かって〝海賊王〟ロジャーと唯一互角に戦った伝説の 〝怪物〟なんだ加
かって - Once, first time
"海賊王〟 - Pirate King
ロジャーと - With Roger
唯 - only
互角に戦っ - fought evenly
た伝説の - The legendary
〝怪物〟 - Monster
literally fought once, Just ONCE equally with Roger, in fact we've seen It in the manga and It was not fight to the death:
They Just made some bruises to each other, It was not a 100% fight until the death, It was a Clash.
While my boy Garp:
"Nearly killed each other so many times"
Whitebeard vs Roger fought ONCE and their fight never ended with them nearly dying like Roger and Garp fights.
Then we have Rocks.
Xebec was Roger's greatest rival and because of him Garp and Roger fought alongside each other.
Whitebeard < Garp < Xebec
This Is what manga tells us.