The spoiler I want in the chapter and that will happen in chapter 1050.
Title: Destiny
- All mugiwaras gathered near Luffy along with Kid and Law.
- A samurai warns all of them that the marine is coming, Lucci and Kaku go down to the beach looking for it.
- Mugiwaras, kid and law form a plan to get out of Wano with the help of rarao and hygoro.
-Zoro wakes up after his visions, everyone is leaving but Zoro gets restless, and says that he needs to do something, and asks Franky to help him that soon they would be back, everyone agrees.
- “Franky where do you want to go? We have to get out fast. Navy is already here.
- Zoro; take me to Kaido. Zoro comes to Kaido unconscious and says “I saw you through my descendants, all the things you did to the people of Wano, my people are unforgivable!
- Zoro catches Emma using his haki, franky stops zoro what he's doing, zoro talks to franky just observes.
- Zoro; you will still live here but your soul will be taken to hell, zoro uses his soul cutting blow.
- Zoro done, ryuma's soul appears behind zoro and they leave.
Title: Destiny
- All mugiwaras gathered near Luffy along with Kid and Law.
- A samurai warns all of them that the marine is coming, Lucci and Kaku go down to the beach looking for it.
- Mugiwaras, kid and law form a plan to get out of Wano with the help of rarao and hygoro.
-Zoro wakes up after his visions, everyone is leaving but Zoro gets restless, and says that he needs to do something, and asks Franky to help him that soon they would be back, everyone agrees.
- “Franky where do you want to go? We have to get out fast. Navy is already here.
- Zoro; take me to Kaido. Zoro comes to Kaido unconscious and says “I saw you through my descendants, all the things you did to the people of Wano, my people are unforgivable!
- Zoro catches Emma using his haki, franky stops zoro what he's doing, zoro talks to franky just observes.
- Zoro; you will still live here but your soul will be taken to hell, zoro uses his soul cutting blow.
- Zoro done, ryuma's soul appears behind zoro and they leave.