.
- Give to Kaido a permanent scar that only Oden did.
- Unlocked CoC.
- Got the best fight of the war.
- Defeated an invincible YC1 : King.
- Unlocked Adv.CoC.
- Faced Death itself.
- Now going 2x everything he endured, tanked.
- Title of "King of Hell".

And I probably forgot many things. Needs ZKK, if not then it's still the best arc for Zoro post skip in term of strenght, skills and motivations.