General & Others How would you redo the Wano fights

Assuming you had to keep the same amount of screentime for every fight in Wano. What would you change for every chap to make the specific fight better.

I'll only do it for the fight I care about:

Sanji vs Queen:

1015: Keep it the same
1017: Keep it the same
1019: Have Queen slashing Sanji with a sword instead of Lazer Spam
1022: Keep it the same
1023: Have Queen use Henry Queen on Zoro and Sanji block it and have Queen introduce he has Vinsmoke powers
1028: Basically what happens in 1034, minus the Stealth Black and IJ shit. Chapter however ends the same with the Snake Mode and Exo
1029: Queen shows a new muscle mode by eating a drug and punches Sanji to the Left Brain Tower. He shows some CoA as well
1031: Basically the same, but this ends with Sanji using IJ for the first time against Queen. Queen is severly injured.
1033: Queen is shown extremely injured and goes to his final form
1034: Sanji is blinded by one of Queen's plagues, Queen's final form is basically a Plague version of his Full Zoan...but with a Short Neck. He's spewing Acidic Plagues with Lazers everywhere

Its revealed Sanji cant see due to the fumes burning his eyes. Queen starts shooting Plague lazers at Sanji. Sanji shows CoO skills and dodges. He then proceeds to use invisible speed and the rest is basically the ending of 1034....but against a Full Zoan Queen.


I will never forgive Oda
My idea for a Queen v. Sanji rewrite, it's pretty shit but it's what came to me on the fly.

Everything Pre-1029 stays the same. We establish Queen as someone who is able to nonchalantly eat Sanji's Diable Jambe attacks while spamming his own laser beams with a grin. He comes off as someone outside Sanji's level.
Chapter 1029
Instead of chasing after Sanji with laser beams, Queen the Plague takes a perverse delight in seeing that Sanji has now chosen to use "Vinsmoke Judge's" powers. He cuts Sanji's escape off with his neck, loudly proclaiming Henry Queen to Sanji's confusion and shocking him profusely. During this bite, Queen's earlier sharp teeth are seen biting at Sanji's durable skin. Sanji begins to rise to his feet when Queen continues raving about how excited he is for the real fight to start, he's been holding back because he's been afraid he'd tear "Judge's Brat" apart too quickly otherwise.

Using Winch Queen, he grabs the downed Sanji and tosses him through part of Onigashima and closer to the pleasure halls.
Chapter 1031
You can keep most of the contents of this chapter the same—the only changes I'd make is that I'd have Sanji hit Queen once with a Diable Jambe kick with Queen grimacing before saying that with the exoskeleton, his attacks pack much more weight behind them. The chapter ends with a clash of Hells Memories and Queen's hardened Winch Queen, the attacks coming off as equal.

Chapter 1034
The battle in the pleasure hall is intense as Sanji opens up with a flurry of Diable Jambe attacks, which Queen only just manages to deflect with his four appendages (tail, hair and two arms). Despite being pushed backwards, Queen the Plague continues to taunt Sanji that his strength has increased but this heat is nothing compared to what a true Lunarian can do.

Sanji grits his teeth and says he'll make sure the overgrown lizard can feel his next attack, even if it burns Sanji alive as well. Combining his haki, exoskeleton and natural toughness, he endures Ifrit Jambe's intense heat and unleashes a devastating barrage on Queen the Plague.

The All Star is floored by this attack and crumbles to the ground. Just as Sanji is about to send his finishing barrage to KO Queen, he is struck by an unseen object that sends him careening backwards.

Damaged but still able to continue, Sanji stares at Queen in perplexment as the All Star exposits that it's not just Ichiji's lasers, Niji's electricity and Yonji's Winch that Queen the Plague has. Before him, an elongated tail materializes from thin air, revealing that he's able to turn himself invisible, at least partially.

Enraged that Queen is using the technique devised for him—and his secret dream—he steps forward to end the fight... Only for blood to leak from his nose and his vision to blur as the chapter ends.

Chapter 1035
I'd give this fight some extra chapters, cause why not?

Sanji stumbles forward, clutching his head and questions exactly what happened. Queen gives a deep rumbling laugh as he says it took long enough for the virus to take effect, blaming Judge for that.

The All Star exposits that when he used Henry Queen on Sanji earlier, he exposed him to a deadly virus he's experimentally named the Extinction Virus. It systemically shuts down organs and duplicates when exposed to high temperatures. He was saving it for King himself, but Sanji's turning out to be a good test subject. Queen rises above Sanji, laughing menacingly as he promises to unleash a true hell upon his opponent.

Sanji ducks under a Henry Queen that utilizes the Calamities' claw instead of head, only for the invisible tail comes back around, driving Sanji into the ground. Rising to his feet, Sanji tries to fight back without the usage of his fire, but he's no match for Queen the Plague without it and is sent tumbling through the walls of the pleasure hall.

Experimenting with Daible Jambe, Sanji matches the swipe of Queen's tail only to recoil in pain as his vision gets even darker. Queen's sinister laughter fills the hall as he says the more fire Vinsmoke Sanji uses, the faster his demise comes. But if he abstains for using that weird heat of his, he'll be pounded into Onigashima's floorboards.

Remembering his obligation to Luffy and his promise to at least defeat Queen, Sanji sacrifices his eyesight as his vision goes black but his leg burns blue. Queen is looking on perplexed, stating that the Extinction Virus should be causing Sanji great agony. Before he can finish, Queen is blown backwards with a Beef Burst as Sanji coughs up blood from his own alignment.

Chapter 1036—The final Chapter

Queen is enraged that Judge's Brat can fight under these conditions, stating he should be in a pool of his own blood by now. He turns fully invisible, aiming to slam into Sanji from the side with a Winch Queen, only for Sanji's heightened senses to detect the All Star's movement. As the Winch Queen slams downwards to grapple and squeeze at Sanji, he counters with an Ifrit Jambe and burns the cyborg. Before Queen can recover, Sanji sends a second kick, severing Queen's left arm and forcing him to retreat as Sanji pants heavily.

Despite being an Ancient Zoan himself, the All Star complains that the stresses of fighting Marco and now Judge's Brat have caught up with him. Utilizing all of the Germa technology in this high frequency strains his body, but he's confident he can play it safe and take Sanji down via attrition.

Queen launches a Black Coffee barrage that forces Sanji to move, but his Observation Haki picks up on Osome looking out for Chu during this onslaught.

Sanji risks himself to dive in front of the laser and is burned badly by the attack, giving Queen a devious idea. Projecting his thoughts out there, he tells Sanji that he'll be exclusively aiming for that loathsome Osome. He sends another barrage of lasers to Osome shock and Sanji's rage.

Picking Osome up and using his invisible speed, Sanji evades the barrage of lasers. Queen chuckles, stating this faux invisibility will drain Vinsmoke of the rest of his stamina. Meanwhile, Sanji inquires exactly where the lasers came from and Osome gives her savior a rough idea.

Heat erupting from his leg, Sanji appears in front of Queen's smug face right before kicking him with a second Beef Burst, sending the All Star reeling from Onigashima and out into the open air.

Chapter 1037—Epilogue

Sanji asks if Osome is fine, she says she is thanks to Sanji. He immediately collapses and she rushes off to get medical aid.
My idea for a Queen v. Sanji rewrite, it's pretty shit but it's what came to me on the fly.

Everything Pre-1029 stays the same. We establish Queen as someone who is able to nonchalantly eat Sanji's Diable Jambe attacks while spamming his own laser beams with a grin. He comes off as someone outside Sanji's level.
Chapter 1029
Instead of chasing after Sanji with laser beams, Queen the Plague takes a perverse delight in seeing that Sanji has now chosen to use "Vinsmoke Judge's" powers. He cuts Sanji's escape off with his neck, loudly proclaiming Henry Queen to Sanji's confusion and shocking him profusely. During this bite, Queen's earlier sharp teeth are seen biting at Sanji's durable skin. Sanji begins to rise to his feet when Queen continues raving about how excited he is for the real fight to start, he's been holding back because he's been afraid he'd tear "Judge's Brat" apart too quickly otherwise.

Using Winch Queen, he grabs the downed Sanji and tosses him through part of Onigashima and closer to the pleasure halls.
Chapter 1031
You can keep most of the contents of this chapter the same—the only changes I'd make is that I'd have Sanji hit Queen once with a Diable Jambe kick with Queen grimacing before saying that with the exoskeleton, his attacks pack much more weight behind them. The chapter ends with a clash of Hells Memories and Queen's hardened Winch Queen, the attacks coming off as equal.

Chapter 1034
The battle in the pleasure hall is intense as Sanji opens up with a flurry of Diable Jambe attacks, which Queen only just manages to deflect with his four appendages (tail, hair and two arms). Despite being pushed backwards, Queen the Plague continues to taunt Sanji that his strength has increased but this heat is nothing compared to what a true Lunarian can do.

Sanji grits his teeth and says he'll make sure the overgrown lizard can feel his next attack, even if it burns Sanji alive as well. Combining his haki, exoskeleton and natural toughness, he endures Ifrit Jambe's intense heat and unleashes a devastating barrage on Queen the Plague.

The All Star is floored by this attack and crumbles to the ground. Just as Sanji is about to send his finishing barrage to KO Queen, he is struck by an unseen object that sends him careening backwards.

Damaged but still able to continue, Sanji stares at Queen in perplexment as the All Star exposits that it's not just Ichiji's lasers, Niji's electricity and Yonji's Winch that Queen the Plague has. Before him, an elongated tail materializes from thin air, revealing that he's able to turn himself invisible, at least partially.

Enraged that Queen is using the technique devised for him—and his secret dream—he steps forward to end the fight... Only for blood to leak from his nose and his vision to blur as the chapter ends.

Chapter 1035
I'd give this fight some extra chapters, cause why not?

Sanji stumbles forward, clutching his head and questions exactly what happened. Queen gives a deep rumbling laugh as he says it took long enough for the virus to take effect, blaming Judge for that.

The All Star exposits that when he used Henry Queen on Sanji earlier, he exposed him to a deadly virus he's experimentally named the Extinction Virus. It systemically shuts down organs and duplicates when exposed to high temperatures. He was saving it for King himself, but Sanji's turning out to be a good test subject. Queen rises above Sanji, laughing menacingly as he promises to unleash a true hell upon his opponent.

Sanji ducks under a Henry Queen that utilizes the Calamities' claw instead of head, only for the invisible tail comes back around, driving Sanji into the ground. Rising to his feet, Sanji tries to fight back without the usage of his fire, but he's no match for Queen the Plague without it and is sent tumbling through the walls of the pleasure hall.

Experimenting with Daible Jambe, Sanji matches the swipe of Queen's tail only to recoil in pain as his vision gets even darker. Queen's sinister laughter fills the hall as he says the more fire Vinsmoke Sanji uses, the faster his demise comes. But if he abstains for using that weird heat of his, he'll be pounded into Onigashima's floorboards.

Remembering his obligation to Luffy and his promise to at least defeat Queen, Sanji sacrifices his eyesight as his vision goes black but his leg burns blue. Queen is looking on perplexed, stating that the Extinction Virus should be causing Sanji great agony. Before he can finish, Queen is blown backwards with a Beef Burst as Sanji coughs up blood from his own alignment.

Chapter 1036—The final Chapter

Queen is enraged that Judge's Brat can fight under these conditions, stating he should be in a pool of his own blood by now. He turns fully invisible, aiming to slam into Sanji from the side with a Winch Queen, only for Sanji's heightened senses to detect the All Star's movement. As the Winch Queen slams downwards to grapple and squeeze at Sanji, he counters with an Ifrit Jambe and burns the cyborg. Before Queen can recover, Sanji sends a second kick, severing Queen's left arm and forcing him to retreat as Sanji pants heavily.

Despite being an Ancient Zoan himself, the All Star complains that the stresses of fighting Marco and now Judge's Brat have caught up with him. Utilizing all of the Germa technology in this high frequency strains his body, but he's confident he can play it safe and take Sanji down via attrition.

Queen launches a Black Coffee barrage that forces Sanji to move, but his Observation Haki picks up on Osome looking out for Chu during this onslaught.

Sanji risks himself to dive in front of the laser and is burned badly by the attack, giving Queen a devious idea. Projecting his thoughts out there, he tells Sanji that he'll be exclusively aiming for that loathsome Osome. He sends another barrage of lasers to Osome shock and Sanji's rage.

Picking Osome up and using his invisible speed, Sanji evades the barrage of lasers. Queen chuckles, stating this faux invisibility will drain Vinsmoke of the rest of his stamina. Meanwhile, Sanji inquires exactly where the lasers came from and Osome gives her savior a rough idea.

Heat erupting from his leg, Sanji appears in front of Queen's smug face right before kicking him with a second Beef Burst, sending the All Star reeling from Onigashima and out into the open air.

Chapter 1037—Epilogue

Sanji asks if Osome is fine, she says she is thanks to Sanji. He immediately collapses and she rushes off to get medical aid.
Good read.
How would u fix vision and virus problem tho


Zoro Worshipper
Honestly I would have just let Luffy take on Big Mom and have a team of Zoro Kaido and Law take on Kaido so that Kidd would also have taken his revenge with then Zoro arising a second time and defeating Kaido
-remove the fact that yonko and top tiers can fight for days.
-remove big mom, yamato and marco from the arc.
-leave queen ice oni plotline the same.
-unfortunately leave otama's plotline the same.
-remove the flying onigashima plotline.
-luffy, law and kid vs kaido.
-zoro vs king, and give king AdvCoC.
-sanji vs queen and henchmen/mind controlled samurai, replace queen's clown aesthetics with mad scientist and make him a lot more savage and use more viruses.
-post-rooftop neko and inu vs jack.
-hawkins vs ashura doji (act 1 implications about kaido destroying oden's castle ruins).
-killer vs page one and ulti.
-keep the rest of the F6 vs straw hats the same.
-make apoo and X-drake go rogue after queen's shenanigans.
-apoo and the numbers vs x-drake, nami, ussop, and chopper.
-remove the fact that yonko and top tiers can fight for days.
-remove big mom, yamato and marco from the arc.
-leave queen ice oni plotline the same.
-unfortunately leave otama's plotline the same.
-remove the flying onigashima plotline.
-luffy, law and kid vs kaido.
-zoro vs king, and give king AdvCoC.
-sanji vs queen and henchmen/mind controlled samurai, replace queen's clown aesthetics with mad scientist and make him a lot more savage and use more viruses.
-post-rooftop neko and inu vs jack.
-hawkins vs ashura doji (act 1 implications about kaido destroying oden's castle ruins).
-killer vs page one and ulti.
-keep the rest of the F6 vs straw hats the same.
-make apoo and X-drake go rogue after queen's shenanigans.
-apoo and the numbers vs x-drake, nami, ussop, and chopper.
Queen shoulda have awakening and King adv.CoC
Chapter 987: Raid Begins
Chapter 988-999: The matchups start to happen as the straw hats split. Kid runs into Apoo, Law runs into Hawkins who's protecting the poneglyph. Luffy is stopped in the 2nd floor by Jack himself. Sanji and Zoro matchup with the calamities right away, no need to delay the inevitable.

Chapter 1000-1020: The climax of the arc. Chapter 1000 can easily be a Luffy wankfest but instead he 0 diffs Jack like Kaido did to him at the beginning of the arc. The Staw Hats each get 2 chapters per fight, Kid and Law get 1 as they're supposed to be low diffs. There's filler in there to keep the story moving. The Scabbards were near death but Yamato manages to arrive to help them and teams up with them. We get the 1 chapter flashback in there.

Chapter 1020-1025: The rooftop 5 arrive at the roof. Luffy sees the scabbards and Yamato being beaten up and in anger tells Law to send them downstairs. The fight can remain the same but instead give us more combos and teamwork.

Chapter 1026 = Chapter 1010 equivalent but Zoro's scar messes up Kaido real bad since this is post CoC awakening.

Chapter 1027: Instead this time Zoro begs Law to keep him in the battle, Law pulls out a new technique( no mink shit) that is basically an adrenaline shot. He's still hurt. They go to where Kid and Killer are as Big Mom is making her way back to the roof. Add other plot stuff in there

Chapter 1027-1030: Big Mom Vs Worst Gen minus Luffy, a little bit of Luffy vs Kaido and other plot developments. Chapter 1030 ends with Kid using his rail gun to send Big Mom packing after every worst gen member pulls out their strongest move. In this scenario Big Mom was hurt up badly and Napoleon was broken in half

Chapter Chapter 1031: Big Mom falls into the hole so same shit, more plot progression. Chapter ends with Kaido standing behind the winners crying, and the shame shot of Luffy being thrown out of the island(this time dead)

Chapter 1032-1035: Kaido's flashback

Chapter 1035-1040: Momo sensing Luffy's voice disappearing begs Shinobu to age him so they can get to him as everybody else is busy fighting. Other plot development and Orochi stuff. Finally the last 3 chapters are mainly about the remaining worst gen against Kaido. Kaido looks to be in bad shape so they all just go all out against him, only for him to finally show his awakening and beat them. Chapter 1040 is the first time we see Luffy since he lost, and he's awakening his own fruit.

1040-1042: 1040 is the reveal of the fruit, Luffy tells Momo to fly them back up to Onigashima. Add Kaido in there declaring his win against the the worst gen. Kaido vs Alliance for 1041, add everybody who you want take a shot at Kaido here lol. 1042 is Luffy's comeback, he first checks on the worst gen before dragging Kaido back to the roof.

1042-1044: Awakened Luffy vs Awakened Kaido. Fight ends with Mr. Go's interference. Add Raizo and Hiyori stuff in there,

1045: Luffy gets back up, and instead of soloing the fight the worst gen all go to help him. They all do 1 combination move and Luffy finishes it off. Onigashima lands and the fight is over.

There, done with 5 chapters to spare.
Proceed with caution. Here we go:


1. No recklessness from the start

- Luffy acting impulsive in Udon, at the first meeting with Kaidou.

The solution: Saving FS, facing a Yonkou, Luffy should've instead realized that every possibilities of the Future if he try to fight Kaidou, is death. Not just his death, but the massacre for his comrades first (imagine seeing Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Law die in front of him, their bodies exploded into meat juice as Kaidou deathblitz them all, with just a single move, his speed to kill them less than a hundreth of a second.) and he saw his own death the last. This emphasizes both Luffy's FS and also Kaidou being WSC. The win-win solution for hyping their future battle.

That way, Luffy will wreck his own brain lightning-fast to bring his friends to some hideout in Wano first (before Kaidou closing in on them) instead of even encountering, much less confronting, the WSC directly. His friends will be confused as Luffy seem to know which way to go to and which direction to avoid in order to finally escape something that they havent even sense yet, which Kaidou's presence and attention.


2. Proper individual preparation and self build-up

- Luffy is facing the literal Strongest Living Being. He cant just go wherever he want and fighting fodders and Ulti and Page 1 and Yamato and Queen etc, he is the last stand against Kaidou for Tonjit's sake. He shouldve preserved his strength, move as efficiently as possible in this arc. Only fight himself if its absolutely necessary. Which, with Zoro-Law-Kidd-Yamato backing him up, they wont let anyone near him. If King-Queen-Jack can be fought against 1v1, well Luffy shouldnt even participate in fighting them, and save his strength only for Kaidou since the start.

- Luffy is facing the literal Strongest Living Being. It is foolish to train in prison, after defeat. The wise action is for Luffy to train individually since the start of post-timeskip, in order to defeat Kaidou. Bring us a flashback of Luffy being oddly silent and locking himself in the Thousand Sunny's Captain Room, hours and even days after each arc battle. Against Hody, Doflamingo, Cracker, Katakuri. During which, he evaluate each of his strength and weaknesses, and constantly went under image training against the enemy he just beat, finding the best possible scenario to beat them efficiently to correct his mistakes...and more importantly, to do the third keypoint from me, that Luffy severely lacked, even when he should've made himself the best in the One Piece World regarding this:


3. No Messiah and Destiny - instead generate Creative Process - Luffy's Power Invention.

If there is something really impressive about Luffy, it's his creativity to invent his own powers using whatever assets he possesses, into something really fresh, fun, and at the same time limit-breakingly powerful. Imagine using one of the most boring and weakest Devil Fruit, Rubber Fruit, and instead formulate Gear 2nd. Imagine seeing it at the first time. Even without proper process and hints, its application in battle was nothing short of incredible. Now Luffy should've trained his creativity and Oda should've (to some extent) depicted him as a boy that is hinted to be mentally exhausted, some time before each important battle. During his movement to reach Kaidou, while he shouldnt even participate in other contrast, his mind shouldve reeled constantly. Since he must push himself to formulate the strongest power possible, he cant relax since it's the WSC he will fight against. He shouldve told himself, its to protect everything. He can rest once its over. Its to protect everything. He can rest once its over.

During Luffy vs Kaidou, Nami or Zoro or someone shouldve told other alliance members like Scabbards, or having an internal monologue, that Luffy was exhausted before this battle against Kaidou even begin: since Luffy seemed to constantly invent and do experiment of his own fruit-haki-body-energy-mind etc to escalate his own powerlevel, and also constantly re-evaluating his own ideas on that, in order to surpass his enemies with his original ways.

This way, Luffy didnt need to emphasize the fated Voice of All Things as something to help him in dire needs, such as when Kaidou threw him down from Onigashima. Luffy shouldve faced Kaidou with his own original powers, maybe he managed to invented Internal Destruction as the result of his power invention? Instead of Hyogoro teaching him? That way it felt earned. Yes i'm looking for that feeling of Luffy earning something instead of taking that CoC specialization notion for granted.


4. A rough sketch how i prefer the Raid War compared to the canon

Since the beginning, all the strongest fighters in the alliance goes all-out and attack Kaidou. No one can even touch him due to Dragon Force: Kaidou's permanently-active CoA that he obsessively trained and hardened for decades since infant, acting as a body armor, millions of times stronger than Bari2 No Mi. The reason for his title, World's Strongest Creature. No one can reduce his lifeless boredom, emptiness, no one can force him to move an iota from his standing ground. Until he senses Luffy's presence. Kaidou orders his subordinate to make way for the boy, and get away from Wano Country itself, to the seas, as far as they can. He also tells them that if they haven't finish the Strawhat Alliance by the time he's finished with Luffy, he'll kill them all himself.

With that order, the entire Beast and BM Pirates and alliance pirates sail to the ocean and continue the war as naval battles before boil down into group fights and 1v1s. Marco vs King aerial fight (flashy fireworks in the sky), Sanji and Law vs Queen with tricky sea battles and large scale attacks and object manipulations (ships flying and seakings flying everywhere teleported from and to the sea).

Kyoshiro (Wano's 2nd strongest swordsman) and Zoro, vs Orochi, whose Hydra form is actually very strong and resilient and also able to swim in the sea, even stronger than King, and also very cunning. Zoro also find that Orochi is apparently the best swordsman in Wano history, his sword techniques are far higher than his. Zoro can't even predict who will be the winner of a swordfight between Orochi and Mihawk if they are to meet in a battle.

It becomes an underwater battle between two swordsmen and Wano's strongest swordsman who is also a sea monster, creating seawaves as high as mountains, one hydra head being cut but regenerated, rinse and repeat. But Zoro manages to awaken demon spirit Takemikazuchi as the Lightning Sword Deity, his unique CoA manifestation, and cut all nine heads at the same split second), then both of them recruit Yamato.


Yamato vs BM. Strawhat and 9 Scabbards vs Flying 6 and Numbers etc. Many casualties, many deaths from Heart Pirates, Kidd Pirates, Scabbards and Minks, many betrayals and backstabbings and double-agents etc. If we want some more gutpunch, Chopper, Nami and Robin die after being tortured by Beast Pirates and CPO Agents. Replaced by Law (who is left alone in Wano since all of his crews are dead, so he enters the SH crews as a surgeon), Jimbei (can both steer and navigate, and also had inherit the incomplete map from Nami), and Yamato (who is both extremely strong and also knows poneglyph language and mystic arts since Roger or Shimotsuki Ushimaru or whichever Wano expert taught her in the past).


The only ones left in Onigashima are BM, Kaidou, Luffy. Kaidou questions BM if she wanna die as well since she doesn't leave. BM says she just wants to watch since it's too risky for her to interfere in a battle between two guys that are seemingly dead equal as two WSC's. Kaidou says he recognizes BM's intention to kill whoever is left, and hog the glory for herself. But he cannot simply ignore the ultimate threat that is standing before him, Monkey D. Luffy. The boy already has Poseidon as his ally, Kaidou can't let him take his daughter Yamato just because her capabilities in Poneglyph reading and mystic arts.

During all this time, Luffy just stands perfectly still, his eyes closed and his mind for the billionth time simulating the fusion between Devil Fruit's Neural Awakening and Skysplitter Conqueror's Coat.

The boy opens his eyes, BM floats in the sky with Hera's cloud then she says "Begin."

Both Kaidou and Luffy leap forward meeting at the center, the first clash alone splitting the sky and disintegrate the giant skull at the same time.


5. No intervention in order to hype up others

Luffy vs WSC Kaidou, is the battle for PK. Just like Zoro vs Mihawk is a battle for WSS. Oda shouldve make it clear to everyone that Luffy vs Kaidou is not a battle they can interfere without their own death as the only result. Make Kaidou oneshot Zunisha as revenge for Zunisha oneshotting Jack, so everyone recognize that Kaidou is an existence with an impossible powerlevel beyond their imaginations. Make Kaidou state "This is first warning, and also the last." or something signifying that he, Kaidou, holds the life and death of the whole alliance, at his mercy.

This will be a solid pay-off to Kaidou's WSC introduction build-up. If Kaidou oneshot a living island then what can they even do lol? Oda should pay his respect to Kaidou this way, not making Kaidou relying on hostage since Oden must be wanked as well lol. Pick your priorities clearly please, Kaidou is a strength-epitome arc boss who btw also decides he wanna be PK. Its an exclusive battle for Luffy. Make it so. As for the others, they can fight BM. Oda can make Orochi as an extremely proficient swordsman who is also a menacing hydra etc, for Zoro to fight against for example. If Zoro absolutely must fulfill dragon-slaying legend as his role, then make Orochi have Seiryu Devil Fruit instead. While Kaidou can be designed to create his own powers with mystic sacrifices or absorbing a hyper mythical artifact or something and assimilated its powers with his own, Original Titan powers or something, something worthy of WSC. Whatever, doesnt even have to be a Devil Fruit in order for Kaidou to achieve his WSC status, Oda can always find another way actually.


6. Earned powers, Earned Loss

Then after this much preparation and build-up, Luffy can earn his powers, he can battle to his heart's content, THEN he can lose. I agree that Luffy shouldve be beaten in Onigashima battle against Kaidou. But only with point 1-4 fulfilled. Not without. So Luffy' Onigashima defeat shouldve been his first and last, against Kaidou. No fake tension moments, no empty hypes, but an actual WSC and earned powerup, also Luffy becoming the one we actually root for to win an impossible fight, and he lost after all. A whole-hearted defeat that happen even after Luffy prepare himself to the utmost. In exchange, Oda shouldve replaced Kaidou oneshotting Luffy (Udon), with Luffy making strategic retreat instead (see point 1).

7. Finding Out Ways to Heal and Formulate the Final and most original PU, winning the fight by creative perseverance

Luffy can heal himself with meat. Gag moments right? Not for me. Oda shouldve gone all the way and make that stuff a doorway into Luffy figuring out that he can make his rubber body metabolize nutrients extremely fast, converting all of it into protein regeneration and strength-muscle-building or whatever. During that process, Luffy also formulate his last powerup. It can be achieved from figuring out that Ragnarok had CoC infusion. But Luffy doesnt stop there, he acknowledge that just copying his enemy's CoC Coating techniques will not grant him victory since his enemy can also do the same. So Luffy takes a step further, and make something never seen before in this world. It can be Internal Destruction CoC, like Rupture2 powers made entirely from CoC infusion, or it can be compression-based kinetic energy manipulation, or creating an entirely new type of energy that allows him to go massively faster than speed of light (breaking the law of physics in OP world etc erc) whatever, something only someone as creative as Luffy is capable of. So once again, that Luffy' victory and crowning ceremony as the New WSC feels earned.

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waiting for Marvel Rivals
Chopper crawls inside of kaidos asshole and goes monster point
no beast pirates are defeated they join kid
kid and kids crew + law vs big mom (UFBM was stalling while chopper was sneaking up kaidos asshole)

end of arc kid and law make an alliance and become a combined yonko crew
luffy becomes the other yonko