So your answer is 3 questions...
Yes I read Wano.
Yes I read the Enma part.
Can you answer my previous question ?
Dude are you kidding me? You saying swords/blades is not power up? WTF is this lol.
-Why do you think there are top 12, top 21, top 51 sword categories?
-İf swords/blades are not power up then why Zoro changed swords several times so far?
-İf all swords/blades are just a tool for the user then why Zoro's other two swords break in front of Mihawk but only his named sword was not broken?
-İf swords/blades are not power up then how Zoro gained more hardness
and gained more attack power
when he took Shuusi?
-Now Zoro has a sword that it cuts Kaido and its gives Zoro more attack power. İf Enma is not power up then why Zoro could not achieve this attack power with his own power and he had to take Enma.
I know you love Zoro more than others but its clear.